HSM visits Ethiopia after year long tension


HSM losing some of his biggest twitter fans

I think this person started working with opposition group.

This is one of the major problems with Somali politics people are hiding partisan politics. You can't tell if the criticism or comments are even genuine. The problem with too many groups, no parties, no clear manifestos or agenda.

A lot of the noise about HSM is just groups lining themselves up for Presidency which is to be fair a very good get rich quick scheme.

Sad Gordon Ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen
I think this person started working with opposition group.

This is one of the major problems with Somali politics people are hiding partisan politics. You can't tell if the criticism or comments are even genuine. The problem with too many groups, no parties, no clear manifestos or agenda.

A lot of the noise about HSM is just groups lining themselves up for Presidency which is to be fair a very good get rich quick scheme.

Sad Gordon Ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen's Kitchen
That's politics in general though. Look at SL, Cirro is doing a lot of the things Biixi was blamed for. It's an ugly game, but it is the nature of the game.
I think this person started working with opposition group.

This is one of the major problems with Somali politics people are hiding partisan politics. You can't tell if the criticism or comments are even genuine. The problem with too many groups, no parties, no clear manifestos or agenda.

A lot of the noise about HSM is just groups lining themselves up for Presidency which is to be fair a very good get rich quick scheme.

Sad Gordon Ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen's Kitchen
She jumped ship. :lolbron:


You may be quite pessimistic but you raise many valid points.
I’m known as hater but just give my 2 cents without lying to myself. Growing up my parents painted very false picture of Somalia full of optimism that was not grounded in reality. found out truth visiting back home and internet.

. Sometimes truth bitter. I rembwer arguing with cousin one time about govt position allocation for Lk. He said u can’t show up in mudug plotiics how can you talk about outside it. Harsh but truth to it and I can accept it . Somalia based on clan and their territories. when politicians talking nationalism most time it’s fake 99% don’t care about 🇸🇴
If we can get GERD dam power and distribution system
We don't need that dam lol. Somalia has energy potential through oil as well as solar and wind power to a lesser extent.

Remember, at the end of the day Ethiopia needs Somalia more than Somalia needs Ethiopia. They are landlocked thus at the mercy of Somalis and Eritreans. Only HSM is holding Somalia back.


We don't need that dam lol. Somalia has energy potential through oil as well as solar and wind power to a lesser extent.

Remember, at the end of the day Ethiopia needs Somalia more than Somalia needs Ethiopia. They are landlocked thus at the mercy of Somalis and Eritreans. Only HSM is holding Somalia back.
Somalia's potential really is insane. It speak how industrious Somalis are that we have lower poverty rates and higher electricity rates than our neighbors despite being held back by the tuugnimo and greed of HSM. At the very least, Puntland and Somaliland can surpass Ethiopia (they are already far ahead of DDS).
Somalia has the 2nd highest electricity rate in East Africa after Kenya at 36-49% nationally and 60-80% urban. Business and factories are all already using electricity even with it being more expensive, many have started to move away from diesel and the power plants and renewable projects are only now being established, with electrification expected to hit 75% in 2027.

The Somali NDP targets a 6% yearly increase in generating capacity, which was achieved with an increase from 115 to 344 MW (2015 to June 2021), while the current electrification rate is 36% and a target for Somalia to increase up to 1043 MW (2022–2027) and expect electrification rate will increase up to 75%. The Federal Ministry of Planning aims to deliver more than 200 MW of the state’s energy production by RE sources.

It has the highest potential in renewable energy and as you said the wind energy alone can produce as much as the entire diesel and hybrid generations. It is estimated that the country can provide itself completely with self-produced energy in the long run.

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Somalia's potential really is insane. It speak how industrious Somalis are that we have lower poverty rates and higher electricity rates than our neighbors despite being held back by the tuugnimo and greed of HSM. At the very least, Puntland and Somaliland can surpass Ethiopia (they are already far ahead of DDS).
HSM has no power over most of country. Somalia saving grace is smaller population and big diaspora who sends back billions.


Forza Somalia!
I dont blame HSM but blame somali clan politics. No matter who sits on throne ethiopia will need to be accommodated. I think this is actually good move by HSM. Somalia already has enough misery without war with ethiopia we will never win.

If we can get GERD dam power and distribution system investment to each FMS capital. Ethiopian airlines shares, and trade deal where they buy X amount of our fish and other products I think is decent deal. Renew contract every 50 years. Maybe 2075 we are decent country and can ask for more. Either way somalia integrating with EAC might as well integrate more with Ethiopia. This is better deal than what we get from Turkey and others who plundering without almost nothing in return. This dream of somalia being strong and dictating to others not happening our lifetimes time to be realistic.

lee daniels oh snap GIF by STAR
You want more dependency on Ethiopia?

suspicious ned flanders GIF


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
As expected,

not sure why people are “disappointed” at this scenario. As corrupt and incompetent HSM is, he’s not the only one to blame. Somalia resembles the United States during the 1800s, an incompetent, treasonous and corrupt president, governors who display the same characteristics, who all destroy each other at every opportunity they get. A populace who picks sides and then gets shocked when things don’t work out for the betterment of the “country”. Ethiopia is merely taking advantage of a disunited country for the betterment of their nation, can’t hate on that, it’s to be expected. If this tribal “federalism” system wasn’t in place and a leader was elected (no matter his/ her clan affiliation) then things would be a lot different. But we’re not quite there yet are we.
I still think we should wait for said agreement next month. If there's any talk of a base then HSM must be eliminated along with anyone who shares his opinion.

I understand our weakness atm but unlike @Hilmaam I'm of the opinion there's more dignity in death than taking it up from a xabash. There's zero chance there won't be rebellion in any region the agreement comes under. Waa sheeko xariir and I'm not worried.
As expected,

not sure why people are “disappointed” at this scenario. As corrupt and incompetent HSM is, he’s not the only one to blame. Somalia resembles the United States during the 1800s, an incompetent, treasonous and corrupt president, governors who display the same characteristics, who all destroy each other at every opportunity they get. A populace who picks sides and then gets shocked when things don’t work out for the betterment of the “country”. Ethiopia is merely taking advantage of a disunited country for the betterment of their nation, can’t hate on that, it’s to be expected. If this tribal “federalism” system wasn’t in place and a leader was elected (no matter his/ her clan affiliation) then things would be a lot different. But we’re not quite there yet are we.
‘It’s not my uncles fault he is a corrupt tuug, it’s all due to federalism’ 😂


I still think we should wait for said agreement next month. If there's any talk of a base then HSM must be eliminated along with anyone who shares his opinion.

I understand our weakness atm but unlike @Hilmaam I'm of the opinion there's more dignity in death than taking it up from a xabash. There's zero chance there won't be rebellion in any region the agreement comes under. Waa sheeko xariir and I'm not worried.
Word on the street is even more Ethiopian troops will be brought to Hirshabelle. I don’t know if it’s due all the infighting between clans getting ugly. Gaylan was reporting on it

Word on the street is even more Ethiopian troops will be brought to Hirshabelle. I don’t know if it’s due all the infighting between clans getting ugly. Gaylan was reporting on it

They are going to another city/region ‘governed’ by Gurguurtes own Abgaal. What an abysmal failure 😂


They are going to another city/region ‘governed’ by Gurguurtes own Abgaal. What an abysmal failure 😂
I think Odawa was in Beldwayne this week to help cool temperature. Neither side probably trusts other side. Will see if this comes to pass.

Somalis going nuts this year especially in places like galgadud and mudug. Using heavy artillery on each other. Same thing might pop off soon in cerigaabo. Crazy amount of manpower and weapons being gathered and it might be urban warfare which is even uglier than fighting in countryside.
I think Odawa was in Beldwayne this week to help cool temperature. Neither side probably trusts other side. Will see if this comes to pass.

Somalis going nuts this year especially in places like galgadud and mudug. Using heavy artillery on each other. Same thing might pop off soon in cerigaabo. Crazy amount of manpower and weapons being gathered and it might be urban warfare which is even uglier than fighting in countryside.
Yea, Guurguurte did this on purpose. He was told not to give weapons to macawiisley which they would turn on each other and he did anyway. This is the result. When your neighbor is arming up you have to, too. Otherwise you will pay the price. It’s an arms race. Gurguurte hoping that Somalis will be too busy killing each other.