It's time for Somalia to Balkanize

Yes Somalia should be balkanised, I think Puntland would benefit from this and move towards prosperity. One thing that we all have to agree on is, only allow Somalianland (your clan) to only have Burco, Berbera and Hargeisa nothing less and nothing more. Once we agree on that can we then proceed and come together to finalise this.
No I am not Ethiopia. Itoobiya ha dhacdo. Abiy Axmed ha dhaco. I hate Ethiopia. Ethiopia is actually taking advantage of our current situation. Balkanization is for the best. You may tolerate clan wars but I don't. You have fun with that but I don't want that in my region.
Why you pushing something that will make it easy for either to overrun us to politically dominate us. We have FMS leaders in Gedo publicly anouncing they wanna be part of Ethiopia. We have Laftagareen not wanting Ethiopians to leave his gobol, we have Puntland running to Ethiopia when he she has an argument with her husband the FGS. It wasnt even longtime ago when I read that Awdal actually wanted to be part of Ethiopia. A few months or a year before the whole MOU. Also dont forget the already Somalis living under Ethiopia. So all this shit you just said would benefit Ethiopia
There are so many problems with your proposal.

First off, Its impossible to properly demarcate qabil borders since qabil territory is inherently fluid and vaguely defined. There will be at least one qabil that will be unhappy with the results and start war to gain what they percieve to be their territory. Want proof it could happen? Look no further than Somaliland and Puntland who have been beefing for decades over useless qabil territory. And those are the most qabil homogenous states! It will be 10x worse in the south if you tried to make nations there. And of course, there is the fact that subclans will divided themselves on the sub sub sub clan level meaning there will be internal unrest.

Second, almost none of these hypothetical qabil states would be economically viable. Somalia has next to no resources (as of now) and they will be even poorer than Somalia is in GDP. We are talking about states that produce virtually nothing and will 100% be reliant on aid. It took Somaliland and Puntland DECADES to reach a somewhat economically stable status. And once again, when it comes to economic disparities, these qabil states will fight each other for more grazing land or livestock because that is just how primitive the Somali economy as a whole is. Splicing apart an already extremely underperforming economy won't make things better.

Third, the world will never accept multiple little Somalias with a seat in the UN. Its preposterous. The whole point of Somalia was to make a homeland for Somalis, its laughable to suggest completely dentical qabils could have their own state when there are ethnic groups out there fighting desperately for their own nation yet somehow Somalis get up to a dozen or more. No one wants more begging bowls and so will never entertain it.

Qabil is completely antithetical to modern nation building. Its a system that relies entirely on nepotism and greed and doesn't foster any cooperation whatsoever. Even the Arabs relegated their qabils as background noise with no real sway in their politics because they know its impossible to run nations purely through tribalism.
SL and PL is not a good example. SSC has already been created. DH are not being pushed around anymore. SL isn't the most homogenous state. Awdal is Dir not Isaaq and that's an entire gobol in SL. As for starting wars, that would be hard if we had actual border security. Mooryaans would be dealt with. As for sub-clans that won't be that much of a problem. Most clan fighting is between two completely different clans.

As for the viability of those states, they're actually very viable. A Warsangali state could export gold, an Ogaadeen state in JL would be full of rich farmland and so would be an Abgaal one in Sh/Dhexe.

As for recognition if there is 0 central authority they have to recognize at least *some* of the states. There is a central authority today (although the President controls nothing outside of Villa Somalia) but if all that were to wither away, they'd be left with nothing. I don't really care about recognition to be honest, I care about my region being separate from Somalia.

Somalis will never let go of qabyaalad so this is the best we can do.

Emir of Harar

Make Harar Great Again
Realistically speaking, it's time for Somalia to balkanize. The idea of a united Somali nation died long ago. Everyone cares about their clan only but pretends to be a wadani at the same time.

Our clans struggle to live with each other so imagine a united Somalia let alone a united Somaliweyn consisting of SL, the rest of Somalia, NFD, DDS and Jabuuti. Every clan occupying substantial territory should build their own country and they should come together and meet with neighboring clans to agree on a border if the current world order remains. For example: Habar Gidir would form a country of their own and would have to agree on a border with neighboring clans like Majeerteen, Dir (In Mudug/Galgaduud), Mareexaan, Leelkase, Murusade etc.

We never thought of uniting as a people until the 50's and we never were a united nation. We don't think of each other as a nation too. So it makes sense to balkanize at this point. It's for the better and it'll result in less death & destruction.
Your solution of balkanization will only result in further hatred, division and hatred against one another, as is happening in the balkans right now.
Why you pushing something that will make it easy for either to overrun us to politically dominate us. We have FMS leaders in Gedo publicly anouncing they wanna be part of Ethiopia. We have Laftagareen not wanting Ethiopians to leave his gobol, we have Puntland running to Ethiopia when he she has an argument with her husband the FGS. It wasnt even longtime ago when I read that Awdal actually wanted to be part of Ethiopia. A few months or a year before the whole MOU. Also dont forget the already Somalis living under Ethiopia. So all this shit you just said would benefit Ethiopia
You are pro-HSM so some of these are lies. I don't like any of these politicians as they are a threat to progress. Ethiopia was struggling in Tigray against the TPLF, is struggling in Oromia against the OLA and is struggling against the FANO in the Amhara region. They can't annex us. You need to calm down.


Forza Somalia!
Fake Wadanis are the losers. I know you hate another qabiil and so does your family. Stop pretending to be a Wadani. You just want your qabiil to rule. That's why you pretend to be a wadani.
I don't hate any qabiil. People like you accept that they are run by horgaals and corrupt politicians and don't want to make a good change, just sitting there and whining about your situation and calling for Balkanize because the situation is bad and I don't wnat to do any about it.
Your solution of balkanization will only result in further hatred, division and hatred against one another, as is happening in the balkans right now.
The Balkanization of the Balkans didn't make any sense. If it was done on ethnic lines then Kosovo would be part of Albania. There's already so much hatred and it's because we're being forced to share a country. If you share a country with your clan and your clan only then there won't be as many people to hate.
I don't really care about recognition to be honest, I care about my region being separate from Somalia.
Being in political limbo is a far worse fate than anything else. You can't develop properly or enjoy any of the benefits recognized nations do. It'll be Western Sahara 2.0 all over again. Ethiopia will invade and no one will care because legally qabil states don't exist.
I don't hate any qabiil. People like you accept that they are run by horgaals and corrupt politicians and don't want to make a good change, just sitting there and whining about your situation and calling for Balkanize because the situation is bad and I don't wnat to do any about it.
The thing we need to do IS Balkanize. That's how to fix the situation. Any region can do that right now, the SNA is powerless, HSM is powerless. HSM cannot even visit Garoowe today and the SNA isn't present in PL. PL is de-facto independent but PL has not declared independence like SL.

Emir of Harar

Make Harar Great Again
The Balkanization of the Balkans didn't make any sense. If it was done on ethnic lines then Kosovo would be part of Albania. There's already so much hatred and it's because we're being forced to share a country. If you share a country with your clan and your clan only then there won't be as many people to hate.
Somalia's clan map is far different from the political map take a look for yourself. It spells a future disaster if we balkanize

couldn't find a map with Khatuumo State so add that in

The clan map above is only the main clans imagine the chaos if you further dicide them into their sub clans.
We can't just abandon our land. We have to do the best we can which is balkanization. If my clan hates your clan and your clan hates mine, why should we share a country?
What I meant is even if you balkanise as a one qabil state..these xayawaans will find an excuse to hate each other and diss each other which will eventually lead to more separation.
Being in political limbo is a far worse fate than anything else. You can't develop properly or enjoy any of the benefits recognized nations do. It'll be Western Sahara 2.0 all over again. Ethiopia will invade and no one will care because legally qabil states don't exist.
Qabyaalad is not going anywhere. You'd think it would go away after what happened in the 90's with each clan losing so many people. Somalia only exists on paper. HSM has less power than Biixi, Firdhiye, Deni, Qoorqoor, Guudlaawe, Laftagareen, Madoobe etc. HSM doesn't even control all of Xamar. No one cares about a united Somalia anymore, everyone gave up a long time ago. Only kids in the diaspora care. People back home do not.
Somalia's clan map is far different from the political map take a look for yourself. It spells a future disaster if we balkanize
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couldn't find a map with Khatuumo State so add that in

The clan map above is only the main clans imagine the chaos if you further dicide them into their sub clans.
Somalia as a project has been a disaster. Nothing in Somalia's entire history was as bad as Somalia in the 90s. That map doesn't account for sub-clans and sub-sub clans of broad clan familiies like how Habar Gidir is part of Hawiye or how Ogaadeen is part of Daarood. A united Hawiye or Daarood state would never happen, It would have to be a Habar Gidir state, an Abgaal state, a Murusade state, an Ogaadeen state, a Dhulbahante state, a Mareexaan state etc.

Emir of Harar

Make Harar Great Again
Somalia as a project has been a disaster. Nothing in Somalia's entire history was as bad as Somalia in the 90s. That map doesn't account for sub-clans and sub-sub clans of broad clan familiies like how Habar Gidir is part of Hawiye or how Ogaadeen is part of Daarood. A united Hawiye or Daarood state would never happen, It would have to be a Habar Gidir state, an Abgaal state, a Murusade state, an Ogaadeen state, a Dhulbahante state, a Mareexaan state etc.
Yes I mentioned that in the last paragraph. Radical actions are no good for somalia. That's why I don't trust far left activists who advocate revolution and etc
Qabyaalad is not going anywhere
I know you are going full doomer here but the reason qabilyaad is so rampant is because the government is so inept and weak that it can't help its own citizens. Who can protect your property? Who can give you a job? The government won't but your clan will. Its a safety net for most Somalis meaning its a matter of survival since they can't trust their livelihood with the government. However, the ICU was proof that a united Somalia could work. It was a multi clan organization that gained widespread support precisely because they offered to help other Somalis and give them everything they needed that qabils couldn't.

And then there is the matter of reconciliation. No serious attempts have been made yet nor any actual open dialogue to address grievances. We need to take a page out of Rwanda's book and see how they handle atrocities commited.
Why you pushing something that will make it easy for either to overrun us to politically dominate us. We have FMS leaders in Gedo publicly anouncing they wanna be part of Ethiopia. We have Laftagareen not wanting Ethiopians to leave his gobol, we have Puntland running to Ethiopia when he she has an argument with her husband the FGS. It wasnt even longtime ago when I read that Awdal actually wanted to be part of Ethiopia. A few months or a year before the whole MOU. Also dont forget the already Somalis living under Ethiopia. So all this shit you just said would benefit Ethiopia
what FMS leaders in gedo publicly announced they want to be part of ethiopia? :gucciwhat:
I know you are going full doomer here but the reason qabilyaad is so rampant is because the government is so inept and weak that it can't help its own citizens. Who can protect your property? Who can give you a job? The government won't but your clan will. Its a safety net for most Somalis meaning its a matter of survival since they can't trust their livelihood with the government. However, the ICU was proof that a united Somalia could work. It was a multi clan organization that gained widespread support precisely because they offered to help other Somalis and give them everything they needed that qabils couldn't.

And then there is the matter of reconciliation. No serious attempts have been made yet nor any actual open dialogue to address grievances. We need to take a page out of Rwanda's book and see how they handle atrocities commited.
A stronger government than the current government existed in the form of Siyaad Barre's government. Even though it was a terrible government it was still stronger than this one and that's a fact. Despite that, Qabyaalad persisted and then we had a civil war due to it. Siyaad himself was quite the qabiilist but he pretended to be a wadani like most people on here. As for the ICU, I'm not sure how much support they had from Non-Hawiye clans like Raxanweyn and Daarood. The ICU became AS in the end anyway.

As for reconciliation, that's never happening. Every clan has an all or nothing mentality. With Rwanda, once Kagame goes the Hutus may start killing people again. Kagame rules Rwanda with an iron fist.