Hatred against Somali minorities on here.

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Anyone else find it funny how a bunch of spoiled kids born in the west and speak broken Somali are launching a propaganda campaign on this site and others to strip Somali minorities such as bantus and barawanis of citizenship and expel them from the region? In my opinion, these people who currently live in Somalia and only know the Somali way of life are more Somali than me or anyone else on this site. They should be treated with respect and dignity, and given their fair share of land and political representation that is unlike the current system that is nothing more than institutional oppression.


For anybody taking this f*ck boy seriously I'll just leave here what he wrote in a another thread:ulachen001:
If that is true, then you're not a pure Darod like most. You must be one of the handful of Darods who are infected with too much Hutu and Dir blood. If it were up to me, bantus like you would be forcibly kicked out of the family so we don't have people thinking your phenotype is typical among us.
dude is a shitty troll:heh:


Citizen of Southwest State
Madowteens despise walaalaha Bantus because of events that took place decades ago. When Madowteen were revolting in their regions, as part of the punishment meted out by the government, Bantu soldiers were sent to rape their women to demoralize and humiliate them. Many MJ women gave birth to half Madow offspring hence why the governor of Bari looks like this:

For anybody taking this f*ck boy seriously I'll just leave here what he wrote in a another thread:ulachen001:

dude is a shitty troll:heh:

Idiot. There is no contradiction or trolling. Just because I don't want people like you claiming my ethnic group (Darod) doesn't mean I believe in stripping your rights away and sending you back to your ancestral homeland in Tanzania. I would gladly take up arms against my own (Darods) for your right to live and prosper in the Somali peninsula, even if there annoying bantus such as yourself who are a thorn in my side. Most bantus are hard working and civilized people and I would gladly welcome them to Darod lands as their farming skills would be a great boon to our societies.


Idiot. There is no contradiction or trolling. Just because I don't want people like you claiming my ethnic group (Darod) doesn't mean I believe in stripping your rights away and sending you back to your ancestral homeland in Tanzania. I would gladly take up arms against my own (Darods) for your right to live and prosper in the Somali peninsula, even if there annoying bantus such as yourself who are a thorn in my side. Most bantus are hard working and civilized people and I would gladly welcome them to Darod lands as their farming skills would be a great boon to our societies.
And yet people are calling you sheegats and not me let that sink in:dead:
And yet people are calling you sheegats and not me let that sink in:dead:

The only reason I'm being accused of being a sheegato, which is only by a small handful, is because I believe in giving Somali minorities who are as Somali as you and I the same rights and privileges we enjoy. That understandably doesn't sit well with a lot of people here. But, what can I say? I'm a progressive geeljire after all.


Citizen of Southwest State
ethnic Somalis only have Somalia. While these Bantus have over 20 countries and a population of over 400 million. Bantus are a demographic threat to Somalis and only those with long term vision understand that.

Bantus are not maskiin, they are a dangerous demographic threat.
Do you agree with supporters of Zionism who say the exact same thing about Palestinians? Don't contradict yourself now.
More minorities = more genetic variation/culture = healthier population

This is where I draw the line. I'm for peaceful coexistence and equal rights before the law. However, I believe intermarriage between the different groups should be shunned. We need to preserve our different and distinct lineages and heritages.


The only reason I'm being accused of being a sheegato, which is only by a small handful, is because I believe in giving Somali minorities who are as Somali as you and I the same rights and privileges we enjoy. That understandably doesn't sit well with a lot of people here. But, what can I say? I'm a progressive geeljire after all.
No your trolling f*ck boy most people can spot it a mile away:ulachen001:
I gave you the benefit of the doubt when the merahan nigga called you one but after after this thread his right. Your not merahan In general they don't give a f*ck about darod unity and don't use the darod name alot and don't hate hawiye some even like them
but I know one group who does hates hutu, bantu, and run around with darod name to gain something your mj that or your not darod at all:ftw9nwa:
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