Graphic - Knife crime getting out of hand in UK

I was shocked when the guy open the door and got in. If I was there I''d locked the car straight away, and drove, but he got in, and the uncle just let them knife him. Complete disregard for human life, and it makes no sense at all.
He was too relaxed around these guys in the first instance. I didn’t catch what was being said though it does seem like he might know them from previous trips…my uncle immediately knows when drug dealers/gang bangers get in his car and he would never be this relaxed.
It’s always blacks that commit crimes in the open full of CCTV and witnesses. I wonder if this is an IQ thing?

Lots of taxis in Melbourne (city in Australia) have screens. Surprised that you guys don’t have them.

UK Taxis have that too. This incident happened to an uber driver.
Although that guy is a dirty gangbanger and I hate people that are on it... He actually treated uncle with respect. Can't hate on him toooo much.
He was too relaxed around these guys in the first instance. I didn’t catch what was being said though it does seem like he might know them from previous trips…my uncle immediately knows when drug dealers/gang bangers get in his car and he would never be this relaxed.
Another thing people noticed driver was calling the guy in the back “T.”. T said I gave you bare bread and then T says “you know what it time it is, mad P” as he’s about to leave. Not saying he was involved……most likely drives these guys around for cash when they out an about?…….