HSM visits Ethiopia after year long tension


I dont blame HSM but blame somali clan politics. No matter who sits on throne ethiopia will need to be accommodated. I think this is actually good move by HSM. Somalia already has enough misery without war with ethiopia we will never win.

If we can get GERD dam power and distribution system investment to each FMS capital. Ethiopian airlines shares, and trade deal where they buy X amount of our fish and other products I think is decent deal. Renew contract every 50 years. Maybe 2075 we are decent country and can ask for more. Either way somalia integrating with EAC might as well integrate more with Ethiopia. This is better deal than what we get from Turkey and others who plundering without almost nothing in return. This dream of somalia being strong and dictating to others not happening our lifetimes time to be realistic.

lee daniels oh snap GIF by STAR

New World

the people's champ
I dont blame HSM but blame somali clan politics. No matter who sits on throne ethiopia will need to be accommodated. I think this is actually good move by HSM. Somalia already has enough misery without war with ethiopia we will never win.

If we can get GERD dam power and distribution system investment to each FMS capital. Ethiopian airlines shares, and trade deal where they buy X amount of our fish and other products I think is decent deal. Renew contract every 50 years. Maybe 2075 we are decent country and can ask for more. Either way somalia integrating with EAC might as well integrate more with Ethiopia. This is better deal than what we get from Turkey and others who plundering without almost nothing in return. This dream of somalia being strong and dictating to others not happening our lifetimes time to be realistic.

lee daniels oh snap GIF by STAR
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Are You Mad John David Washington GIF by NETFLIX


I dont blame HSM but blame somali clan politics. No matter who sits on throne ethiopia will need to be accommodated. I think this is actually good move by HSM. Somalia already has enough misery without war with ethiopia we will never win.

If we can get GERD dam power and distribution system investment to each FMS capital. Ethiopian airlines shares, and trade deal where they buy X amount of our fish and other products I think is decent deal. Renew contract every 50 years. Maybe 2075 we are decent country and can ask for more. Either way somalia integrating with EAC might as well integrate more with Ethiopia. This is better deal than what we get from Turkey and others who plundering without almost nothing in return. This dream of somalia being strong and dictating to others not happening our lifetimes time to be realistic.

lee daniels oh snap GIF by STAR

They will maintain the status quo. Ethiopia loses by helping the FGS in anyway. In reality HSM just lives another day that's all this is. It's a fake normalization to please the funders of ATMIS/AUSSOM so the show can carry on for a bit longer.

There's no nation called Somalia, just small minorities/groups rotating power while other groups stop them from consolidating/increasing state power. Everyone here should be happy to even have a state called Somalia. It goes against reality.


They will maintain the status quo. Ethiopia loses by helping the FGS in anyway. In reality HSM just lives another day that's all this is. It's a fake normalization to please the funders of ATMIS/AUSSOM so the show can carry on for a bit longer.

There's no nation called Somalia, just small minorities/groups rotating power while other groups stop them from consolidating/increasing state power. Everyone here should be happy to even have a state called Somalia. It goes against reality.
Fgs following somaliland playbook. Now whatever deal you might give them FGS will one up it. No more getting fgs to fight Ethiopia for no reason


Fgs following somaliland playbook. Now whatever deal you might give them FGS will one up it. No more getting fgs to fight Ethiopia for no reason

What does Ethiopia get by working with the FGS that doesn't threaten their long term interests? I don't think you can answer that one.
They will maintain the status quo. Ethiopia loses by helping the FGS in anyway. In reality HSM just lives another day that's all this is. It's a fake normalization to please the funders of ATMIS/AUSSOM so the show can carry on for a bit longer.

There's no nation called Somalia, just small minorities/groups rotating power while other groups stop them from consolidating/increasing state power. Everyone here should be happy to even have a state called Somalia. It goes against reality.
Look who finally decided to roll out of bed and start typing away!
jim carrey animated gif GIF
What does Ethiopia get by working with the FGS that doesn't threaten their long term interests? I don't think you can answer that one.
I agree with the khaldaan here @Hilmaam. He’s surprisingly thinking clear-headed. FGS is still working with Eritrea and Egypt so Ethiopia won’t trust them. That along with the fact that Gurgurte is a lame duck with less than 1.5 years to go. Ethiopia sees the finish line, Gurgurte is weak. He asked for this meeting, not Abiye. They know they can take him for everything he’s got.


I agree with the khaldaan here @Hilmaam. He’s surprisingly thinking clear-headed. FGS is still working with Eritrea and Egypt so Ethiopia won’t trust them. That along with the fact that Gurgurte is a lame duck with less than 1.5 years to go. Ethiopia sees the finish line, Gurgurte is weak. He asked for this meeting, not Abiye. They know they can take him for everything he’s got.

A stronger Somali central state that threatens their eastern border is obviously a no-no, especially when it repeatedly demonstrates irrendentist ambitions. This is like asking your enemy for the means to attack him with. He is not going to give it to you.

Somalia has to develop internal cohesion first and then just access the world bank and imf or whatever normal countries do. I think Ethiopia crowd funded part of the GERD from it's own citizens if I am correct. This is normal statehood not some fugazi like what is being presented trying to make up for deficit by rely on foreign governments.



What does Ethiopia get by working with the FGS that doesn't threaten their long term interests? I don't think you can answer that one.
Ethiopia gets a loyal fgs. They need internationally recognized goverment to sign away port and ocean. They will also get to keep 10k troops in Somalia. HSM was given ultimatum for port deal he refused and was taught a lesson. He was shit on by somaliland puntland jubbaland hiraan and southwest state. HSM realized he was naked in wind and now bending knee. He also realized Turkey and Egypt will not save him otherwise he would not be folding in under 12 months after talking so spicy. Ethiopia will get official document for port, keep troops in country, and keep fgs and fms in its back pocket they will not strengthen central government they will keep this federal model. HSM will not be allowed to move on any FMS and Ethiopia troops will ensure this.
A stronger Somali central state that threatens their eastern border is obviously a no-no, especially when it repeatedly demonstrates irrendentist ambitions. This is like asking your enemy for the means to attack him with. He is not going to give it to you.

Somalia has to develop internal cohesion first and then just access the world bank and imf or whatever normal countries do.
Yes, that is more long-term thinking but even in the short term ie now, Ethiopia won’t trust the FGS. Why would they when they still meet with Egypt/Eritrea and they called Ethiopia an enemy worse than shabaab? Short term FGS wants Ethiopian troops to secure Jubaland and KG for them but I doubt they would even do that. Those federal states are tools for Ethiopia to use against FGS so why give that up? FGS is too dumb to understand. There is an old Somali saying, when those who’ve never led lead, those who never left leave.


I agree with the khaldaan here @Hilmaam. He’s surprisingly thinking clear-headed. FGS is still working with Eritrea and Egypt so Ethiopia won’t trust them. That along with the fact that Gurgurte is a lame duck with less than 1.5 years to go. Ethiopia sees the finish line, Gurgurte is weak. He asked for this meeting, not Abiye. They know they can take him for everything he’s got.
Maybe. But same time if he these governments had his back why he fold so quickly why 1 year later Ethiopia still has troops in country. Eritrea and Egypt pathetic they want weak HSM to fight their battle inside Somalia what kind of strategy is this. Lol Egypt been crying about Ethiopia for 10 years. Now the dam is complete and is at full strength to where their weapons can’t destroy it. Egypt lost and being sore losers their lifeline controlled by habesha and they will have to act right to get water


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
f*ck Somalia and everything that comes with it. You cannot let these bastards get to awdal, a port on the Red Sea is far more important than one next to the Indian Ocean. After trying to see the good in this, there is none, HSM got rid of the only leverage Somalia had which is the troops.

probably retiring from politics section until HSM leaves.
Ethiopia gets a loyal fgs. They need internationally recognized goverment to sign away port and ocean. They will also get to keep 10k troops in Somalia. HSM was given ultimatum for port deal he refused and was taught a lesson. He was shit on by somaliland puntland jubbaland hiraan and southwest state. HSM realized he was naked in wind and now bending knee. He also realized Turkey and Egypt will not save him otherwise he would not be folding in under 12 months after talking so spicy. Ethiopia will get official document for port, keep troops in country, and keep fgs and fms in its back pocket they will not strengthen central government they will keep this federal model. HSM will not be allowed to move on any FMS and Ethiopia troops will ensure this.
The port will be officially signed by parliament next month. HSM is gone in 2026 so why would Ethiopia need him after February? Why would he be loyal to them when he only has such little time left? They know all this.
Maybe. But same time if he these governments had his back why he fold so quickly why 1 year later Ethiopia still has troops in country. Eritrea and Egypt pathetic they want weak HSM to fight their battle inside Somalia what kind of strategy is this. Lol Egypt been crying about Ethiopia for 10 years. Now the dam is complete and is at full strength to where their weapons can’t destroy it. Egypt lost and being sore losers their lifeline controlled by habesha and they will have to act right to get water
I think he folded because he’s stupid and he knows his election rigging scheme won’t work without JL. He is willing to give up everything to continue to be in Mogadishu and steal. He wants Ethiopia to support that but we know they won’t. We are not talking about a normal person here clearly. He’s autistic at this point.


I think he folded because he’s stupid and he knows his election rigging scheme won’t work without JL. He is willing to give up everything to continue to be in Mogadishu and steal. He wants Ethiopia to support that but we know they won’t. We are not talking about a normal person here clearly. He’s autistic at this point.
HSM woke up to reality. u cant talk about sovereignty when you begged for 10k troops to keep your backyard from being taken over by al shabaab. FGS/Banadir state picked fight with someone way stronger than them. Now they will fall inline
Some of you are getting too much of a hard on from thinking Ethiopia is gonna win. Even though hsm is greedy and corrupt. There is only so much damage he can do since the fgs is not that strong and somalis growth comes from the private sector . Ethiopias problem is that their central govt is too strong and abiys is so power hungry he keeps trying to centralize everything even more and strangles the economy in the process.


Ethiopia gets a loyal fgs. They need internationally recognized goverment to sign away port and ocean. They will also get to keep 10k troops in Somalia. HSM was given ultimatum for port deal he refused and was taught a lesson. He was shit on by somaliland puntland jubbaland hiraan and southwest state. HSM realized he was naked in wind and now bending knee. He also realized Turkey and Egypt will not save him otherwise he would not be folding in under 12 months after talking so spicy. Ethiopia will get official document for port, keep troops in country, and keep fgs and fms in its back pocket they will not strengthen central government they will keep this federal model. HSM will not be allowed to move on any FMS and Ethiopia troops will ensure this.

A loyal FGS? There's no such thing as a loyal foreign government.

Ethiopia gets nothing from making the FGS stronger. I think Ethiopia saw the MoU was being blocked and tried to work to maintain their troops in Somalia that's all. Somalia negotiated a port under duress but it's worthless because they can renege the deal as soon as they have leverage.

That's why none of this has anything to do with economics and development etc. It was all just short term politics around AUSSOM.

Ethiopia maybe ended up looking better because they are just are better? In a better spot they have more leverage than the dependent FGS which is in existential survival mode and Ethiopia is working towards interests beyond survival.


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