These sexist little clowns are hilarious walahi.
In real life, there are a lot of half-Somalis, such as Sheikh Maxamed Idris, who have Somali nationality. Not to mention, all the half-Arabs who pay blood money with their abtiyaal, and probably do abtiris to those clans.
Who do you think is more valuable among Somalis? Someone like Sheikh Maxamed Idris, or a troll online?
Get real.
I have a relative in Jabuuti who is also a business contact there and he's the son of a Frenchman who basically abandoned his hooyo. Looks weirdly Cadcad. Was raised by his hooyo, abtis and ayeeyo and is pretty much 100% Somali culturally with, as you might imagine from growing up in Jabuuti, pitch-perfect native-level Somali. I've never once questioned that he's "Somali". Who gives a f*ck what parent it was? He has the blood and is culturally A LOT more Somali than many reer qurbo hooyo mataalos. There's literally no difference in behavior between him and a "full-blooded" Somali from the same area.