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I'm not saying it's not OK for you to racemix. By all means, racemix. I'm not concerned. But what's the difference if, let's say, I go for a Danish man and you go for a Danish woman.

Your offspring = half Danish half Somali
My offspring = half Danish half Somali

No effing difference.
But because you're qabil structure tags the man's qabil as relevant and thus his ethnicity, you want to pretend there's a difference in the two, but the proof is in the pudding and the pudding's all the same. It is only through pure delusion that you'd consider your hypothetical possibly blue-eyed half-breed children Somali Warsengali, but my hypothetical half-breed children Reer Roger Danish. Pure delusion. The least you can do is be honest with yourselves.
No such thing as half you are what your father is:Sutehja:
Funny I don't see you claiming half half clans but when none somalis are added to the equation you start claiming half half:childplease:


No such thing as half you are what your father is:Sutehja:
Funny I don't see you claiming half half clans but when none somalis are added to the equation you start claiming half half:childplease:
What is the Somali clan system based on?

I'll wait for you to catch up.
I'm listening


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what's your male type?
If we're speaking physically, for me it's more there are certain physical or personality traits I'm attracted to, and I've seen it in different types of guys. Personally, I think if someone ticks all/most of your boxes, it becomes irrelevant what they are.

But the only man I truly ever cared about was Somali.


Suicidal men adore me.
So your goal is for men of various races to score goals in-between your legs kkkk

I'm feeling you still, I find brainless chicks alluring, irresistible & sublime, blessed are the big breasts no brain having women.

Thank god I have small breasts and I thank God for being smarter than you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why don't you muse over that & elevate your mind away from the lower chakras into your pineal gland so it can activate your third eye my dear child, emancipate yourself from this sexual bondage kkkkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
you're repulsive. I don't want xaar and hash near my bead.
Have you ever wondered why is it when you're in a club & youve chucked a few down you then you get to the dance floor & let any time dick & Harry grind on you? That's cause the music is resonating with your lower chakra, I reiterate place liberate yourself from this sexual bondage, elevate your mind, to your higher being.


Suicidal men adore me.
Have you ever wondered why is it when you're in a club & youve chucked a few down you then you get to the dance floor & let any time dick & Harry grind on you? That's cause the music is resonating with your lower chakra, I reiterate place liberate yourself from this sexual bondage, elevate your mind, to your higher being.

waryaa. I've never let anyone grind on me, stop including me in your fantasies.
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