Isaaq Y-dna results

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
How else am i supposed to post it if i haven't got an account ?. The main reasons i took the test was partly due to curiosity and to contribute to yhe debunking and dismantling of qabiil myths . qabyaalad is outdated , it has served its purpose during our anarchical geeljire days , but now it is useless and only further divides us. I'm happy that i could contribute to this mini revolution



Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Can somebody tell me how accurate the DNA and haplogroup thing is? From what I hear it's not scientifically conclusive.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Can somebody tell me how accurate the DNA and haplogroup thing is? From what I hear it's not scientifically conclusive.

What do you mean? It'll tell you your paternal and maternal haplogroups without a shadow of a doubt.
Can somebody tell me how accurate the DNA and haplogroup thing is? From what I hear it's not scientifically conclusive.
Its very reliable otherwise they wouldn't use it in the court of law, they use it in custody battle to determine paternity and in high profile homicide cases. Its even more trusted than EYE witness accounts. I trust the science of genetics more than 1000 yr old oral tradition.
It's kinda weird that Somalis only seem to have two main haplogroups. Either T1a1a or E1b1b-V32.

What an inbred population.

If you look at European ethnic groups, Middle Eastern or Ethiopian groups they usually have 4 or 5 different dominant lineages.

you understand that you are comparing a 1 continent, a subregion of Asia the largest contient and Ethiopia to one country. even then Europe as only half a dozen haplogroups and Middle East/Ethiopia only has 4. while somalia has 4 if we count the ethnic minorities.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I was talking about genetic anceroty testing :vo3yidw:. Anyways my knowledge about this is very limited, I shall stop till I do further research.
The funny part of that is, that even if that happened then it was most likely rape. That's like when African Americans celebrate "good hair" and light skin, two features that came from white slave owners raping them.

Naa ciyal suuq, majoring is African American and Women studies does not make you an expert. The one who say we are arabs are useless and one who abandon all their culture/historical legacy are also worthless. i modify my understand by examining what our ancestors thought, keeping what is useful and getting ride of dead weight or modifying practice to fit this generation, while you assimilate black (African American) and western ideologies and think that makes you wise. you remind me a men who when their partner become pregnant experience the same symptoms and behavior as expectant mother. they call it couvade syndrome, now if only medical science was to come up with the psychological disorder that you and this generation of somalis are suffering. sane somalis could have you all of commit.

Truly you are an ass
I owned a book about sheekh Isaxaaq and it contained his abtirsi , and what i found was that his supposed ancestor that connected him to the prophet was actually a man died who died childless and who the shi'a call the occulted imam mahdi. It's all myth sxb , ha isku daalin. The Romans themselves had a myth about about their origin, the Romulus and Remus myth but Romans(Italians) today acknowledge it as a myth , why cant you do the same ?.

Myth of Romulus and Remus become a myth when italia become Christian. they had something to replace their old myth with something new, the Roman catholic church, Renaissance, enlightenment and finally today's secularism. we barely have a country on the edge of precipice, first come up with something ingenious and appealing enough before you ask somalis to let go of a thousand year of memory.
I was talking about genetic anceroty testing :vo3yidw:. Anyways my knowledge about this is very limited, I shall stop till I do further research.
The Y chromosome is passed on from father to son and it's virtually unchanged and uninterrupted (obviously). Regardless of the ethnic background of the woman that a man breeds with, the YDNA of their offspring will remain unchanged. Most of the times, YDNA testing cannot be used to determine whether your a descendant of a specific individual, but it can tell you if you're not a descendant of the individual in question. For famous tribes that have a large database like the Quraysh, your STR markers can tell you if you're from Quraysh or not by making a comparison with their STR markers. The major DNA testing companies have a large database available in order to make a comparison between your results and that of others. Thus, haplogroups are 100% reliable to determine your background abaayo. A YDNA test can only be taken by a male (obviously), so a female can ask one of her male relatives (that shares the same paternal lineage with her) to take the YDNA test. :cool:


you understand that you are comparing a 1 continent, a subregion of Asia the largest contient and Ethiopia to one country. even then Europe as only half a dozen haplogroups and Middle East/Ethiopia only has 4. while somalia has 4 if we count the ethnic minorities.

I am not counting minorities nor going by regions. I strictly mean by ethnic group (like for example, Croats, Amharas, Jordanian Arabs, Delta Egyptians, Armenians etc.). You typically find 4 or 5 main haplogroups with frequencies over 10%. In Somalis there are only two lineages who make that benchmark.
Myth of Romulus and Remus behcome a myth when italia become Christian. they had something to replace their old myth with something new, the Roman catholic church, Renaissance, enlightenment and finally today's secularism. we barely have a country on the edge of precipice, first come up with something ingenious and appealing enough before you ask somalis to let go of a thousand year of memory.
I know it's not going to take place over night , it's going to take time and education to get rid of it , it will be a slow and gradual process, but It will be accomplished eventually.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
E-V32 is Cushitic Lineage
If you belong to this haplogroup you are basically an Oromo,

I am perfectly fine with whatever it turns out to be as long as Darood is a real clan unlike most other Somali clans.
We could be Oromo for all I care as long as the majority of Darood all share an ancestor in the past 1000 years :ftw9nwa:
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