Korean in Morroco


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Disgusting. I'm happy Somalia isnt open for tourism and I hope it never is.

When you open up your country for tourism especially when it is a poor country people will come and treat you like shit.
Inshallah Somalia never opens to tourism. I want the country to improve it's reputation so to attract investors but never appeal to the common ajnabi
Inshallah Somalia never opens to tourism. I want the country to improve it's reputation so to attract investors but never appeal to the common ajnabi
Just look at the difference between Morocco and Algeria. Algeria protected it's people and closed the borders from tourism.

Morocco opened its borders for tourism and makes billions yearly, but at the same time has become westernised and people go their for s"*z tourism and exploit poverty. The billions doesn't even go to the people and it gets taken by corrupt leaders.

I would rather Somalia be like Algeria and not Morocco.
Just look at the difference between Morocco and Algeria. Algeria protected it's people and closed the borders from tourism.

Morocco opened its borders for tourism and makes billions yearly, but at the same time has become westernised and people go their for s"*z tourism and exploit poverty. The billions doesn't even go to the people and it gets taken by corrupt leaders.

I would rather Somalia be like Algeria and not Morocco.
I’m always surprised the locals aren’t enraged by foreign men coming to have sex with their village women who some may be close/distant family
Disgusting. I'm happy Somalia isnt open for tourism and I hope it never is.

When you open up your country for tourism especially when it is a poor country people will come and treat you like shit.
Somalia need to definitely boost tourism, our global reputation is in the dirt. But you just have to pick your tourist spots carefully, make sure to not let it affect the lives of local people. For example Egypt makes lots of money from sharm el sheikh which is in the middle of nowhere.

Best option is probably bajuni islands or one of those koonfuur/PL coastal towns
What’s based?!?!
I’m always surprised the locals aren’t enraged by foreign men coming to have sex with their village women who some may be close/distant family
You have to understand the government have stripped the men of their balls. If the government allows it what can they really do. Even the real men who speak out against it, they will get locked up.

But trust me they hate it. Most Moroccans will tell you they wish their country wasn't for tourism.
If there’s tourism in Somalia, it has to be a segregated area, resorts only meant for westerners and we’d have foreigners working as cleaners, then a few Somalis running administration and police at the top
Morocco is a horrible place to visit though I’m sure the guy was tired of being scammed my friend went there and they wouldn’t leave her alone coming up to her all the time “sista sista” trying to sell her things, asking for money


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I will NEVER let anyone in the third world country shine my shoes. Its so disrespectful


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Inshallah Somalia never opens to tourism. I want the country to improve it's reputation so to attract investors but never appeal to the common ajnabi
Nah I dont agree we need to boost tourism if somalia stabilises we make free market economic zones to invite foreign companies to invest as well as make it tourist friendly zone we can dot this along the coast, in bajuni islands and some historical cities/beautiful places.