Interracial Marriages

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Citizen of Southwest State

The infamous pic.:hahaidiot:

No matter how many times I see this picture, I still find it extremely amusing.:hemad:


the bitterness that's oozing from this thread :ohlord:

waar let them marry who ever they want...dadka meeshan akhriyaya think inay dumarkii odhan inaga qaateen :ohlord:
From a purely reproductive standpoint males are disposable and females are extremely valuable. That's because theoretically u just need one man to impregnate countless women and grow/replenish a peoples population, while on the other hand you would need many many women for this to occur. It's not just because we are physically and mentally stronger than women that men are sent off to war and made to do dangerous jobs, it's also because on a subconscious level humans understand that the majority of men are disposable and not required for the continuation of ones ethnicity, while women are. Why do you think Somali nomads only sell and ship male camels to Arabia and not female ones?

So when Somali women marry out it's a net loss to the population potential of the Somali ethnicity and a net gain for whichever ethnicity she marries into, as she will be having their children and not ours. When a Somali male marries out it's a net gain for our ethnicity because we are increasing the number of women who can give birth to Somali children, since ethnicity in our culture is traced through patrilineal descent. And even if a Somali man decides not to marry and have children it's still not a net loss for us because his reproductive role will and can be replaced by another Somali male via polygamy or serial marriage.

Because humans understand all of the above on a subconscious level, real men have a visceral dislike for other men marrying their women even if they can't articulate why in precise terms.
This isn’t true at all. I understand the logic behind it but in the real world it is different.

For example, it doesn’t matter if a Black person (Male or female) has a child with a white person in a White country; it definitely isn’t a loss to white people. Because 90% of the time, the half caste will grow up to marry a white person in a white country. If you marry outside your race in a land that isn’t yours, within a generation or two, you will breed yourself out eventually, applies to everyone. Poly Styrene was a famous punk British singer who father was Somali. How was this a gain for the Somali race when the half caste eventually went on to marry a white person and her granddaughter of the Somali looks 100% white. This is reality of interracial dating in the West especially when mixing with whites, you grandchildren whether you are a Somali male or female will turn out white.





The woman, man and children posted here all had black grandads. So how was it a net gain for black people? In reality, it is a loss whether a male or female marries outside the race in the west.



Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I am all for interracial and intercultural marriages but I draw the line when it comes to interqabiil. :kanyecute:


I don't know many mixed Somalis but a few of my family. One of my cousis is half cadaan and somali. They live basically across the globe in an cadaan dominated neighborhood. His hooyo is Somali while his father is Cadaan. In Somali culture you go by what your father is but growing up they've always been called blackie with negative stereotypes on them. My male cousin told me some people call him slave and shet. I'm like how the f*ck they calling you that when your ancestors weren't and I was like tell the u ain't that type of black-either way you need to defend urself. They don't know anything about Somali culture or Islam at all. I feel so bad for them. And his other sibling does skimpy stuff, she fucked Up her liver because she drinks her sorrows away. Both patents are separated. Her hooyo doesn't like her being around Somalis too much. And she distaste a Somali men, my aunt said she'll pair her up with one and she made a very scruffy face sorta meaning like what the f*ck. I didn't know that much about her until she started blogging about feelings and putting her personal shet out there, which she deleted. But she said she wishes growing up in a more multicultural area.
This thread was hilarious :pachah1:

The xaliimos I know that marry out have been tossed around so only the "convert" koon wants it:mjdontkno:
@Baraf I found your post really interesting if you don't mind i'd like to ask how practicing in deen were the parents of the individuals you spoke of? If the kids turned out to be anti Islam and anti culture were their parents more laid back moderate muslims?

There's two types of people who marry out. The non deen practicing somali man or woman who doesn't really care much for culture. When this type of a person has children they will obviously not teach their kids Islam. They will raise their kids like gaalo kids, do whatever you want, come in when you feel like it be gay/straight etc and instill a hate for their culture in them.

Then there is the the well cultured good muslim Somali who marries another good foreign Muslim. This kind of couple will take their kids to dugsi teach them about Islam and culture. They won't alienate their kids from the families, community so they grow up to be proud Somali kids. I grew up with people like this and they all speak fluent Somali and have deen. So it depends on the type parents and the environment where these kids are raised.


nah she used to beMuslim but she lives so far away. She married a agnostic guy who pretended to be Muslim. She's not anti Islam, I think she just doesn't care and the area they live is only Cadaan so she never bothered.
I have another cousin who is Cadaan and Somali but I think she identifies with Muslim. But she used to live around us- and his wife was a bit traditional Christian. I don't think she's even practicing now though.
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