Half Italian Somalis hold press conference


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
These sexist little clowns are hilarious walahi.

In real life, there are a lot of half-Somalis, such as Sheikh Maxamed Idris, who have Somali nationality. Not to mention, all the half-Arabs who pay blood money with their abtiyaal, and probably do abtiris to those clans.

Who do you think is more valuable among Somalis? Someone like Sheikh Maxamed Idris, or a troll online?

Get real.

I have a relative in Jabuuti who is also a business contact there and he's the son of a Frenchman who basically abandoned his hooyo. Looks weirdly Cadcad. Was raised by his hooyo, abtis and ayeeyo and is pretty much 100% Somali culturally with, as you might imagine from growing up in Jabuuti, pitch-perfect native-level Somali. I've never once questioned that he's "Somali". Who gives a f*ck what parent it was? He has the blood and is culturally A LOT more Somali than many reer qurbo hooyo mataalos. There's literally no difference in behavior between him and a "full-blooded" Somali from the same area.
Female nature lool, for full display 😏. It's beneficial in the west for immigrants. But it's a double edged sword. Men are naturally more nationalistic


I have a relative in Jabuuti who is also a business contact there and he's the son of a Frenchman who basically abandoned his hooyo. Looks weirdly Cadcad. Was raised by his hooyo, abtis and ayeeyo and is pretty much 100% Somali culturally with, as you might imagine from growing up in Jabuuti, pitch-perfect native-level Somali. I've never once questioned that he's "Somali". Who gives a f*ck what parent it was? He has the blood and is culturally A LOT more Somali than many reer qurbo hooyo mataalos. There's literally no difference in behavior between him and a "full-blooded" Somali from the same area.
I am not as black an white on this topic as i look. But people such as Puntite push me to the extreme end
I have a relative in Jabuuti who is also a business contact there and he's the son of a Frenchman who basically abandoned his hooyo. Looks weirdly Cadcad. Was raised by his hooyo, abtis and ayeeyo and is pretty much 100% Somali culturally with, as you might imagine from growing up in Jabuuti, pitch-perfect native-level Somali. I've never once questioned that he's "Somali". Who gives a f*ck what parent it was? He has the blood and is culturally A LOT more Somali than many reer qurbo hooyo mataalos. There's literally no difference in behavior between him and a "full-blooded" Somali from the same area.

These sexists think they own Somalinimo, but the truth is, language and culture comes from the mother's side, naturally, as mothers are usually the primary caretakers.


Female nature lool, for full display 😏. It's beneficial in the west for immigrants. But it's a double edged sword. Men are naturally more nationalistic
Let them yap it's the internet. They tried organising shit like "Dumarland" and when I went into their GChats it was just a endless stream of Yapping and using random words that obviously try imitate Somali incel groups like dark n.

These things and their defenders stay on the internet. Reality does not change.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
These sexists think they own Somalinimo, but the truth is, language and culture comes from the mother's side, naturally, as mothers are usually the primary caretakers.

Hilarious to think about myself as someone who had both parents around during key formative years. Looking back, my aabo really taught very little about being a Somali or "Somalinimo". He did try to force me to always speak Somali around him but that was about it. My mother was the one telling me all the folk tales, telling me the basics about our history, explaining proper dhaqan to me and I even have her Xamar accent rather than my dad's Woqooyi one.
Let them yap it's the internet. They tried organising shit like "Dumarland" and when I went into their GChats it was just a endless stream of Yapping and using random words that obviously try imitate Somali incel groups like dark n.

These things and their defenders stay on the internet. Reality does not change.
I don't know why they are taking this so personally. Either they are divestors or halfies themselves. This is has been the norm for ages.

Nothing wrong with preserving homogenity and culture


You do know that the whole somali identity was built upon the blood of somali men waging war against foreigners vying for land? Ethiopians, British, Italian, Portuguese etc.. Anyways you can hold your convictions as you please
It's always "Somali men bad" but if these internet naag nool had it their way they'd be foriegn concubines.
You do know that the whole somali identity was built upon the blood of somali men waging war against foreigners vying for land? Ethiopians, British, Italian, Portuguese etc.. Anyways you can hold your convictions as you please


That's what you think. Go read Futuh Al Habesha, and you'll see that Somali men have been inviting their foreign friends for centuries, those same foreign men birthed entire clans. It's 2024, and Somali men still bring over foreign workers.

You guys create these problems for yourselves.



That's what you think. Go read Futuh Al Habesha, and you'll see that Somali men have been inviting their foreign friends for centuries, those same foreign men birthed entire clans. It's 2024, and Somali men still bring over foreign workers.

You guys create these problems for yourselves.
Are you retarded? So a Somali king hiring foriegn mercenaries and then kicking them out after a diplomatic fall out = birthing entire clans? Please stop talking about history and genetics

That's what you think. Go read Futuh Al Habesha, and you'll see that Somali men have been inviting their foreign friends for centuries, those same foreign men birthed entire clans. It's 2024, and Somali men still bring over foreign workers.

You guys create these problems for yourselves.
Do you have foreign admixture? How can what you assert be true when we are simultaneously considered one of the most homogenous demographics in the world. Neither can be true at the same time.

