There only Somali Weyen. we can deport the others people to congo
It works on my nerves when they include Ethiopia to be part of the horn of Africathe one I find weird is "horn of africa". if you look at a map, only somalia and the part of ethiopia (occupied by somalis) make up the horn. Yet people include ethiopia and eritrea (which is so far up north it isnt anywhere near the horn)
And if you notice this east african label never works when it's time for somalis to be attacked. nobody says "east african pirates" "east african criminals". Then, not only do they know somali, they will know down to the tribe when they want.@bluebird
This article excerpt discusses how Somali and other Cushitic women are fetishised by rappers. I am convinced that this helped increase the 'East African girl/culture/people' nonsense on social media.
Read this;
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And if you notice this east african label never works when it's time for somalis to be attacked. nobody says "east african pirates" "east african criminals". Then, not only do they know somali, they will know down to the tribe when they want.
Exactly walaal you said it perfectlyWhy does this bother you so much?
one thing we surely donβt have in common with other East Africa countries is that they are not failed states lol
Kings of small nozes nd zoft hair an sheeiitit
acting like your some big shot cause your from the west if you were born in somalia you would be running to Uganda and Kenya for economic opportunities.
know your place
fair pointEven when they were insulting Somali men and calling them ugly, not a peep. But as soon as someone posted an accurate representation, here comes 'East African men' again. Waa cadow oo anaga na isticmaala.
Moreoever, when Somalis live in Kenya, it's because Somalis have been forced to live in Kenya as NFD is occupied. Therefore, Somalis have the right to enjoy all the commercial interests possible.
The same way that Kenyans are employed in Somalia and enjoy those financial interests.
There are thousands of kenyans that work in Somalia/Somaliland btw, mainly as teachers but also in the healthcare sector and agriculture..If you think anyone can just waltz into our ancestral land and set up shop, you're gravely mistaken. I doubt theyβd even welcome you if they knew how you truly felt about others in this region. Since you donβt consider yourself part of it, you should resign from the EAC and take advantage of your place in the Arab League. We donβt need people who lack the spirit of ubuntu. As for me, I wonβt be supporting anything Somali from now on.
"Kenyans." My people aren't in Somalia so I don't know what you're talking about.
Tell your mods to delete my account, I've e-mailed them several times.
There are thousands of kenyans that work in Somalia/Somaliland btw, mainly as teachers but also in the healthcare sector and agriculture..
I would argue eriteria makes at least a little sense if we go based on geography.the one I find weird is "horn of africa". if you look at a map, only somalia and the part of ethiopia (occupied by somalis) make up the horn. Yet people include ethiopia and eritrea (which is so far up north it isnt anywhere near the horn)
If you think anyone can just waltz into our ancestral land and set up shop, you're gravely mistaken. I doubt theyβd even welcome you if they knew how you truly felt about others in this region. Since you donβt consider yourself part of it, you should resign from the EAC and take advantage of your place in the Arab League. We donβt need people who lack the spirit of ubuntu. As for me, I wonβt be supporting anything Somali from now on.
"Kenyans." My people aren't in Somalia so I don't know what you're talking about.
Tell your mods to delete my account, I've e-mailed them several times.
Arabs and Sri Lankans are both Asians ,you're both africans who live on the east lol that's what you have in common
We are not closer to the Yemenis, that is a myth.Somalis are closer to Yemenis our Muslim brothers than Kenyans or Ethiopians
For future reference whenever somalis say kenyan and ethiopian, just assume that theyβre not talking about somali ones.."Kenyan" is not an ethnic group, this is ancestral land which has to be sold/rented for you to be able to open up shop. My people aren't in Somalia so I don't know what healthcare workers/educators you're talking about.
Seriously, why does it matter if Somalis feel uncomfortable with the East African tag and consequently want to affirm their own separate identity?
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that Horn Africans do have their own conceptions of identity that is distinct from other East Africans.
welcome to the somali forums. if you return in 2030 it will be the same thing.Seriously, why does it matter if Somalis feel uncomfortable with the East African tag and consequently want to affirm their own separate identity?
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that Horn Africans do have their own conceptions of identity that is distinct from other East Africans.
It's the same stale debate over and over again
So you obviously have a chip on your shoulders which is fine but you're lying about coming on here with good intentions if you can say these negative things about Somalis just because some users did not like your posts and rightfully called you out.East Africa is not an identity; it's a geographical region within Africa. No one, and I mean absolutely no one but Somalis would even entertain this absurd idea of removing themselves from a geographical label. They're so offended by being grouped with their neighbors in any capacity that they're now trying to reject an identity that never even existed in the first place. Then one user (xyro) says that it has nothing to do with Madows seeing that they have the same feelings towards Ethiopians and Middle Easterners, only for 'Puntite Queen' to post some bullshit like this:
"Humans have evolved to recognise and favor in-group members based on familiarity... That's why you'll see some Somalis sometimes support Tutsis (partial Cushitic dna). It would be similar to how Somalis would feel when they see another Cushitic person."
This whole conversation reeks of xenophobia masked as a need to preserve one's identity. Notice that no one has brought up a concrete example of who's stealing their identity/erasing their cultural footprint, even though I've asked several times. The only example that was brought up (by me) was the dirac to which I got a hostile response. "I don't know why you East Africans have a fixation with watching Somalis, and also trying to erase our cultural footprint."
As if there's this secret agenda against them. Absurd.
If this Ethiopian (Nilotic) girl knew how Somalis really felt about her wearing it, she'd probably throw it in the bin. I don't even know if this counts as a "baati"/dirac because it's nothing I've really considered.
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It's easy to sit there and list every single item different groups have "appropriated," but is it really systematic, or is it something that's gradually happened over time? And what's magically going to change by them rebranding themselves as "non-East Africans"? Nothing.
This whole discussion is bullshit; they're just cherry-picking examples and piling them on to create this false "us versus them" narrative.
Their cultural identity has nothing to do with East Africa as a region. If they want to preserve their culture, they should work on it internally instead of pointing fingers at everyone else.
Seriously, who even thinks of this shit? Imagine a Bulgarian starting a discussion about Southern Europeans trying to homogenise them. It's absurd.
Ironically, it's Somalia that's been begging to join the EAC since 2012. A community that was founded on principles such as mutual cooperation, equitable benefit distribution, and people-centered, market-driven integration.
I, for one, don't want a person with weird energy in my back yard. We've accepted them as a community and even made one of theirs MP in our second largest town yet it's always weird energy from their side. Perhaps they should collaborate with Rwandans, as they seem to have more in common with them.
I don't personally place much importance on the Kenyan label; I identify primarily by my tribe, whether it's in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia, or South Sudan. Nevertheless, I maintain cordial relationships with my neighbors. You might all label us as Madow but we're not the same. Our languages, cultures and histories are completely different but we still find a way to coexist because we have to.