Queen Carawelo
Wise beyond their years.What do we call men who only seek virgins?

Wise beyond their years.What do we call men who only seek virgins?
Let me look where I said divorced women.
Still looking.
Wait for it
Nope I can't find where I talked about divorced women!
bro she said single mothers and divorced women
What's harsh walal? I'm just telling them to raise their kids and not make men their priority. I'm just thinking about the children!
You're one wise cookie.All I know is that we should honour our women. The majority of Somali women who came to North America did so on their own and without any man's help and the majority of them raised their children alone and had to work and be the mom and dad. Let's not take away from these heroes because of a few women who deserted their children to get some D lol.
Don't even waste your time on him. He was quick to call me kufaar and bring up the prophet without no valid reason.She said single mothers (who are divorced anyway), and she is right. There are some losers who target single mothers. How did you go from this to accusing her of indirectly insulting the prophet?
I'm baffled.
Refer to my previous comments, once you've grasped it let me know durwaa lolok what do you think of what she said
She said single mothers (who are divorced anyway), and she is right. There are some losers who target single mothers. How did you go from this to accusing her of indirectly insulting the prophet?
I'm baffled.
When did I cross the line on the deen? You niggas are beyond stupid. Did I really hurt your feelings that you're all grasping to the deen and making false accusations?Nearly every commenting has disowned the post, yet she can't comprehend when to fall back.
Diiinta haku xad gudbin. That's a line crossed.
When did I cross the line on the deen? You niggas are beyond stupid. Did I really hurt your feelings that you're all grasping to the deen and making false accusations?
The prophet scw didn't marry a single mother. There's a difference between a divorced woman and a single mother.
You guys are beyond stupid and I'm done explaining myself to a bunch of bottom of the barrel scum bags. You're probably high now and won't even remember this topic later.
It's cool to call people kufaar now without valid reason. But you niggas are up in arms because 2 losers brought up the beloved prophet scw and compared him to the bum men I was talking about.
Bye Felicia.
http://www.islamswomen.com/articles/khadijah_bint_khuwaylid.phpKhadijah was born in Makkah in the year 556 CE. Her mother's name was Fatimah bint Zayd, and her father's name was Khuwaylid bin Asad. He was a very popular leader among the tribe of Quraysh, and a very prosperous businessman who died while fighting in the famous battle of Fujjar. Khadijah thus grew up in the lap of luxury. She married Abu Halah Malak bin Nabash bin Zarrarah bin At-Tamimi and bore him two children, Halah and Hind. She wanted to see her husband prosper and financed him in setting up a big business. But unfortunately he passed away. Some time later the young widow married 'Atique bin 'Aith bin 'Abdullah Al-Makhzumi, and she had a daughter by him as well named Hindah, but the marriage soon broke up on grounds of incompatibility. After this all her attention was devoted to the upbringing of her children, and building up the business she inherited from her father. Her astuteness and business ability made her business one of the most widespread businesses among the Quraysh.
You're using religion for your qabyalad lolhere is the evidence . And btw a single mother is a divorced woman
lol where is the love! Shaidanka iis ka naara!This individual is probably on here daily yet she has the audacity to call other members bunch of losers - hun you're the company you keep and Judging by this rant of yours you definitely bottom of barrel scum bag - at least majority of the members on here have the human decency not to belittle and generalise fellow sisters - shame on you.
you are saying the prophet was a bum?
MJ and kuffarnimo
Takfir or the condemnation of a Muslim by another Muslim as a kafir is strictly prohibited in the Quran, the Hadith, and the writings of many eminent Muslim authorities.
According to the Quran, if a person says assalamu alaikum to us to indicate that he is a Muslim, we cannot say to him "you are not a believer.'' (4:94)
The second thing we learn from this verse is that if, from among a non-Muslim people, a person addresses us by assalamu alaikum, that is sufficient proof that he is a Muslim. When such incidents took place during the Holy Prophet's life-time, sometimes it was suspected by some Muslims that such a person was not sincere. But the Holy Prophet would say to them: ``Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?''
Thirdly, the verse cited above goes on to say: "You yourselves were like this before.'' That is, you too embraced Islam in this way, so what was sufficient for you is sufficient for them.
In the hadith Ibn Umar related that the Holy Prophet said: If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.'' (Abu Dawud, Book of Sunna, edition published by Quran Mahal, Karachi, vol. iii, p. 484)
Abu Zarr reported that the Holy Prophet said: No man accuses another man of being a sinner, or of being a kafir, but it reflects back on him if the other is not as he called him.'' (Bukhari, Book of Ethics; Book 78, ch. 44)
The teaching contained in these hadith is meant to stop Muslims from dubbing each other as sinners and kafirs.
"Withhold [your tongues] from those who say `There is no god but Allah' --- do not call them kafir. Whoever calls a reciter of `There is no god but Allah' as a kafir, is nearer to being a kafir himself.'' (Tabarani, reported from Ibn Umar)
Call not the people of your Qibla [i.e. those who face the Ka`ba in Makka for prayer] as kafir.'' (Al-Nihaya of Ibn Athir, vol. iv, p. 187)
"Nothing expels a man from faith except the denial of that by which he entered into it [i.e. the Kalima].'' (Majma` az-Zawa'id, vol. i, p. 43)
You're using religion for your qabyalad lol