Its 1990

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I would advise his Holiness to withdraw from the North and concentrate on ending the rebellion in the south.
You do this and the SNM and clan militias take make a return and will not just control their own territory but also becuase of superior number overrun pro regime clans. Then, they will be putting the use their alliance into effect and capture government facilities and territory in the north east, threatening the regime from the north, blocking supply lines from the north and retreat route; essentially create a strategic fiasco. If you withdraw your force in 1991 when the government is collapsing the SNM will then lack the political initiative to continue war.

Counter qabiil propaganda with a major reshuffle promoting certain sub clans over others to dissuade clans from entirely abandoning the government.
By 1990 the Hawiye have had enough, there was no way turning back and the regime is the first and foremost the primary target. The opportunity to turn the USC sub clans against eachother is extremely unlikely because since you were at war with their clan and are occupying their land. The chance to restore some legitimacy was too far gone, most civillians saw the regime as a clan dictatorship. Even if the regime were to make a u turn in policy and democratize (which Siad Barre actually attempted) the clan factions would not put their arms because of previous crimes and desire for power themselves. It was a matter of exterminate or be exterminated.
Grant generous concessions to more friendly subclans to induce loyalty. Surgical strikes against the leadership of jabhads that'll collapse without their heads and avoid collateral damage at all costs, even at the cost of substantial casualties. Eventually transition to a more militarized police and acknowledge rebels as criminals rather than legitimatize non state actors with a conventional war.
When you have the largest clan against you and control an immense amount of arms then inducing the loyalty of a few small subclans (most sub clans have already lost faith in you by then and will put up minimal resistance) won't make a difference as they would be overrun because of their size and lack of motivation.
By 1990 things were hopeless, i think the discussion would be more interesting if it was the beginning of 1989.


In 1990 if i was president i would have abondoned Mogadishu but also take all the weapons stockpiles with me. I would set up a clan coaliition and hand out all the weapons to members of this coalition. I would attempt to curry favours with sections of the Ogaden by reinstating their fired clan politicans and military leaders and i would also change my policy on greater Somalia and Ethiopia. The Jees SPM faction would be unconvinced but witnessing the actions of the USC would perhaps bring the Daroods closer together. I would also arm the Harti tribesman in the north whom would serve as a buffer. I will also torch Mogadishu to the ground, leave nothin standing. The weapons i could not take with me i would destroy.

By 1990 if i'm successful in bringing some of the Ogaden to my side i would make a pivot to the south, if not, i would dedicate my military resources to an attack on the southern territories this should overwhelm the SPM. I would withdraw to the south and occupy Xudur, Baidoa in the north going down to Merka in the shabbelle and wait it out. The USC will struggle to do much damage outside of their clan territories so i would wait it out and be on the defensive. I would wait for the political winds to blow to my favour, such as a civil war between the rebel factions.

I will then make an attack on Beledweyne from Xudur, then a three pronged attack towards Walawayne and then Jowhar.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I would of done what faroole done maxu iri marka arkay arinta ina qasan tahay gurigayga xamar ba biroxa ka fujistay markas garoowe ba guri ka dhistay :ftw9nwa:


Your superior
Siyaad made the biggest mistake the day he tried to take on the most powerful somali clan isaaq, you can't take on the people who are your most educated and wealthiest.
in the next 100 years,somalia will be ruled by hawiye and if and when the change comes which is unfavoriable to us,we will overrun the entire south with our DM allies and declare our own southern somalia republic.


Your superior
in the next 100 years,somalia will be ruled by hawiye and if and when the change comes which is unfavoriable to us,we will overrun the entire south with our DM allies and declare our own southern somalia republic.

Rule the south. We rule the north. Like how it was always

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
If I was MSB AUN, in the early eighties/late 70s I would have put a bullet into the head of aideed and Abdullahi Yusuf AUN. I would have also focused on appeasing the difficult tribes North of hiiraan if at all possible, save isaaq who I would have ignored and asked for food aid instead of transplanting them to the south during the droughts in the 70s. What a complete waste of money. Smh

By the mid eighties I would have prepared the country for democratic elections (maybe even encouraged non qabil based parties? Lol who am kidding rofl ) and built a house in Nairobi with public funds(because I deserve it) to retire to.


I only agree with Abdullahi isse
It's hard to say its Abdulahi Isse because the nation was a trust territory under the United Nations and administered by Italy. A father of a nation either founds a country ruling it sovereignly or liberates it. Abdullahi Isse didn't do both things. Somalia's term and date for freedom was agreed to between Italy and SYL before Abdullahi Isse became leader.
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