Lander Gets Humiliated in Twitter Space

Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All the ugdaad would go.
Too late they will be like an enemy state, SL showed this by collaborating with ethiopia, geopolitics wise this would be extremely stupid. We just have to hope the younger generation will forget their dumb rhetoric
Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All the ugdaad would go.
I used to advocate for Somaliland to be its own nation till I came to find that Awdal and Khaatumo don't want to be part of Somaliland and its obvious no county will recognise us as that would open other unrecognised countries to a whole Pandora box of chaos.
Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
Messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All their ugdaad would go.
I was watching this one HJ guy on Facebook talking about his tahreeb journey. He’s said when he was in Cyprus he only met hawiya & darod. When he was in Serbia he only met H & D. French Guiana, Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, a hawiya shop owner in Mexico city. He said the last part with so much vitriol that it made me realize something. Once u see it, u simply can not unsee it.

Majority(especially HA & HJ) suffer from what a call a permanent Langaab syndrome.

The langaab syndrome won’t go away because now they have their own country. It didn’t go away in the last 30 years when they controlled 1/3 of Somalia and had full autonomy even tho they like 2.6 million. In fact, in only increased.

If they get their own country, their inferiority will make them welcome and ally with anyone who’s anti-Somalia or Somali region under 🇪🇹 because they viewed it as H & D run states
Putin on his interview said that he regrets not invading Ukraine sooner.
Sht will become a long term headache and will encourage others to do the same.
I used to advocate for Somaliland to be its own nation till I came to find that Awdal and Khaatumo don't want to be part of Somaliland and its obvious no county will recognise us as that would open other unrecognised countries to a whole Pandora box of chaos.
That’s my issue now. How can SL advocate to be seperated when Awdal and Khatumo don’t want to be separated from Somalia.
It’s a dilemma and expecting Somalia to let them go because they (Isaaqs) don’t want of be part of Somalia whilst holding on to Dhulbahante and Samaroon via force doesn’t make sense. Their whole argument is going down the drain if they can’t get those two qabils on board.
I was watching this one HJ guy on Facebook talking about his tahreeb journey. He’s said when he was in Cyprus he only met hawiya & darod. When he was in Serbia he only met H & D. French Guiana, Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, a hawiya shop owner in Mexico city. He said the last part with so much vitriol that it made realize something. Once u see it, u simply can not unsee it.

Majority(especially HA & HJ) suffer from what a call a permanent Langaab syndrome.

The langaab syndrome won’t go away because now they have their own country. It didn’t go in the last 30 years when they controlled 1/3 of Somalia and had full autonomy even tho they like 2.6 million. In fact, in only increased

If they get their own country, their inferiority will make them welcome and ally with anyone who’s anti-Somalia or Somali region under 🇪🇹 because they viewed it as H & D run states.
Putin on his interview said that he regrets not invading Ukraine sooner. Sht will become a long term headache.
If you feel like a group hate you that much, how about you simply leave them alone.
Also, stop this qabilist BS and let’s talk about the situation maturely without insulting HJ and HA. They’re not Langaab. Uff

Their issues against other Somalis increased because they desperately want to be independent and can’t and also they can’t get the funding that they need.
They’re simply people that aren’t able to get what they want.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

I was watching this one HJ guy on Facebook talking about his tahreeb journey. He’s said when he was in Cyprus he only met hawiya & darod. When he was in Serbia he only met H & D. French Guiana, Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, a hawiya shop owner in Mexico city. He said the last part with so much vitriol that it made me realize something. Once u see it, u simply can not unsee it.

Majority(especially HA & HJ) suffer from what a call a permanent Langaab syndrome.

The langaab syndrome won’t go away because now they have their own country. It didn’t go in the last 30 years when they controlled 1/3 of Somalia and had full autonomy even tho they like 2.6 million. In fact, in only increased

If they get their own country, their inferiority will make them welcome and ally with anyone who’s anti-Somalia or Somali region under 🇪🇹 because they viewed it as H & D run states.
Putin on his interview said that he regrets not invading Ukraine sooner. Sht will become a long term headache.

He brought qabyaalad over his 10000 miles of tahriib journey 😂
That’s my issue now. How can SL advocate to be seperated when Awdal and Khatumo don’t want to be separated from Somalia.
It’s a dilemma and expecting Somalia to let them go because they (Isaaqs) don’t want of be part of Somalia whilst holding on to Dhulbahante and Samaroon via force doesn’t make sense. Their whole argument is going down the drain if they can’t get those two qabils on board.
is too late ssc separated from us and made it clear they want to be apart of Somalia. Sland is now a failed project that needs to be sweeped.
Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All the ugdaad would go.
But states dont do things because of relationship or family feelings, its just not how they operate. They operate on interest and what they are compelled to do. What interest does mogadishu have in letting hargeisa go when they have the upper hand ? (Recognition, control of intl aid, arms embargo lifted, SL is collapsing on itself by losing lsc and awdal soon)

Those countries don’t have a history of slaughtering each other and not coming to
Peace agreements. That’s the issue, it’s been 30 yrs of Somalia’s instability and 30 yrs of Somaliland’s stubbornness. Literally if Awdal and Lasanood ect were okay with being part of Somaliland, I’d never understand why Somalia can’t let them go.
Theres no particular history of somalia slaughtering sl, siad barre was a dictator who violently suppressed his population as his support waned, like 99% of dictators. But because we have main character syndrome embedded in our DNA we make it out to be something special

Since hes been out, who has attacked sl?

Theres a reason SL signed the MoU with ethiopia this yr and not in the past 30 yrs. Its because the SL administration knows time is against them.

They went to war to keep lsc and lost, and are slated to fight for Awdal.
What leg does their case have to stand on when they behave like this towards rebellious regions in 2023? Its hypocrisy and you will never see a lander reconcile it let alone acknowledge it
is too late ssc separated from us and made it clear they want to be apart of Somalia. Sland is now a failed project that needs to be sweeped.
Honestly, things could been salvaged if they reer Samaroon were on board with the concept of SL and if they didn’t fight Dhulbahantes. That’s probably Bixi’s biggest mistake that will be written about in the history books. Dumbest nonsense ever. He should have trodden very carefully with them. The average Lander will realize in a few yrs time his actions costed them an independent nation.
He brought qabyaalad over his 10000 miles of tahriib journey 😂
It’s not even qabyaalad. Nigga is being chased by cartels and hes worried about randos clans. This is him every time he hears darod or hawiya
Angry Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
But states dont do things because of relationship or family feelings, its just not how they operate. They operate on interest and what they are compelled to do. What interest does mogadishu have in letting hargeisa go when they have the upper hand ? (Recognition, control of intl aid, arms embargo lifted, SL is collapsing on itself by losing lsc and awdal soon)
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Theres no particular history of somalia slaughtering sl, siad barre was a dictator who violently suppressed his population as his support waned, like 99% of dictators. But because we have main character syndrome embedded in our DNA we make it out to be something special
That’s why it’s hard to be united. Whilst Barre did kill Somalis of all qabils, Isaaqs deffo got it the worst. He literally used fighter jets against them and Somalis love to downplay that. He flattened them.

Since hes been out, who has attacked sl?

Theres a reason SL signed the MoU with ethiopia this yr and not in the past 30 yrs. Its because the SL administration knows time is against them.

They went to war to keep lsc and lost, and are slated to fight for Awdal.
What leg does their case have to stand on when they behave like this towards rebellious regions in 2023? Its hypocrisy and you will never see a lander reconcile it let alone acknowledge it
That I agree with which is why I said I can’t see the point anymore and I’d wholly agree with the concept of SL if they had other qabils on board, but they don’t. Being Pro-SL under those conditions which it’s currently in is hypocritical. I see that.
If you feel like a group hate you that much, how about you simply leave them alone.
Also, stop this qabilist BS and let’s talk about the situation maturely without insulting HJ and HA. They’re not Langaab. Uff

Their issues against other Somalis increased because they desperately want to be independent and can’t and also they can’t get the funding that they need.
They’re simply people that aren’t able to get what they want.
2nd biggest region + 10-12m Somalis are living under Ethiopia. 95% don’t want to be under Ethiopia.
Break up Somalia because 2.6m don’t want to be under Somalia ??
Any normal country will sacrifice millions before they allow their country to break up.
They understand it will encourage the rest. And soon the country will cease exist

For ex The creation of SL inspired puntland who inspired JL. Even the name itself.
What is with this forum. Forever against somaliland without forwarding an alternative. Im open minded forward an alternative


Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All the ugdaad would go.
Give me favour and stay out of politics with your stupid takes.