Listen to his video caldoon is very wise manWhat does that has to do with anything?
I don't know that abdi guy! But why would you assume Coldoon is a unionist?
Thats what every ape says before the wind takes their hair across the city.Your mouth equals half of your face and you are talking somali features? Who's mom you calling a Dilo? Is the real side of you coming out.You are really a fake feminist are you?
Listen here you fucking hoe.With those lips I know your spreading feminism all over Sweden via "Oral transmission". bullshit innocence you were doing earlier! Your probably a feminist because your father analled you as a child.Don't send for me again curious george!
Listen to his video caldoon is very wise man
Somalinimo is dead
Joins a Somali forum
these hoes just wanna be CADAANED
You're wrong without a shadow of a doubt^Its closer to donkey of the day than hall of fame
didn't u say u were half japanese?I think it suits them! I don't think they ever marry out religious wise but self hate!
Mashallah such a happy couple. May Allah swt increase their barakah and contentment they find with each other. Jazakullah khair for this sister Honey.
I pray your sisters and daughters find good, god fearing somali men. Ameeeeen