HSM visits Ethiopia after year long tension

Some of you are getting too much of a hard on from thinking Ethiopia is gonna win. Even though hsm is greedy and corrupt. There is only so much damage he can do since the fgs is not that strong and somalis growth comes from the private sector . Ethiopias problem is that their central govt is too strong and abiys is so power hungry he keeps trying to centralize everything even more and strangles the economy in the process.
Def don’t want Ethiopia to win but what exactly can we do?
A loyal FGS? There's no such thing as a loyal foreign government.

Ethiopia gets nothing from making the FGS stronger. I think Ethiopia saw the MoU was being blocked and tried to work to maintain their troops in Somalia that's all. Somalia negotiated a port under duress but it's worthless because they can renege the deal as soon as they have leverage.

That's why none of this has anything to do with economics and development etc. It was all just short term politics around AUSSOM.
If Ethiopia actually physically makes it to the coast though there won’t be any reneging that will make a difference. I think FGS parliament will sign this next month and Ethiopia will make a speed run to Awdal if they are serious. You better get Goosha Isaaq and her SPSA militia ready to guard SL border.


If Ethiopia actually physically makes it to the coast though there won’t be any reneging that will make a difference. I think FGS parliament will sign this next month and Ethiopia will make a speed run to Awdal if they are serious. You better get Goosha Isaaq and her SPSA militia ready to guard SL border.

You are deluding yourself if you think this is remotely possible. ENDF are beign run out of bases left right and centre in their own country. The cost of maintaining the base alone will astronomical if you have to defend it and a corridor towards it.
You are deluding yourself if you think this is remotely possible. ENDF are beign run out of bases left right and centre in their own country. The cost of maintaining the base alone will astronomical if you have to defend it and a corridor towards it.
This makes no sense. If that is the case there is nothing to worry about at all. Ethiopia will just collapse soon.
Maybe. But same time if he these governments had his back why he fold so quickly why 1 year later Ethiopia still has troops in country. Eritrea and Egypt pathetic they want weak HSM to fight their battle inside Somalia what kind of strategy is this. Lol Egypt been crying about Ethiopia for 10 years. Now the dam is complete and is at full strength to where their weapons can’t destroy it. Egypt lost and being sore losers their lifeline controlled by habesha and they will have to act right to get water
Egypt deserves it. They are soft as f*ck 😂


A loyal FGS? There's no such thing as a loyal foreign government.

Ethiopia gets nothing from making the FGS stronger. I think Ethiopia saw the MoU was being blocked and tried to work to maintain their troops in Somalia that's all. Somalia negotiated a port under duress but it's worthless because they can renege the deal as soon as they have leverage.

That's why none of this has anything to do with economics and development etc. It was all just short term politics around AUSSOM.
FGS will be loyal because they will be kept weak and in check by ethiopian troops inside country . Ethiopia stated they will not leave AUSSOM deal or not and nobody from west batted an eye. They will keep cushion in border of somali.

HSM also probably found out noboy in egypt will fight for him.they provided weapons for him to do own fighting and was karbasshed in jubbaland. the world doesnt care about somalia or somaliland they will let ethiopia dictate east africa politics. Both knocked on everydoor

ATMIS maybe provides ethiopia around 36 million.


Egypt deserves it. They are soft as f*ck 😂
Their country one of the biggest shitholes in the world without Nile river. barren dessert everywhere except bank of nile. How do you let another african country hold that hostage ? If they wanted to fight ethiopia could have done it last 10 years to save their own livelihoods. they not coming to fight for dusty somalia who has nothing to offer them now when dam already built

If the Somali parliament doesn’t impeach this idiot Ali Dheere will be hanging up Arsenal Flags in Villa Somalia by next year


Look at somali region of ethiopia fairly stable and growing. i would say growing faster than most regions of somalia. They realized truth that they will not beat ethiopia and focused on what they can control. what would they gain trying to fight ethiopia other than major ass whooping and others taking advantage of their misery like Oromo Afars and Al shabab. Does somalia need to learn this lesson hardway and fight ethiopia to realize who is stronger

Ideally we would be free of ethiopia but this precipeted long before us when ethiipia funded rebel groups and dug claws into country. To me its better to build back slowly and strike ethiopia when time is right, no point self destrcuting today

Ignite Self Destruct GIF by Bombay Softwares
Their country one of the biggest shitholes in the world without Nile river. barren dessert everywhere except bank of nile. How do you let another african country hold that hostage ? If they wanted to fight ethiopia could have done it last 10 years to save their own livelihoods. they not coming to fight for dusty somalia who has nothing to offer them now when dam already built

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The funny thing is that Israel has plans to annex the Sinai up to the Nile



The funny thing is that Israel has plans to annex the Sinai up to the Nile

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I hope they do lol. They all stood by and watched palestine get destroyed would serve them right for cowardice. Its same thing when they all watched saddam get hanged and country invaded not knowing many of them would also be next. These cadaan people use middleast as playground because region divided and they focused on each other


24 million usd project in somali region of ethiopia.

major electircy investment

Roads and airports being built



FGS will be loyal because they will be kept weak and in check by ethiopian troops inside country . Ethiopia stated they will not leave AUSSOM deal or not and nobody from west batted an eye. They will keep cushion in border of somali.

HSM also probably found out noboy in egypt will fight for him.they provided weapons for him to do own fighting and was karbasshed in jubbaland. the world doesnt care about somalia or somaliland they will let ethiopia dictate east africa politics. Both knocked on everydoor

ATMIS maybe provides ethiopia around 36 million.

Ethiopia can never achieve a loyal FGS. It can create a weak FGS that can't fight it which is what we have it's not loyal though.

So really there's no deal economically or financially that it's in Ethiopia's interests when it comes to FGS. Any revenue the FGS gets can be spent on troops to replace Ethiopian ones. Any deal FGS signs can be eventually ripped up when it gets powerful enough.

FGS can only get stronger through Somalis no one else really, not turks or Egyptians, they don't have an interest in a strong state either because they can't fleece it for port and airport management or use it as a battle ground.


Ethiopia can never achieve a loyal FGS. It can create a weak FGS that can't fight it which is what we have it's not loyal though.

So really there's no deal economically or financially that it's in Ethiopia's interests when it comes to FGS. Any revenue the FGS gets can be spent on troops to replace Ethiopian ones. Any deal FGS signs can be eventually ripped up when it gets powerful enough.

FGS can only get stronger through Somalis no one else really, not turks or Egyptians, they don't have an interest in a strong state either because they can't fleece it for port and airport management or use it as a battle ground.

Every political discussion is an attempt at turning lead into gold. Ain't gonna happen no country no deal will ever make a Somali state until Somalis agree to one. Ofcourse it's not HSMs fault Somalia doesn't exist.

Kelly Slater Surf GIF
You cannot shit on eygpt and then talk about how strong and capable Ethiopia is. Do you realize that the eygptian economy is like 6-7 timed larger than Ethiopia's. Forget about the fact that their military can actually manufacture weapons whereas everything in Ethiopia is imported. Anybody who's been to cairo and then Addis abba can tell you they're not even remotely on the same level. What kind of mental dissonance exists in the minds of people comparing them


Every political discussion is an attempt at turning lead into gold. Ain't gonna happen no country no deal will ever make a Somali state until Somalis agree to one. Ofcourse it's not HSMs fault Somalia doesn't exist.
The world is fine with this. No government, terrorist govt, and then corrupt government we've seen every stage of this last 30 years and still no recognition for any breakaway region. The world decided long ago on somalia borders. I do agree if it ever were to change will be internal agreement between somalis. I wouldnt hold my breath for this referendum ever happening


The world is fine with this. No government, terrorist govt, and then corrupt government we've seen every stage of this last 30 years and still no recognition for any breakaway region. The world decided long ago on somalia borders. I do agree if it ever were to change will be internal agreement between somalis. I wouldnt hold my breath for this referendum ever happening

The world has no principles about a one-somalia. It's a policy like any other can change. I think operating under this assumption has caused people to get complacent and choose stalemate politics and take the IC money. In a way the assumption of a one-somalia was misused and actually killed it.


The world has no principles about a one-somalia. It's a policy like any other can change. I think operating under this assumption has caused people to get complacent and choose stalemate politics and take the IC money. In a way the assumption of a one-somalia was misused and actually killed it.
I like your optimism recognition is always right around corner. Somaliland is just another somalia a place that cant overcome clan issue and violence nor controlls its borders. On top of that its aid state that west dumps hundreds of millions into each year to keep afloat

24 million usd project in somali region of ethiopia.

major electircy investment

Roads and airports being built

You may be quite pessimistic but you raise many valid points.


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