Jubaland Forces Invade Ghetto Somalia


Visionary from Garbaharey
So Mx forces pushed out Janan and KDF.
So non Mx troops in Gedo are now Mx?
Celcade attack was done by AS not Mx.
Mx know how to attack busses in NFD and kill poor madow labourers in NFD they don't even pick on Kenyan police.
Aren't Bakaal and Macalimu Mx?
Majority of the troops are local Mx youth with Raxanweyn and Dhulbahante soldiers as well. As for the attack I prefer to stay silent


"Kenya came into Kismayo and made you mayor ... We used to have the mayorship when there was no foreign interference".

You don't know much about Jubaland tbh if you actually believe that bull crap. Kismayo had 15 mayors since 1960, Nine (9) of them were MJ and 1 Dhulbahante. That's total of 10 Harti mayors in kismayo. Kismayo is just Harti village that grew to become a city, it is that simple.

You need to work on the security and the well-being of your besieged and brutalized people in Ghetto and leave Kismayo out of your mouth. They have been colonized by Al Shabab, KDF, Ethiopian army, SNA and relentless air bombardments of the USA. I actually feel bad for them, they fled the wrath of HG in GG only to be mercilessly assaulted by foreigners in their refugee camps of Ghetto.
If I’m not mistaken there has been 2 dblock mayors in the city, I’ll see if I can find their names. But yes, the city is very much a Harti strong hold.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
It's good you don't hold a grudge against Omar Jess your kinsmen on this site should follow in your footsteps in the sense of letting go of cuqdad. But anyways that situation and every thing that followed should be clear enough for you to see it's you that doesn't have the firepower or logistics to ever have sway in the region and unless you connect puntland to JL geographically that reality won't change. However in contrast Gedo and the Lower Jubba share a porous border, I'm sure you can deduce what that means in terms of bolstering our already large population in the region at any time.

Furthermore our regions in GG and JL are safe and under our dominion as they always were. No influential leaders of ours have been touched there, can't say the same for your regions who really have been going through rough times lately with two governors killed and a military leader, so that comment isn't based on reality. Although those are matters that immediately concern you and OP, which isn't my lane and not of interest to me. The south however, generally speaking, and my regions in particular are definitely within my lane . This thread and others like it are clear examples of you folks getting ahead of yourselves.

Why are you debating with homosexual naago we humiliated on the regular? They can't stand on their own? We aren't the ones who ran to shisheeye cuz we can't hold our own in war.




“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why are you debating with homosexual naago we humiliated on the regular? They can't stand on their own? We aren't the ones who ran to shisheeye cuz we can't hold our own in war.


View attachment 136773
Prior to AMISOM existence, Beesha were uncontested rulers of Kista, only through the use of KDF tank did the Kablalax dare poke out his head. Even AS recognized our authority :russ:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Prior to AMISOM existence, Beesha were uncontested rulers of Kista, only through the use of KDF tank did the Kablalax dare poke out his head. Even AS recognized our authority :russ:

Shisheeye kalkaal I don't waste my time on. They even used AS against us. Fucking naago.




I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Reer Guri left those lands for prime land in Gedo only town we really lost is Gelinsoor, we never lived in Cadaado and Bandiiraadleey and guriceel lol! Your just making up lies now. Marehan Mudug is a minority of Marehan and we will never lose Cabudwaaq that is our heart land.
Are you actually denying that Marehan used to own Cadado, Galinsoor, Dhusomareb and Bandiiradleey?!! Those are known facts and I'm actually baffled by your lack of knowledge about the topic. You can minimise the damage all you want but a man losing DISTRICTS to rival clans SHOULD SHUT THE f*ck UP AND STAY SILENT. It's disgraceful to even participate FkD when your traditional land is forcefully taken from you.

This is the newest demographics map on the net. Just see how the districts I mentioned are far off from your current clan borders. They used to be yours, your birthright and now some H2u barbarians squat in it unchallenged.
images (74).jpeg
Are you actually denying that Marehan used to own Cadado, Galinsoor, Dhusomareb and Bandiiradleey?!! Those are known facts and I'm actually baffled by your lack of knowledge about the topic. You can minimise the damage all you want but a man losing DISTRICTS to rival clans SHOULD SHUT THE f*ck UP AND STAY SILENT. It's disgraceful to even participate FkD when your traditional land is forcefully taken from you.

This is the newest demographics map on the net. Just see how the districts I mentioned are far off from your current clan borders. They used to be yours, your birthright and now some H2u barbarians squat in it unchallenged. View attachment 136777

brother no one is Denying anything , unlike some people who are obsessed with MX we moved out of our land a long time ago to go fertile lands in the south and also to work in the capital.

We are not obsessed with land for we will live and die. Just like the poem from Ozymandias, just like the ansaar or quraysh we know that shit will come and go we will live and share with all our Somali brother. That’s the true source of our power and why some people are so obsessed. They know they will never be loved like that.


Bantu Liberation Movement
brother no one is Denying anything , unlike some people who are obsessed with MX we moved out of our land a long time ago to go fertile lands in the south and also to work in the capital.

We are not obsessed with land for we will live and die. Just like the poem from Ozymandias, just like the ansaar or quraysh we know that shit will come and go we will live and share with all our Somali brother. That’s the true source of our power and why some people are so obsessed. They know they will never be loved like that.
If you were not obsessed with land you wouldn't be dreaming of Kismayo, a city that has nothing to do with you. You wouldn't be stealing land there from famous Harti let alone the miskiin we know nothing about and you sure as hell wouldn't try and create a makeshift neighborhood on government land north of Fanoole called Guulwade.

Guulwade! The kacaan overshadows everything you do. :mjlaugh:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
If you were not obsessed with land you wouldn't be dreaming of Kismayo, a city that has nothing to do with you. You wouldn't be stealing land there from famous Harti let alone the miskiin we know nothing about and you sure as hell wouldn't try and create a makeshift neighborhood on government land north of Fanoole called Guulwade.

Guulwade! The kacaan overshadows everything you do. :mjlaugh:

Guulwade Ila Fanoole is ours. f*ck you gonna do about it? Call more shisheeye? You can't even handle Reer Diini for 10 years and you wanna talk to the rest of MX in Jubboyinka who actually wiped out thier comp in their base as if we see you as a threat. Sxb, you're naago, my sub sub sub clan can conquer Puntland. That's how lowly I think of your military prowess.



If you were not obsessed with land you wouldn't be dreaming of Kismayo, a city that has nothing to do with you. You wouldn't be stealing land there from famous Harti let alone the miskiin we know nothing about and you sure as hell wouldn't try and create a makeshift neighborhood on government land north of Fanoole called Guulwade.

Guulwade! The overshadows everything you do. :mjlaugh:
guulwade kama hadleysid north of fanole has hotel hared yarow waamo makka 3 mx hotels :mjlaugh:


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Guulwade Ila Fanoole is ours. f*ck you gonna do about it? Call more shisheeye? You can't even handle Reer Diini for 10 years and you wanna talk to the rest of MX in Jubboyinka who actually wiped out thier comp in their base as if we see you as a threat. Sxb, you're naago, my sub sub sub clan can conquer Puntland. That's how lowly I think of your military prowess.

:mindblown: :mindblown: what are you laughing about idiot?!! Dude, you're a mess, all talk no action. I have NOT LOST A SINGLE INCH OF MY LAND... Unlike you who fled his traditional land to the amusement of the H2us. You're SHIT MILITARILY, you wouldn't let the H2us take your districts in GG and Mudug if you had an inch of pride in you.

Just shut the f*ck up moron. Destitute impecunious little chicken buuns are always the loudest in the room.

