Husband tag

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16? Why didn't she focus on school?

I never made comments about her looks. She said she was bullied and called ugly because of her skin complexion. I just thought it was weird for her to preach about self love and then turn around marry a white guy. All I said was her insecurities won and it's clear.

I don't know why. Maybe it's ciyaalnimo?

I wasn't referring to you about those comments. It was others who were calling her ugly. Where did she say she got bullied? Even though, she married a white guy, she doesn't bleach or try to lighten her skin with make-up. She seems secure in her own skin.


Prince of East Africa
Dude you're ugly as f*ck don't talk about us Somali women with a broken dull face like yours
Lol half my face is covered for privacy reasons.As for your Aunt Jemima looking ass(search it up swede) with a mouth that looks bigger then most chimps shouldn't be even mentioning me.Somali tings are by the ugliest(except Isaaq,Samarone).Aint no one wants some reer konfuur ting who's siil smells like malawax,famine,piracy and disease


Suicidal men adore me.
Lol half my face is covered for privacy reasons.As for your Aunt Jemima looking ass(search it up swede) with a mouth that looks bigger then most chimps shouldn't be even mentioning me.Somali tings are by the ugliest(except Isaaq,Samarone).Aint no one wants some reer konfuur ting who's siil smells like malawax,famine,piracy and disease

Says the guy who looks dirty. When as the last time you took a shower. LOL and thanks for inspecting my lips, juicy and plump right :p
Lol half my face is covered for privacy reasons.As for your Aunt Jemima looking ass(search it up swede) with a mouth that looks bigger then most chimps shouldn't be even mentioning me.Somali tings are by the ugliest(except Isaaq,Samarone).Aint no one wants some reer konfuur ting who's siil smells like malawax,famine,piracy and disease

Is this all jokes too?

You're losing the plot. One min posting quranic verses the next talking about female private parts. Wasaq!!!


Prince of East Africa
he talk about me look like aunt jemawhatever why his dusty brown ass looks like a swollen hindu.
Nayaa without that weave you just a bald big mouth ape.You can't even speak about me Madowyahow.I state my opinion on somali females and this hoe trying shit with me.Wallahi I will Chris brown your ass,I don't care.You probably an Amisom rape product never try coming for me again curious george
Bring it on! I'm waiting
The journist Mahmoud Hassan Abdi 's blog, he also writes to Arab newspapers. Plus he supports farmaajo for president, also The famous Caldoon from Burco they are loyal Somalis May Allah praise them


Suicidal men adore me.
Nayaa without that weave you just a bald big mouth ape.You can't even speak about me Madowyahow.I state my opinion on somali females and this hoe trying shit with me.Wallahi I will Chris brown your ass,I don't care.You probably an Amisom rape product never try coming for me again curious george

LMAO. First of all I'm all natural hair.Don't talk about Somali features while your nose look like a banana on steroids. Chris Brown my ass wow your dilo mother failed you. You can't be the byproduct of two Somalis .You're no Somali brothers, a bet you're the dude that fantasied about me getting raped. L
The journist Mahmoud Hassan Abdi 's blog, he also writes to Arab newspapers. Plus he supports farmaajo for president, also The famous Caldoon from Burco they are loyal Somalis May Allah praise them

What makes someone loyal Somali? Are you listening to yourself? I don't believe Somalia's unity does that make me any less Somali! Somalinimo is dead and all those in favor of union will soon realize it's just a waste of time!


Prince of East Africa
LMAO. First of all I'm all natural hair.Don't talk about Somali features while your nose look like a banana on steroids. Chris Brown my ass wow your dilo mother failed you. You can't be the byproduct of two Somalis .You're no Somali brothers, a bet you're the dude that fantasied about me getting raped. L
Thats what every ape says before the wind takes their hair across the city.Your mouth equals half of your face and you are talking somali features? Who's mom you calling a Dilo? Is the real side of you coming out.You are really a fake feminist are you?

Listen here you fucking hoe.With those lips I know your spreading feminism all over Sweden via "Oral transmission". bullshit innocence you were doing earlier! Your probably a feminist because your father analled you as a child.Don't send for me again curious george!
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Mashallah its her choice she can marry whoever she likes as long he is muslim. But to be honest somali girls who marry out dhibaa heysta specially to cadaan. I know a girl who is married to a cadaan guy and she said she doesn't take her kids out as often because people ask her so many questions. They ask her questions such as "Are you the nanny" somaliduna waxey ku dhahaan wecalo miyaa?
Mashallah its her choice she can marry whoever she likes as long he is muslim. But to be honest somali girls who marry out dhibaa heysta specially to cadaan. I know a girl who is married to a cadaan guy and she said she doesn't take her kids out as often because people ask her so many questions. They ask her questions such as "Are you the nanny" somaliduna waxey ku dhahaan wecalo miyaa?

I think it suits them! I don't think they ever marry out religious wise but self hate!


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
As Long As He's Muslim


Stop using religion to justify jungle fever these hoes just wanna be CADAANED

What makes someone loyal Somali? Are you listening to yourself? I don't believe Somalia's unity does that make me any less Somali! Somalinimo is dead and all those in favor of union will soon realize it's just a waste of time!
They are loyal because they live inside and saw what is happening in ground unlike diaspora like you who came Somalia form is vacation spot. Abdi lives in Hargeysa and caldoon in Burco.
Somalinimo is dead

Joins a Somali forum


What does that has to do with anything?
They are loyal because they live inside and saw what is happening in ground unlike diaspora like you who came Somalia form is vacation spot. Abdi lives in Hargeysa and caldoon in Burco.

I don't know that abdi guy! But why would you assume Coldoon is a unionist?
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