Men who marry or seek single mothers.

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Your superior
I speak my mind never was the type to bite my tongue for no one.

Since I've been on this forum waraabe is by far the biggest qabiiliiste in here, his hate for jeberti as he passionately refers to them has become an obsession. You envy idol by the looks of it, miise waxa weeye the hatred you got for her qabil?

wallahi i dont hate jebarti, my own family has jebarti, my relatives are jebarti. This is internet qabyaalad, i usually reply to things said by some darod but i have no hate for them.

Queen Carawelo

Khadijah radiyallahu canhu wasn't a single mother when Prophet mohamed saw married her but she was previously married with no children.

I don't like when people use the deen to score cheap points against each other. please know what you are talking about when you are using the deen as a reference.
Finally someone who makes sense. Thank you!


Your superior
Khadijah radiyallahu canhu wasn't a single mother when Prophet mohamed saw married her but she was previously married with no children.

I don't like when people use the deen to score cheap points against each other. please know what you are talking about when you are using the deen as a reference.

we know exactly what khadijah RC was but idol is attacking men who marry divorced women or women who were previously married.
Khadijah radiyallahu canhu wasn't a single mother when Prophet mohamed saw married her but she was previously married with no children.

I don't like when people use the deen to score cheap points against each other. please know what you are talking about when you are using the deen as a reference.

Single mothers don't need sympathy from people like her. Single mother are normal ladies at least they are blessed with children; what does she have expect ugly personality.

Queen Carawelo

Single mothers don't need sympathy from people like her. Single mother are normal ladies at least they are blessed with children; what does she have expect ugly personality.

Ugly personality or not, I'm still better than you. I see you're still bitter.


Queen Carawelo

We will agree to disagree walal :). I still think you are a bit harsh and I doubt you really feel that way in real life.

What's harsh walal? I'm just telling them to raise their kids and not make men their priority. I'm just thinking about the children!


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Look how this Western indoctrinated dhociil is indirectly insulting Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salam)

Wait, what?? She's talking about men marrying single mothers so how did you finish reading her post and concluded she is indirectly insulting the prophet?



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
wallahi i dont hate jebarti, my own family has jebarti, my relatives are jebarti. This is internet qabyaalad, i usually reply to things said by some darod but i have no hate for them.
She made a mistake, so? Let he without sin caste the first stone. That doesn't give you right to call her a kafir & to add insult to injury imply that her tribe is known for that smh you're transparent, ain't you the one who was elevating Israel & saying what a wonderful nation it was & dedicated a whole post for Israel? Talking about the pot calling the kettle black lol


Your superior
She made a mistake, so? Let he without sin caste the first stone. That doesn't give you right to call her a kafir & to add insult to injury imply that her tribe is known for that smh you're transparent, ain't you the one who was elevating Israel & saying what a wonderful nation it was & dedicated a whole post for Israel? Talking about the pot calling the kettle black lol

it was a bit of a banter. But why are you defending what she said if you aint a qabiilest

Queen Carawelo

Wait, what?? She's talking about men marrying single mothers so how did you finish reading her post and concluded she is indirectly insulting the prophet?


Tell me when he answers you. I also need to know on why he came to that conclusion. he's currently in my ignore list.
What's harsh walal? I'm just telling them to raise their kids and not make men their priority. I'm just thinking about the children!

Go and have your own kids and raise them - oh I forgot the guy you wanted to impregnate you was stolen from you by a single mother! Ouch! Here have a hug! Such lowlife loser-go and dig your own grave will you.

Queen Carawelo

Are either broke or have mommy issues. I always see uneducated minimum wage worker or scrubs running after single mothers. Educated men seek women with no kids.

To all the single mothers out there reading this, if you've 2+ kids stop marrying the next man who looks at you, raise your kids. Stop giving your kids full percent milk to these bum guys you call a husband. If he won't marry you in a legal court then you're not his priority, he just married you for hot food and a bed with occasional dirty dancing.

Let me look where I said divorced women.

Still looking.

Wait for it

Nope I can't find where I talked about divorced women!
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