I met the farah of my dreams but I have reservations..

The man's is what the youth today would call a wizard. He's most likely still a virgin, if he's in late 20's or older he's probably managed to suppress his sexual urges/desires and probably found some rationale to justify not having sex even during marriage. Either way, I can't keep up with wizard logic, nor can I imagine being able to sexually neuter yourself in your most youthful days. Many do it due to religious reasons, but once they do get married I doubt they would be holding themselves back like that.

Watch, once he's experienced a woman, the man will be making a schedule, Naked Mondays, Woah Wednesdays, Titty Thursdays, Fuuto Fridays etc.
Either he is asexual, not attracted to you, has a low sex drive, or is not attracted to women.

Probably one or several of the first three.
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1. he was nervous
2. He is Gay
3. He was to shy to tell you
4. he is on the spectrum

Pretty freaky that he dosent feel anything though, kinda caught me off guard and might be your biggest sign of something deeper. But you should probably continue talking to him and figure out what he meant


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Welcome back sis!!

There’s always something missing, so’mahan? Such is life.

Talk to him. Have an open and frank conversation. I think it’s important to iron these things out before making any final decisions. People have different preferences and if this is a deal breaker for you then that’s fine. Always stay true to yourself and choose the best possible option for yourself. Ilahay mid kheyr qabo oo aduun iyo akhiraba ku anfaco baan ku rajaynaa sis.
f*ck breaking boundaries, a woman asking my such question i would talk big game even if I dont believe it

I would take my chances being turned down for being sexual over being accused of qaniisnimo. We are hearing hearing about in Sspot I bet it wouldnt take long before word comes back to him and he starts developing a reputation. wy dhammatay for lil bro


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Not attracted to a naked female body is the literal definition of gay tbh, not tryna cock block the dude or anything but that is an extremely suspect statement :icon lol:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Hodan, you need to do some serious thinking. Marrying him would be like waiting your whole life, being escorted into an opulent palace, only to be ushered into a Gulag and served pureed borscht slop at every meal to satiate your hunger… Hayee!

Sis, you need to be admired and appreciated in a balanced way. Not with extremes—whether it’s the love-bombing that some people engage in or using you as a mere tool to propagate his legacy.

Issues will arise when you go for the male version of yourself. I would find it strange if a woman claimed she was me in female form. Seriously put me off because it implies several things.

Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe he is socially weird and want to contra signal to be accepted. If that is not the case, then I think you should move on instead of trying to change him. I don't think it is right for us to impose our will into people's temperaments for our own gains.

There is the last option. He might have changed his mind and wanted to put you off on purpose. Maybe you scared him with the weird witch arc you're on.💀


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Hodan from HR , in a way he reminds me of myself a bit.

:chrisfreshhah: Except I'm a lady and not asexual. It's called decorum and self-restraint. I suspect some neurodivergence at play on his end (just speculating).

Let's exchange notes:

I also got to know someone who looked amazing on paper, with a doctorate and many of my strict requirements, which I'm sure I've overzealously plastered on forum walls. He was nice but had a way of making a captivating lady appear less than enticing.

But-but-but I'm a "catch," I insisted to myself. He only admitted to that once. And was perplexed that I was opposed to dating considering my appearance. I felt a little insulted. I'm not a hijabi, so that burned a little. What did he think? That I was accessible just because I have options? It's the opposite. The sentimentalist in me doesn't like the idea of availability, rejects dating culture, never went on dating apps, and has always been a challenge to get to know. He was lucky I even bothered. We both knew who the real prize was between us. Or so I muttered to myself.

After that short period, I was led down the rabbit hole of "decentering men." I found myself nodding emphatically, taking copious notes, considering him like a case study, and pathologizing this specimen. Then came the pseudo-psychological labelling. It was a mother wound, I concluded. He was stunted by being an under-hugged child, leading to his avoidant personality. I had neither patience nor time to take down his self-defence architecture like a master mason without recompense. I'm nice but no fool.

Then, I was temporarily gripped by the ominous spirit of the shrieking banshee archetype. I needed my sisters' support to summon the power of our collective habar. Take no prisoners. We want war, not peace! Then, I let go of that thought, finding it unhelpful and counterproductive.

I needed a little distraction to escape the general sense of disappointment. I sparingly allow men to get to know me, am quite exact in my approach, and assess them granularly. Not that they know, considering I present as very nice and coolly nonjudgmental. It makes chastity easy, as they are kept at bay, allowing me to maintain control and effortlessly foster a general climate of goodwill.

However, I was perplexed why such a laudable choice would have his own mind and not act in ways I did not anticipate. I once considered feeding his characteristics into some AI chatbot to sensitize his less-than-desirable characteristics. Maybe I could impart him with my telekentic repartee. I decided against creating a Frankenstein monster with 'ultimate rizz" that was merely a figment of code.

This led to philosophizing. Perhaps we're in a post-romantic era of routine optimization and a managerial approach to love, focusing on efficiency and wanting more sweetness with less bitterness (pain). Attempting to minimize the risk and control the outcome or so I reasoned.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He’s not attracted to you. He likes you because you fit the profile he’s looking for. But he’s not attracted to you. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

