Men who marry or seek single mothers.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
wtf is wrong with you horta. Wallah one minute you are cool then the next you say vile shit. people get married, people get divorced, people lose partners to death and all sorts. Being a single mother isn't bad, non of the women probably chose to be single mothers (talking about the somalis). I have seen your attack on single mothers time and time again.

Btw it is halal, the prophet did SCW so yes, you are bringing him in.
Deeds are judged by intentions nacas yaho the only reason you hating on idol is cause she's mj, meel fadiso durwaa gabdhaha muslimiinta ah amaan sii.


Your superior
Wabillahi towfiq. I will not forgive you for calling me kufaar. Allah swt will deal with you. Enjoy the rest of the year.

you are one of the most vile people i have met online. Everyone jokes about, says stuff they dont mean but you have been bashing single mothers and divorced women since somnet days. You have deep cuqdad. May Allah cure you. I hope you dont end up the divorced single mother you hate so much


Your superior
Deeds are judged by intentions nacas yaho the only reason you hating on idol is cause she's mj, meel fadiso durwaa gabdhaha muslimiinta ah amaan sii.

doqonyahay shut up. I am sick of your shitty snide remarks all the time. If you want my karbash say so but dont interfere with my discussions. She is a vile qabiilest who has been bashing women since somnet days


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
doqonyahay shut up. I am sick of your shitty snide remarks all the time. If you want my karbash say so but dont interfere with my discussions. She is a vile qabiilest who has been bashing women since somnet days
Who's the one who just disrespect a whole tribe & called another Muslim kufaar? I suggest you look in the mirror you dastardly thing.

Queen Carawelo

Who's the one who just disrespect a whole tribe & called another Muslim kufaar? I suggest you look in the mirror you dastardly thing.
Ignore the vile, mentally unstable thing. They both want this. They literally go to Somali forums to do this. I wouldn't be surprised if they take bipolar medication. Ignore it. Wallahi it will give you headache. Just a friendly advice.


Your superior
Ignore the vile, mentally unstable thing. They both want this. They literally go to Somali forums to do this. I wouldn't be surprised if they take bipolar medication. Ignore it. Wallahi it give you headache. Just a friendly advice.

as i said, i hope Allah doesn't make you one of the divorced or single mothers you hate so much.

Why can't you be a cool person


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I speak my mind never was the type to bite my tongue for no one.

Since I've been on this forum waraabe is by far the biggest qabiiliiste in here, his hate for jeberti as he passionately refers to them has become an obsession. You envy idol by the looks of it, miise waxa weeye the hatred you got for her qabil?

Queen Carawelo

obamadatazz:chrisfreshhah:I've single handedly mentally whooped these niggas. They need to tag team each other inorder to reply me. @SOMACOON



obamadatazz:chrisfreshhah:I've single handedly mentally whooped these niggas. They need to tag team each other inorder to reply me. @SOMACOON

A niggah can't even laugh no more?:hahaidiot:
I didn't reply to you, why you taggin me? I'm just replyin to what my niggah said :hemad:

Queen Carawelo

A niggah can't even laugh no more?:hahaidiot:
I didn't reply you, why you taggin me? I'm just replyin to what my niggah said :hemad:
You knew what you were doing, don't play dumb nigga. Are you still hurt?

Oh dear this individual sounds bitter maybe a man left her for a yummy single mother; I've seen happen may times.
I despise people like her; how is it her business what single mothers get up to?

Queen Carawelo

Oh dear this individual sounds bitter maybe a man left her for a yummy single mother; I've seen happen may times.
I despise people like her; how is it her business what single mothers get up to?
As an American, it's my business when these women are leeching my government. As a taxpayer I need my taxes to go into important things.


Welcome to the website yummymummy. I see you're still a bitter, fat .


Your superior
Oh dear this individual sounds bitter maybe a man left her for a yummy single mother; I've seen happen may times.
I despise people like her; how is it her business what single mothers get up to?

It is totally uncalled for. I expected her to be more sympathetic to divorced or single mothers


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Khadijah radiyallahu canhu wasn't a single mother when Prophet mohamed saw married her but she was previously married with no children.

I don't like when people use the deen to score cheap points against each other. please know what you are talking about when you are using the deen as a reference.
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