Graphic - Knife crime getting out of hand in UK


Let him cook
Uk should start public hangings. Thats how cadaans became civilized taking out trash. Now a days to soft on crime and no considerations for society and victims. Executions cruel but necessary to maintain order . Otherwise get all these revenge killings and disorder when people don’t get justice
Timojlic first reaction “my car everything broke” when a man nearly just killed in front of him.
He's an immigrant so he needs his car so that he can provide for his family.

He's not a "man" but some saqajaan low life thug that chose the street life and is now facing the consequences of his actions.
I feel bad for Uncle but damn he got no survival instincts. whole knife fight kicking off and you just chilling there parked. I would have been gone.
Not his problem. His Taxi is his problem and not some random guy who chose to live that life. Uncle should've locked it after seeing what sparked outside.
This is very scary, a lot of Somali uncles in London are cab drivers. They should read their daily adkhars before they go to work, the worlds a dangerous place.
It's amazing how quickly that badman facade fucking melts away the moment people like him find themselves in those situations. It's all "take risks & prosper, ops can suck their mums" till some fucker in nike fleece tech trackies tries to turn them into swiss cheese.

"This narcissism is what keeps men marching into the fires of wars : at heart one doesn’t feel that he will die , he only feels sorry for the man next to him." - Ernest Becker.
They all think "it wouldn't happen to me" until they're begging uncle to drive fast, PLEASE UNCLE, PLEEEEASE!!:heh::heh:

You might as well start wearing full plate armour and chainmail if you still live in London at this point.

"Throw down thy gauntlet, and Have at thee. You Dickhead!"

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 17.31.18.png
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He's an immigrant so he needs his car so that he can provide for his family.

He's not a "man" but some saqajaan low life thug that chose the street life and is now facing the consequences of his actions.
The dude was involved in a life threatening situation. Someone was about to die in his car and he only starts driving when the guy says “uncle I pay you”. Dude responds with “where are you going”. Tell me that’s a normal reaction. One of the guys was even saying “get the driver . He and the lad could have both died if he didn’t spend so long thinking about his broken window.
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Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
you guys are crazy if you are blaming the poor driver. He had no clue whats going on, his cars a mess he dosent want to die and he probably has a family.


It's amazing how quickly that badman facade fucking melts away the moment people like him find themselves in those situations. It's all "take risks & prosper, ops can suck their mums" till some fucker in nike fleece tech trackies tries to turn them into swiss cheese.

"This narcissism is what keeps men marching into the fires of wars : at heart one doesn’t feel that he will die , he only feels sorry for the man next to him." - Ernest Becker.
They all think "it wouldn't happen to me" until they're begging uncle to drive fast, PLEASE UNCLE, PLEEEEASE!!:heh::heh:

You might as well start wearing full plate armour and chainmail if you still live in London at this point.

"Throw down thy gauntlet, and Have at thee. You Dickhead!"

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this is the guy who was getting stabbed
how do u ask uncle please take me to the police station whilst acting like this?

The dude was involved in a life threatening situation. Someone was about to die in his car and he only starts driving when the guy says “uncle I pay you”. Dude responds with “where are you going”. Tell me that’s a normal reaction. One of the guys was even saying “get the driver . He and the lad could have both died if he didn’t spend so long thinking about his broken window.
I take back what I wrote. He was already driving when he said I will give you money.

Let me tell you guys something though. Don’t expect certain communities to help you as a black person even if you are innocent and need help. There was a Somali kid who had been stabbed in Southall bleeding out and some of them just walked past him. Didn’t even bother to give first aid or help him. We Somalis would do that for anyone without thinking.
Uk should start public hangings. Thats how cadaans became civilized taking out trash. Now a days to soft on crime and no considerations for society and victims. Executions cruel but necessary to maintain order . Otherwise get all these revenge killings and disorder when people don’t get justice
Bro think about what you are advocating. These people are already morally bankrupt, if you start introducing capital punishment into their system, I guarantee you it would not be long before they were abusing the new law.

Without a moral ruling framework built on a real spiritual tradition. It would get very very messy.


Let him cook
Bro think about what you are advocating. These people are already morally bankrupt, if you start introducing capital punishment into their system, I guarantee you it would not be long before they were abusing the new law.

Without a moral ruling framework built on a real spiritual tradition. It would get very very messy.
UK is like big brother cameras everywhee I’ve seen so much cctv footage of criminals killing people with no fear. People like that I wish could be executed. Instead they go to jail corrupt less hardcore criminals and spread their fitnah to society from behind bars. It’s cancer that need to be cut befor it spreads to other youth
UK is like big brother cameras everywhee I’ve seen so much cctv footage of criminals killing people with no fear. People like that I wish could be executed. Instead they go to jail corrupt less hardcore criminals and spread their fitnah to society from behind bars. It’s cancer that need to be cut befor it spreads to other youth
It is bad I know. But the entire culture is a sinking ship. The west is a virus that has infected the entire world unfortunately. It produces violence, sexual confusion, materialism and in general everything negative for the human mind, body and soul.

The solution to the problems of the west will not come from westerners with the western mindset. Sadly I think we are just waiting for a cataclysm that will wipe this modern civilization out, at this point. No other solution but to start from scratch.

