You sound ignorant, the Somalis currently residing in these countries aren't online beefing over nonsense. Don't you think there are Muslims in other East African countries as well? This petrol station is run by Somalis, it's in my hometown.
It's as far from Somalia as you can get in a small village (Muhoroni) in Western Kenya. They moved here on their own volition and seem to have settled quite nicely.
I was also surprised to find a Somali restaurant owner settled among the Kalenjin when I visited Kericho (also in Western Kenya /Rift Valley). I asked a Kale to take me to a restaurant where I can taste traditional Kalenjin food. Low and behold, a Somali man with a big smile walks out serving me Mursik. A person with your mindset will never make it anywhere in life because you have a miserable attitude. If Somalis feel like "Madows" are so different then why are they moving to our towns/villages? I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't move somewhere I didn't feel comfortable.
Why settle in Southwestern Kenya if you don't want to be around Madows? There is a whole community of Somalis speaking our local language.
Junet Mohamed, Member of Parliament for Suna East in Migori County.
As you can see below, his wife is fluent in Dholuo, she campaigns regularly. There are literally hundreds of Malis just like like her.
I find it so interesting how your knee-jerk reaction is that the original poster doesn't want to be "around Madows" or that there is beef?
There is this bizarre projection and inferiority complex that gets triggered when Somalis try to preserve their existence. Yes, we are different. What's wrong with that? Why is it offensive???
What do we have in common? Do you even realise that Somalis don't even feel close to Cushitics such as Oromos?
Moreoever, when Somalis live in Kenya, it's because Somalis have been forced to live in Kenya as NFD is occupied. Therefore, Somalis have the right to enjoy all the commercial interests possible. The same way that Kenyans are employed in Somalia and enjoy those financial interests.
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