Suicidal men adore me.
Wallahi you're a liar. Women were never shunned from society. This is a myth made up by the feminists. They've had equal opportunities that men did. In fact, since men were the bread winners, this surely gave women a lot of free time to study and innovate (which they've failed to do). Stop using that "women were oppressed" bullshit, because it isn't working. Women had the right to be educated in the period of Jahiliyya. Read the works of ibn Battuta and you will release that there was not a global standard regarding the roles women played, communities varied but 99% of the communities worldwide gave women the right to education.
Warr been badanaaa. You've never been oppressed shut the f*ck up.
OMG I'm a liar yet you say women have always had the same opportunists as men? You're delusional.