Laascaanood needs intervention!

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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
1991 it was few subs of sacad led by qeybdiid V MJ, leelkase, MX and Dhulbante and @repo couldn’t fight for himself. Had to call his darood brethrens to back his ass up
hawiye we’re one block saxib the Italian couldn’t conquer us until they used somali irregular soldiers… keep dreaming saxib
No you are deluded to think Somaliland functions without tribalism. I have never interacted with a lander who doesn't refer to the opposition as remanent of their uncles regime.
All your interactions are online qurbajoog kids like yourself and if there's tribalism why are there 2 Dhulbahante led parties competing to replace one of the 3 parties as the next national parties ?? btw one of the parties is led by one of the founders of SSC militia and its leader in Bhuuodle Xaglatoosye



Why are Dhulos officials dhabadilif and don't have unified voice or decision ??

Capo Dhoore

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ka hadlay xaaladda magaalada Laascaanood;

"Soomaaliland waa in xal aan xabbad ahayn ay ku wajahdo xaaaladda reer Laascaanood,
Dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibaatooyin badan bay soo mareen, maantana ma mudneyn in dib loogu celiyo dhibaatooyinkaas."

Thank you Madaxweyne for making a statement 🙏.

Wow look what this thread turned in to. I reckon if you love your qabils so much and dearly then maybe you should book a one way ticket and fight for them.
Make dua for the people of lascanood 🙏🏽 This is sad to see. May Allah deal with those who are troubling them and spilling blood of men, women and innocent children.
All your interactions are online qurbajoog kids like yourself and if there's tribalism why are there 2 Dhulbahante led parties competing to replace one of the 3 parties as the next national parties ?? btw one of the parties is led by one of the founders of SSC militia and its leader in Bhuuodle Xaglatoosye

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Why are Dhulos officials dhabadilif and don't have unified voice or decision ??
Ya your right I have no affect on the politics of Somalia but the same can be said of you lot.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@DRACO @Haragwafi
The doofars know they can't dislodge SL by force anymore so they're forced to hope enough lies on social media will bring international pressure on SL. Basically the same playbook as the palis or iranian protesters :lolbron:


lol whats the point of SL even controlling Laascaanood. It's just a waste of resources, and it's not like its feasible longterm. Very common African dilemma though :bell:


Bantu Liberation Movement
You use the word hutu too much in a sentence so it doesn’t give off the effect you think it is :russ: I’m hearing south galkacyo is the popping side of the city where all the best hotels are at? HG really run the city damnnn

MJ needed to bring in their darood kin to fight sacad walalhi o billahi. Unlike you I don’t swear on Allahs name meaninglessly
If you have to say it doesn't hurt you, I think it does, Hutu. There's nothing brave about attacking civilians at night. Hawiye are by nature a cowardly people, otherwise they would not need Burundi and Uganda protecting them from Shabaab.
Ya your right I have no affect on the politics of Somalia but the same can be said of you lot.
Unlike you the past couple of months I have been spending my time back home and I'm going to stay for another 3 months :) plus I have very close relatives in Hargeysa administration govt not to brag just sayin :sass2:


lol whats the point of SL even controlling Laascaanood. It's just a waste of resources, and it's not like its feasible longterm. Very common African dilemma though :bell:

Without defined borders of the former SL state then their case for ictiraaf doesn’t make sense.
Currently they say the union between British SL and Italian SL is nulled and they’ve returned to the short lived British SL and it’s borders.

They should just focus on negotiating with FGS. Argue for leaving Somalia by referendums in each region. The one’s that decide to stay can have their own FMS. With social media now you can’t hide the progress other qabiils are making from the federal system. Back in the day maybe could’ve got away with it given you could hide news from the public but the young Somali population are very politically aware and this will get worse


@DRACO @Haragwafi
The doofars know they can't dislodge SL by force anymore so they're forced to hope enough lies on social media will bring international pressure on SL. Basically the same playbook as the palis or iranian protesters :lolbron:
Now they’re going back to “WhY IZ SoMALiLAN OcCUPyInG sSC” instead of “SoMaLILAN LoST CoNtoL oF LA”
:deadpeter: :deadpeter: :deadpeter: :deadpeter:
Without defined borders of the former SL state then their case for ictiraaf doesn’t make sense.

They should just focus on negotiating with FGS. Argue for leaving Somalia by referendums in each region. The one’s that decide to stay can have their own DMS. With social media now you can’t hide the progress other qabiils are making from the federal system.
Your president is held hostage by the so called Federal states and whatever govt comes in Xamar doesn't has the true authority to negotiate on anything meaningful regarding Somaliland's self rule and its border.
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