That wasn't your point. You tried to bring that up to justify half somalis getting citizenship.
Also insinuating that the laws were useless because people were getting pass the laws.
Bringing up fringe cases like Sheikh Idris.
I said this before personally I'd be agianst citizenship to anyone with a foregin parent. Mother or Father.
I think your so militant about this issue because of the blatant double standard.
I prefer to speak about reality.
In real life, half-Somalis already have Somali passports. Half-Somalis are already integrated into their reer abti. It's true, they can easily obtain an ID card or passport for their kid. Do you know how lax and corrupt Somalia is? They sell passports in suuqa bakaaraha.

Half-Somalis are not a threat to Somalis, demographically, socially or otherwise. They're just mixed miskeen kids, who just want to live their lives.