Hatred against Somali minorities on here.

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HQ is a joker wallahi - he believes the Israeli Zion myth. Someone tell him when the Jews moved into Palestine and how the state of Israel was formed.
ethnic Somalis only have Somalia. While these Bantus have over 20 countries and a population of over 400 million. Bantus are a demographic threat to Somalis and only those with long term vision understand that.

Bantus are not maskiin, they are a dangerous demographic threat.

There is no such thing as ethnic Somali. Anyone who speaks Somalis and adopts the Somali dhaqan is a Somali, regardless of their origins or their phenotype. I as a Darod certainly have no right to say they can't live in this land when I myself am originally from Yemen, and neither do Isaacs or Hawiyes.

The bantu hate propaganda needs to stop. They are a peaceful people who didn't bother or attack anyone during the civil war. They just want to till the land in peace.
This is where I draw the line. I'm for peaceful coexistence and equal rights before the law. However, I believe intermarriage between the different groups should be shunned. We need to preserve our different and distinct lineages and heritages.
You basically want us to interbreed to the point of infertility among many more other defects. A little mixing can take you a long way. Not advocating for some large scale intermixing tho


Citizen of Southwest State
The Israelis-Palestinians situation is very different and far more complex than what we have with Bantus in Somalia.

Palestinians are native to that region. Bantus on the other hand come from Nigeria if you go back in time and more recently from Tanzania. They have nothing to do with the Horn of Africa.
kkkkkkkkkk look at this xoolo bootyclapping for his Arab masters. He references the Bantu migration that occurred thousands of years ago. kkkkkkkkkkk Going by that logic, Palestinians aren't native to Israel either since all Arabs are originally from Yemen. Bani Israel were Jews and they were the natives of present-day Israel.


kkkkkkkkkk look at this xoolo bootyclapping for his Arab masters. He references the Bantu migration that occurred thousands of years ago. kkkkkkkkkkk Going by that logic, Palestinians aren't native to Israel either since all Arabs are originally from Yemen. Bani Israel were Jews and they were the natives of present-day Israel.
Dumb retard his talking about the recent bantu migration 90% of them came because of slavery the only native bantu in somalia are the ones who live in the coast of jubba the ones who farm were brought by arabs:ftw9nwa:


kkkkkkkkkk look at this xoolo bootyclapping for his Arab masters. He references the Bantu migration that occurred thousands of years ago. kkkkkkkkkkk Going by that logic, Palestinians aren't native to Israel either since all Arabs are originally from Yemen. Bani Israel were Jews and they were the natives of present-day Israel.

Outside of the Arabian peninsula most of the Arabic speaking populations are not real Arabs (ancestry-wise). They are mostly the indigenous people who inhabited those regions in previous centuries like Assyrians, Phoenicians, Ancient Egyptians, Berbers, Nubians, Mesopotamians that simply adopted the Arabic language.

On the other hand, The Bantu migration from Nigeria was a population migration and not a cultural one meaning that the previous inhabitants were completely replaced by these West African farmers.
No your trolling f*ck boy most people can spot it a mile away:ulachen001:
I gave you the benefit of the doubt when the merahan nigga called you one but after after this thread his right. Your not merahan In general they don't give a f*ck about darod unity and don't use the darod name alot and don't hate hawiye some even like them
but I know one group who does hates hutu, bantu, and run around with darod name to gain something your mj that or your not darod at all:ftw9nwa:

LOL @ this bantu looking dhulos calling me out on my claim to beesha Sade. I am 100% Marehan on both sides of my family for both generations, while most of your close kin would think you're a sheegato if you went to any khatumo rallies. As for Marehans not giving a f*ck about Darod unity, that's the biggest lie of the century. I can't speak for the ones at home who are under hardship and have the boots of treacherous war lords on their necks, but the ones qurbaha are die-hard Darodists through and through. They also absolutely hate hutus with unrelenting passion, seeing as all our parents would tell us it is because of the savage hutus that we are all living in these countries as refugees rather than leading world-class lives back in our stable country. Some become disillusioned when they see MJs and OGs shitting on the Darod name, but we are true loyalists to the Tol. Unlike MJs who intermarry with hutus like crazy in qurbaha, you won't ever find a single Marehan doing so. We'd rather marry ajnabis than marry a savage moryan. Also, don't forget that it was only because of beesha Sade that you dhulos have any sort of influence in the Somali peninsula. Don't bite the hand that fed you, kid.

Lastly, let me ask you, are all pro-SL dhulos sheegatos as well? Can there simply never be a diversity of beliefs and ideologies among people of a sub-clan or are we all some hivemind?


Citizen of Southwest State
Outside of the Arabian peninsula most of the Arabic speaking populations are not real Arabs (ancestry-wise). They are mostly the indigenous people who inhabited those regions in previous centuries like Assyrians, Phoenicians, Ancient Egyptians, Berbers, Nubians, Mesopotamians that simply adopted the Arabic language.

On the other hand, The Bantu migration from Nigeria was a population migration and not a cultural one meaning that the previous inhabitants were completely replaced by these West African farmers.

Even if that was the case, Somalis don't have a leg to stand on considering they pushed out the Oromo from present-day southern Somalia. They are expansionist like the Bantu.
You basically want us to interbreed to the point of infertility among many more other defects. A little mixing can take you a long way. Not advocating for some large scale intermixing tho

"Inbreeding" is only a problem when you are doing it with a close family member over successive generations. There is enough diversity within the tribes to ensure that this won't ever be a problem to worry about. Even at the sub-sub-sub clan level this won't present a problem at all. There are many Somalis who are the product of only a single sub-sub-sub clan for many generations and they are perfectly healthy and normal. Homogeneity is not an issue, in fact it can even be argued that it is a boon to one's society as one would need to look no further than Northern Europe and Japan.


Even if that was the case, Somalis don't have a leg to stand on considering they pushed out the Oromo from present-day southern Somalia. They are expansionist like the Bantu.
1) There is no legitimate evidence of Oromos inhabiting South Somalia or even North Kenya before 1500 AD. It appears to have been inhabited by macro-Somali speaking groups like the Raxanweyn, Garre, Rendille, Boon, Gabra etc before the Oromos.

2) Even if the Oromo thing were true, who cares? Oromos are Lowland East Cushites like Somalis, essentially the same macro-ethnic group.
You are an idiot. I can't argue with a moron who believes this.

So I am an idiot for believing something the overwhelming majority of Somalis in Somalia, their intellectuals, and political elite believe as well? Why is it I only hear about this mythic "Somali ethnic group" on the internet, where you hear about the most craziest of things, but never from the mouth of an actual Somali in the real world? Even this nazi propaganda of expelling the Somali minorities from Somalia is something you can only find online. Most Somalis in the real world couldn't careless because they manifestly do not believe in these notions of a "Somali ethnic group>


Citizen of Southwest State
1) There is no legitimate evidence of Oromos inhabiting South Somalia or even North Kenya before 1500 AD. It appears to have been inhabited by macro-Somali speaking groups like the Raxanweyn, Garre, Rendille, Boon, Gabra etc before the Oromos.

2) Even if the Oromo thing were true, who cares? Oromos are Lowland East Cushites like Somalis, essentially the same macro-ethnic group.


It is common knowledge that Oromos occupied southern Somalia until they were pushed southward all the way until they crossed the Tana River.
It is common knowledge that Oromos occupied southern Somalia until they were pushed southward all the way until they crossed the Tana River.

I have to disagree with you here, bro. The first problem I find with your sources is the use of term "Somali people" and speaks of their origin as if all of these distinct and unrelated people have a single origin! That in itself is enough to discredit the entire document.

What I have known and is known by most Somalis through the oral traditions is that the Hawiye and others have always lived in the South and are practically native to the region even though if you go back far enough they came from someplace else as well. This idea that Oromos are native to that region is nothing more than Oromo expansionist fantasy.


Citizen of Southwest State
I have to disagree with you here, bro. The first problem I find with your sources is the use of term "Somali people" and speaks of their origin as if all of these distinct and unrelated people have a single origin! That in itself is enough to discredit the entire document.

What I have known and is known by most Somalis through the oral traditions is that the Hawiye and others have always lived in the South and are practically native to the region even though if you go back far enough they came from someplace else as well. This idea that Oromos are native to that region is nothing more than Oromo expansionist fantasy.
Then why is the progenitor of Abgaal buried in Sanaag? I'll wait.


LOL @ this bantu looking dhulos calling me out on my claim to beesha Sade. I am 100% Marehan on both sides of my family for both generations, while most of your close kin would think you're a sheegato if you went to any khatumo rallies. As for Marehans not giving a f*ck about Darod unity, that's the biggest lie of the century. I can't speak for the ones at home who are under hardship and have the boots of treacherous war lords on their necks, but the ones qurbaha are die-hard Darodists through and through. They also absolutely hate hutus with unrelenting passion, seeing as all our parents would tell us it is because of the savage hutus that we are all living in these countries as refugees rather than leading world-class lives back in our stable country. Some become disillusioned when they see MJs and OGs shitting on the Darod name, but we are true loyalists to the Tol. Unlike MJs who intermarry with hutus like crazy in qurbaha, you won't ever find a single Marehan doing so. We'd rather marry ajnabis than marry a savage moryan. Also, don't forget that it was only because of beesha Sade that you dhulos have any sort of influence in the Somali peninsula. Don't bite the hand that fed you, kid.

Lastly, let me ask you, are all pro-SL dhulos sheegatos as well? Can there simply never be a diversity of beliefs and ideologies among people of a sub-clan or are we all some hivemind?
My comment seem to hit a nerve:ulachen001:
Dhulbahante people in my city know my dad so I never was questioned:russsmug:and am always welcomed by all somalis I come across:rejoice:
Typical dameer there isn't pro sland dhulbahante there is pro sland warlords who run around with militia:pachah1:
Fyi am not the one who called you sheegato it was merahan poster I just agreed with him:ftw9nwa:
Then why is the progenitor of Abgaal buried in Sanaag? I'll wait.

Uhh, do I need to do your thinking for you now?

Maybe...Just maybe... he was, you know, visiting there and perhaps died there? Do you know how many famous people died in a certain locale they were visiting and ended up being buried in that place?

There's just no way that Abgaal and other Hawiyes are from the North, and there's absolutely no credible evidence to support that.


Citizen of Southwest State
Uhh, do I need to do your thinking for you now?

Maybe...Just maybe... he was, you know, visiting there and perhaps died there? Do you know how many famous people died in a certain locale they were visiting and ended up being buried in that place?

There's just no way that Abgaal and other Hawiyes are from the North, and there's absolutely no credible evidence to support that.
You're dismissed. Pack your bags sheegato, the Darood contingent haven't accepted you. Embrace your clan, leave us alone.
Typical dameer there isn't pro sland dhulbahante there is pro sland warlords who run around with militia:pachah1:
Fyi am not the one who called you sheegato it was merahan poster I just agreed with him:ftw9nwa:

Now you're just lying and trolling. I've personally met several Dhulos who are pro-SL, and it's especially more prevalent among your youth. You can call me a dameer as much as you like, but if you can claim with a straight face there are Marehans who like Hutus, I can also credibly claim there are pro-SL dhulos.

Oh, and feel free to trust the guy with only 125 posts in the past 3 months and is more certainly not Marehan himself but the alt of some other member on here who is one of the lesser Darods. I know my abtirsi very well, and a true Marehan could easily vet it. Too bad we seem to be in short supply on this website.
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