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Not defining you as a person, you may completely different. This is just from what you post and the perspective you give us.You don't know my so defining me as a person is creepy![]()
Not defining you as a person, you may completely different. This is just from what you post and the perspective you give us.You don't know my so defining me as a person is creepy![]()
behavior and patriarchy yes. But are those things innate or based on socialization?
Why not address the other points that I've made? Hormonal differences for instance? Brain sex has not been debunked, although that's what feminists would like to claim. It's an established fact that there are neurological differences between the sexes, scientists will do further studies regarding the neurological differences between sexes to further understand this phenomenon. It's now an established fact, if you still think brain sex is an "invalid", "debunked" or pseudoscience, then you're just being ridiculous. It has been proven through neuroimaging, it is as scientific as it gets. Stop being stubbornly ignorant.
I'll provide a link to help you further understand this topic:
Warr it has been proven by neuroimaging, it can't get anymore "scientific" than that doqonyahow. Stop begging us.First of all Brain sex has been debunked many times. Most researches that is done on "Brain sex" use a small sample size, something that has already been proved to almost always be false, due to biased thinking. A small statistical sample reduces the chance of it ever being proven correct.
Another problem with brain sex is the fact that the findings varies even on the same sample group from day to day, once again proving the flexibility of the human brain. Claiming that the brain can be categorized in two groups is saying the human brain in men and women is monolithic when humans are defined by both nature and nurture.
Now the research that has been done on the human brain show that it is incredibly flexible and more of a mosaic.
More and more findings are leaning towards the human brain being a flexible mosaic that can't be put in sex groups.
The reason you're so fixed on "brain sex" is because this flawed 19th century research reinforces traditional stereotypes by using certain behaviors as rigid, behaviors that have been reinforced by nurture. None of us can deny that women and men, boys and girls are treated and raised differently and this evidently has an influence in the way women and men both behave. However this behavior has nothing to do with the brain. The brain is flexible, don't you ever insult our most valuable organ again.
You really think we are wired like this?
Lol women benefit the most under a patriarchy. All the things that men work and die for is for the benefit of women and their children.
Warr it has been proven by neuroimaging, it can't get anymore "scientific" than that doqonyahow. Stop begging us.
How about you actually look at science you doqon? How the sexes respond to stimulus that's observed in the different parts of the brain that light up. Research about neuroimaging, bias is a non-existent notion when it comes to neuroimaging. You've still not addressed the other points I've made. Just admit that we're different niyoow, you know we are, regardless of what your feminist overloads say. You can cut yourself up in agony if you want, it won't change a thing. You dick envy bila xishood. You make me ashamed of being ~1/4 Habar Gidr/Hawiye.Well "brain sex" is that pic in a nutshell... Women are weak and wanna shop and gossip. How about you look at the research instead?
the same patriarchy that blames us for domestic violence and rape? The same patriarchy that deliberately fail us in university because our class because women aren't suppose to study stem. The same patriarchy that pays us less even for the same work? Patriarchy only benefit men.
How about you actually look at science you doqon? How the sexes respond to stimulus that's observed in the different parts of the brain that light up. Research about neuroimaging, bias is a non-existent notion when it comes to neuroimaging. You've still not addressed the other points I've made. Just admit that we're different niyoow, you know we are, regardless of what your feminist overloads say. You can cut yourself up in agony if you want, it won't change a thing. You dick envy bila xishood. You make me ashamed of being ~1/4 Habar Gidr/Hawiye.
No one is failing women in STEM. In fact there are so many scholarships for women in STEM that many of my female classmates have their tuition payed off. It's just that women look down on these jobs because it's too beneath them and think going into social work or women studies will make a bigger difference in the world.
You are not very bright are you? You're providing me with "statistical" samples as evidence even though this "statistical" sample suggests that there are chances of brain sex being a valid concept. I've provided you with scientific evidence, are you now saying that neuroimaging is an invalid scientific method to determine whether there are neurological differences between the sexes? LOL @ neuroplasticity, this has nothing to do with this topic, both sexes are subject to changes in the neural pathways but this has nothing to do with the differences between men and women from a neuroimaging perspective. Do you even know what neuroimaging is? It's observing the regions of the brain that respond to particular stimulus. How comes you've not addressed the other points that I've made (regarding hormonal differences, etc)? Lol @ you if you're even remotely suggesting that women are smarter than men, when very clearly the opposite is true. Most "Geniuses" are largely males. Both sexes are distinct in their abilities and innate qualities.Funny thing is a couple of pages ago you tried to make the point that men are more rational than women yet here you are all emotional, insulting your way out of an argument and hyperventilating. I countered your arguments with valid points and even brought two research to prove my point yet you're fixated on a image. A image that proves to problem with brain sex as it's insulting to both women and men.
Did you know in the early 19th century scientists where happy when they found out male brains were bigger than females, a while later they found out women have larger brains compared to body size ratio and the scientists did nothing. I wonder why. The brain sex research have always been incredibly biased and damaging to both women and men.
When we speak of brain sex today it's used in a manner to validate transgender feelings aka I like pink nail polish therefor I have to be a female.
And the biggest recent findings in neuroscience has been the plasticity and flexibility of the human brain. All most all recent research suggest the brain cannot be put in sex categories. And most differences in behavior suggest it's due to socialization. Sorry but brain sex is not valid.
You are not very bright are you? You're providing me with "statistical" samples as evidence even though this "statistical" sample suggests that there are chances of brain sex being a valid concept. I've provided you with scientific evidence, are you now saying that neuroimaging is an invalid scientific method to determine whether there are neurological differences between the sexes? LOL @ neuroplasticity, this has nothing to do with this topic, both sexes are subject to changes in the neural pathways but this has nothing to do with the differences between men and women from a neuroimaging perspective. Do you even know what neuroimaging is? It's observing the regions of the brain that respond to particular stimulus. How comes you've not addressed the other points that I've made (regarding hormonal differences, etc)? Lol @ you if you're even remotely suggesting that women are smarter than men, when very clearly the opposite is true. Most "Geniuses" are largely males. Both sexes are distinct in their abilities and innate qualities.
This is an example of neuroimaging:
Btw, hormones have a direct impact on the brain and the neurological responses to stimuli:
Wallahi you're a nacas and a bold-faces liar because neuroimaging is widely accepted in the scientific community. There's no reason to reject it as their is observable evidence to confirm that there are differences between the sexes in this regard.
We're different physically, mentally, physiologically, etc. Go to a scientist and tell them that brain sex doesn't exist, they will laugh at you.
LOOOOOOL @ making a comparison between brain sex and racial superiority (something that has been disproven). Waryaa, I'm trying to keep it level-headed but it appears as though nothing is getting through that thick skull. I've already proven to you how various of factors (e.g. hormones) have an impact on neurological function. Why are you quoting me outdated samples that are irrelevant to neuroimaging? Wallahi you must be trolling me. It's a fact, men and women respond to stimuli differently.But I've already told you why I don't agree with this. Those sample sizes have been far to small and varies even on the same sample group depending on time, day or location. The results have always been mixed and never coherent, using it as an example once again showcase the bias in the research something I already told you a while ago. It's too flawed and too biased to use.
Brain plasticity proves that all of these brain sex theories are null even neuroimaging. I get that you wanna justify sex based stereotypes scientifically but that has been debunked thousands of times, new research has been made and it's been proven to be a 19th century sexist myth.
The very own neuroimaging you're trying to use as proof has shown that some males think like women and some women think like men, in fact it has proved that men and women don't think in a specific way consistent with their biological sex. The evidence also varies depending on social class now what does that tell you??????? . Neuroimaging it self is a new technology used by scientists yet the vast majority agree there's no innate way a male or a woman brain functions.
Hormonal differences are too minimal to even consider and women go through different stages in their lives are we to take puberty and menopause into consideration? it's already been proven the levels are low and don't affect us. I will give you on thing that'll probably make you cheer and jump up and down estrogen contributes to how much you cry.
"Sex differences in the brain are irresistible to those looking to explain stereotypic differences between men and women," said Dr. Eliot. "They often make a big splash, in spite of being based on small samples. But as we explore multiple datasets and are able to coalesce very large samples of males and females, we find these differences often disappear or are trivia"
"Many people believe there is such a thing as a 'male brain' and a 'female brain,'" Dr. Eliot said. "But when you look beyond the popularized studies -- at collections of all the data -- you often find that the differences are minimal."
If were gonna claim brain sex might as well claim racial superioritybut I'm pretty sure a mixed Arab,Persian,Somali,Portuguese, Bantu man like you would never do that since it doesn't benefit you.
I'm sorry but brains will never be genitals. And the vast majority of scientist being men is not because of male brain but because of socialization, male aggression,abuse and patriarchy. This will obviously change in the future. Even today women have a hard time getting into the science related fields, not because they don't have the knowledge but because of their sex and the rampant sexism in fields that are male dominant. Using history as an example when women have been shunned and written out of (his)story does not and will never prove a point.
And once again you tried to claim men are more rational than women yet again you're the one acting childish, emotional and acting immature, how about we keep the convo level headed? Or maybe male brain don't allow that, after all being emotional is a female behavior right![]()
LOOOOOOL @ making a comparison between brain sex and racial superiority (something that has been disproven). Waryaa, I'm trying to keep it level-headed but it appears as though nothing is getting through that thick skull. I've already proven to you how various of factors (e.g. hormones) have an impact on neurological function. Why are you quoting me outdated samples that are irrelevant to neuroimaging? Wallahi you must be trolling me. It's a fact, men and women respond to stimuli differently.
I hope you can access some of these articles through an institution:
While it's true that some males have a similar behaviour to females, these "males" are usually deficient in hormones and other masculine characteristics that are responsible for masculine behaviour.
Just accept that we're different physically, mentally, physiologically, etc. we are not the same and never will be.
Caadhi iska dhig. Racial superiority doesn't exist because there's observable evidence that directly conflicts with it. Even if it did exist, it would benefit me. My ancestors were literate for 1000 years+ wallahi. We're a community of scholarship and business. I can name you 10,000 Benadiri/Barawani scholars (not only Islamic scholars but philosophers, physicians, etc). @Mckenzie can tell you about this.I agree we're not the same. Women are superior. And the fact that you said racial superiority has been disproved but not sex is just laughable. It's in the same spectrum it's just that one benefits you while the other doesn't.
Caadhi iska dhig. Racial superiority doesn't exist because there's observable evidence that directly conflicts with it. Even if it did exist, it would benefit me. My ancestors were literate for 1000 years+ wallahi. We're a community of scholarship and business. I can name you 10,000 Benadiri/Barawani scholars (not only Islamic scholars but philosophers, physicians, etc). @Mckenzie can tell you about this.
Laakinse let's agree to disagree. I'm out.
Wallahi you're a liar. Women were never shunned from society. This is a myth made up by the feminists. They've had equal opportunities that men did. In fact, since men were the bread winners, this surely gave women a lot of free time to study and innovate (which they've failed to do). Stop using that "women were oppressed" bullshit, because it isn't working. Women had the right to be educated in the period of Jahiliyya. Read the works of ibn Battuta and you will release that there was not a global standard regarding the roles women played, communities varied but 99% of the communities worldwide gave women the right to education.Using history as an example when women have been shunned and written out of (his)story does not and will never prove a point.
Even today lmao. Besides a few here and there. I'm a son of all the great ancient civilisations, from the Indus Valley to Persia, to Europe with a paternal Arabian lineage and you're saying racial superiority wouldn't benefit me? LOL.LMAOOO nooooo. for 1000 year how about today?