How do you feel about cousin marriage?

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Listen! im not her for the LGBT slander. say your piece without disparaging other communities. if you want to f*ck your cousins all power to you but keep the gays out your mouth.

:O27GWRK:You are so dense. How are you going to suggest I support cousin marriage when I clearly didn't.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
"exposed to ry" so being gay isn't natural? its about as natural as your bithaar fam. go wash your upper lip

Homosexuality is not natural. It is a perversion like bestiality and pedophilia. We have hormones and shit that attract us to the opposite gender. The only way homosex can be natural is if you are born without genitalia and the doc makes the wrong choice.
Homosexuality is not natural. It is a perversion like bestiality and pedophilia. We have hormones and shit that attract us to the opposite gender. The only way homosex can be natural is if you are born without genitalia and the doc makes the wrong choice.

what type of muslamic propaganda realness. the same way you cannot even fathom being with a man, the opposite is also true. if it were cadaan propaganda like islamics say, why does it occur in every abrahamic religion? people have been gay since the beginning of time. its an evolutionary necessity for population control. and comparing it to beastiality and pedophillia is just stupid, one is raping children while gays are at an age were you can consent. and most pedos are straight men who rape little girls. and beastility is the rape of animals who obviously cannot consent....they also happen to not be human. its interesting muslims keep bringing the pedo argument though...but let me keep it cute

That argument is only valid when homofaggots can't adopt children. Unfortunately in a number of nations children are exposed to ry.
You must be a twisted individual to say adopting children in need is worst than bringing a child with clubfoot into the world.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga

what type of muslamic propaganda realness. the same way you cannot even fathom being with a man, the opposite is also true. if it were cadaan propaganda like islamics say, why does it occur in every abrahamic religion? people have been gay since the beginning of time. its an evolutionary necessity for population control. and comparing it to beastiality and pedophillia is just stupid, one is raping children while gays are at an age were you can consent. and most pedos are straight men who rape little girls. and beastility is the rape of animals who obviously cannot consent....they also happen to not be human. its interesting muslims keep bringing the pedo argument though...but let me keep it cute


I am very unreligious lol. This is not a religious argument, people have always been against this lool. Niggas been hating on homos since they first tried homosex, it has nothing to do with abrahamic religions lmao.

Also the gifs of that lady are very disturbing. Her face is rather frightening.
I am very unreligious lol. This is not a religious argument, people have always been against this lool. Niggas been hating on homos since they first tried homosex, it has nothing to do with abrahamic religions lmao.

Also the gifs of that lady are very disturbing. Her face is rather frightening.
people hate on anything alien to them. be it skin color, hair texture, sexual orientation, religion etc.

google "gretchen gifs"

people have always been against this lool. Niggas been hating on homos since they first tried homosex, it has nothing to do with abrahamic religions lmao.
You do know what men were doing together when women weren't around (whether during war or while nomading)? :hemad:

Read a few books about sex in ancient Greece, Egypt, or basically any other society prior to Abrahamic guidelines. :mjohreally:
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