Its 1990

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You somehow travel back in time to Mog 1990 on the brink of civil war.

What do you do?


Flee again wtf else would I do? :mjdontkno:

The country was unstable from the late 1980's. By 1990 everyone was packing their bags.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I mean more in terms of how you would change history.

One thousand year reich :2tjlv3e:


Your superior
Siyaad killed on TV. Then step as unifying prez. Excute all those involved in decision making. borrow $50bn to rebuild hargeisa and burco


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I would advise his Holiness to withdraw from the North and concentrate on ending the rebellion in the south. Counter qabiil propaganda with a major reshuffle promoting certain sub clans over others to dissuade clans from entirely abandoning the government. Grant generous concessions to more friendly subclans to induce loyalty. Surgical strikes against the leadership of jabhads that'll collapse without their heads and avoid collateral damage at all costs, even at the cost of substantial casualties. Eventually transition to a more militarized police and acknowledge rebels as criminals rather than legitimatize non state actors with a conventional war.

Consolidate power in the South and reengage criminal elements in the North, using the same strategy to erode the powerbase of northern rebel groups. With the end of hostilities, once again grant generous concessions and make overtures of political reform in order to win back the hearts and minds of the citizenry.

Abandon socialism, liberalize the economy and exploit national resources as fast as possible to survive the end of the cold war and America's disinterest in propping up dictatorships. Use newly acquired revenue to heavily invest in infrastructure, education, and security.

With the fall of the Derg in 1991, continue to promote the disintegration of Ethiopia and immediately recognize Eritrea and Tigray with our puppets Afwerki and Zenawi, permanently cripple the Amhara, ensure the secession of Oromia, and after a swift referendum, annex the Ogaden.

Pax Somalia :2tjlv3e:


I would advice siyaad barre to kill of certain clans in mass numbers before leaving so that when he leaves the problem will be easier to dealt with also he shouldve moved all the weapons from to where the darod harti lived to make sure they don't expand while moving the rest to where his clans men live in south so when he regroups it would be easier while this is happening I would Indiscriminately kill all the civilians who support terrorism by default there terrorist anyways they already hate your guts might as well give them a nice reason to hate you:mjpls:
If bombing and shelling don't work you keep doing it until it works:rejoice:
I would also move the navy to blockade all the ports so no food gets in if am going down might as well take everybody with me:russ:


I'll go as far as the 80's and advice MSB AUN not to kill the wadaads. The fitna started after those wadaads were killed :francis:

I'd also advice him to stay away from Dhulos. :lol:


Look up backstabbing on the dictionary and you'll see Dhulos :lolbron: Ninyow bakhti baad tihiin you lot would be the last group I'd have in my squad.
Stop bruh you and ogaden were shaking your ass for ceydiid in hamar dhulos probably the only somalis who didn't turn on mx in 90s:ninja:
Of course yall nikkas changed your tune ones ceydiid pushed your wig back:dead1:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Stop creating scenarios and get real sxb. The dude (MSB) boarded a sinking ship and nobody could stop that. He tried to take Mogadishu twice and failed miserably.

"Killing" the heads of jabhads is also futile, you think the USC and company were cults based on its leaders :ftw9nwa: If you followed the timeline you'd know Ismaaciil Jimcaale and Cali Wardhiigley both died in succession and the leadership was still passed onto Xuseen Xaaji Bood.

Point is, there were no key incidents that could have saved Siyaad from the overthrow unless he had shown sincerity in his leadership from day one.


USC fired live rounds into a refugee camp filled with Ogaden region refugees. No amount of sincerity would quell that level of bloodlust.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
I've always believed that Siyaad was silly to think he can hold onto power by empowering disadvantaged clans. The no.1 rule of maintaining a dictatorship is to get the big guns on your side. You cannot alienate Isaaq, Hawiye, MJ etc and expect to remain President. Kudos to him for lasting 21 years as that shit took skill but any longer would have to been some juju thing.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Blah blah blah Somalis are pathetic subhumans for the most part, kill or incapacitate muh Messiah and they're done for, happened with Ahmed Gurey, The Sayid, and MSB himself. If General Wow as the Hawiye masses called him fell, the Hawiye would have broke.

In my honest opinion Aideed was the most talented general since the Sayid, his problem tho was he knew how to gain a victory but really really didn't know how to use it. Another case of great soldier horrible politician.

The biggest mistake of MSB was a) retarded collective punishment turning entire clans against him and b) not finishing it after he already fucked up. Half measures are retarded when you're already all in, you gotta go Hafez Al-Assad or just say f*ck it.

Room temperature Somalis will always fall for divide and conquer since the subclans hate each other as much as the clans themselves. Grant ridiculous concessions to the Abgaal and karbaash HG with impunity. Same with Harti, Isaaq, or any other clan really. Just avoid civilian casualties that'll inflame qabiil sentiment and karbaash militias with impunity.

I would've advised him to publicly execute at least a dozen Marehan patsies, preferably his own sub sub sub clan, for corruption and other trumped up charges to turn the attention away from himself. The public will be more accepting of violence when there are no favorites.


I've always believed that Siyaad was silly to think he can hold onto power by empowering disadvantaged clans. The no.1 rule of maintaining a dictatorship is to get the big guns on your side. You cannot alienate Isaaq, Hawiye, MJ etc and expect to remain President. Kudos to him for lasting 21 years as that shit took skill but any longer would have to been some juju thing.
Not really what defeated him was cutting of the aid that was a death blow any of the qashin who opposed were in general weak he could easily outlast them but ones the us cut aid it was basically game over:kanyeshrug:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Not really what defeated him was cutting of the aid that was a death blow any of the qashin who opposed were in general weak he could easily outlast them but ones the us cut aid it was basically game over:kanyeshrug:

Aid is a two way Street. If the Americans wanted to support him, there's nothing stopping the rebels from also getting aid from other sources.

No ifs no buts, the Siyaadists lost the civil war.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Blah blah blah Somalis are pathetic subhumans for the most part, kill or incapacitate muh Messiah and they're done for, happened with Ahmed Gurey, The Sayid, and MSB himself. If General Wow as the Hawiye masses called him fell, the Hawiye would have broke.

In my honest opinion Aideed was the most talented general since the Sayid, his problem tho was he knew how to gain a victory but really really didn't know how to use it. Another case of great soldier horrible politician.

The biggest mistake of MSB was a) retarded collective punishment turning entire clans against him and b) not finishing it after he already fucked up. Half measures are retarded when you're already all in, you gotta go Hafez Al-Assad or just say f*ck it.

Room temperature Somalis will always fall for divide and conquer since the subclans hate each other as much as the clans themselves. Grant ridiculous concessions to the Abgaal and karbaash HG with impunity. Same with Harti, Isaaq, or any other clan really. Just avoid civilian casualties that'll inflame qabiil sentiment and karbaash militias with impunity.

I would've advised him to publicly execute at least a dozen Marehan patsies, preferably his own sub sub sub clan, for corruption and other trumped up charges to turn the attention away from himself. The public will be more accepting of violence when there are no favorites.

You know what I actually agree with you. Aideed was a better General than Siyaad but Siyaad was a better leader than him.


Aid is a two way Street. If the Americans wanted to support him, there's nothing stopping the rebels from also getting aid from other sources.

No ifs no buts, the Siyaadists lost the civil war.
You dumb f*ck do you even know what the f*ck you talking about:heh: I knew you hawiye fucker have low iq but this:heh:
The reason why the aid was cut was because the cold war was coming to an end who else was suppose to take the spot of the us dameer:mindblown:
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