Men who marry or seek single mothers.

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@Idol you're out of order on this one. There is nothing wrong with single mothers. Most women are single mothers because they fell in love with a bum, or got abused in their marriage or didn't have the strength to stay in an unhappy marriage. There is no shame in that and there is no shame in someone showing interest to a single mother.

Some single mothers though do need to get a life. They're everywhere with everyone when they have kids at home they should be focusing on. But there is nothing wrong with single mums, a woman is a women with a kid or no kid. Besides half these chicks nowadays aren't even virgins but just pretend to trap guys so really no difference between them and single mothers.

All in all bums deserve bums. Man s don't deserve virgins. And ex s deserve an ex man . Like it says in the Quran "good women are for good men" and vice versa.


Your superior
@Idol you're out of order on this one. There is nothing wrong with single mothers. Most women are single mothers because they fell in love with a bum, or got abused in their marriage or didn't have the strength to stay in an unhappy marriage. There is no shame in that and there is no shame in someone showing interest to a single mother.

Some single mothers though do need to get a life. They're everywhere with everyone when they have kids at home they should be focusing on. But there is nothing wrong with single mums, a woman is a women with a kid or no kid. Besides half these chicks nowadays aren't even virgins but just pretend to trap guys so really no difference between them and single mothers.

i think that is wrong since single mothers were actually married and not hoes

Queen Carawelo

@Idol you're out of order on this one. There is nothing wrong with single mothers. Most women are single mothers because they fell in love with a bum, or got abused in their marriage or didn't have the strength to stay in an unhappy marriage. There is no shame in that and there is no shame in someone showing interest to a single mother.

Some single mothers though do need to get a life. They're everywhere with everyone when they have kids at home they should be focusing on. But there is nothing wrong with single mums, a woman is a women with a kid or no kid. Besides half these chicks nowadays aren't even virgins but just pretend to trap guys so really no difference between them and single mothers.

How am I out of line with this one? I've seen single mothers who put their new husband first and put their kids in the backseat, all I am saying is they should raise their kids. You will see a single mother with a 9 month old baby and marrying a new husband.

It doesn't matter who's a virgin or not, that's not what this topic is about.


Your superior
How am I out of line with this one? I've seen single mothers who put their new husband first and put their kids in the backseat, all I am saying is they should raise their kids. You will see a single mother with a 9 month old baby and marrying a new husband.

It doesn't matter who's a virgin or not, that's not what this topic is about.

You should've said that then cuz that is a valid point. Not tar the same brush with all single mothers and the men who marry them


i think that is wrong since single mothers were actually married and not hoes
No I mean no difference between single mums and half these single girls becaus they're both no virgins at least one got married.


Since single mothers (those divorced) are damaged goods they tend to become more
desperate. Just look at somnet for example you have some there with a couple of kids
but no shame in throwing themselves at all the guys.


How am I out of line with this one? I've seen single mothers who put their new husband first and put their kids in the backseat, all I am saying is they should raise their kids. You will see a single mother with a 9 month old baby and marrying a new husband.

It doesn't matter who's a virgin or not, that's not what this topic is about.

It does because there is no difference between a girl with a past and a single mum because they're both not virgins only difference is one has a kid and lost her virginty through marriage.

But most single mums (at least the ones in the uk) are known to easily give it and to just have fun with and yes instead of chasing men they should be focusing on their children.

Queen Carawelo

It does because there is no difference between a girl with a past and a single mum because they're both not virgins only difference is one has a kid and lost her virginty through marriage.

But most single mums (at least the ones in the uk) are known to easily give it and to just have fun with and yes instead of chasing men they should be focusing on their children.
But I wasn't even talking about virgins or non virgins, even trapping a man. My topic was about single mothers should not marry while they have toddler and infants or young impressionable kids.
Guys @Idol did not insult our great prophet. She just highlighted how we have some predators in our communities who prey and feed on desperate women. Somali women(usually uneducated single mothers) believe the idea that once they are divorced, they are not worth anything and this is the reason why losers specifically seek them out. They need to know that their worth and value isn't determined by her divorce or previous marriage and that they still hold the same worth and value they had when they were 18.

With that said, some men genuinely fall for single mothers and want to be with them. Granted these men are rare, divorced women should be careful. Also idol, you should know that remarrying while you have infants isn't wrong as long as you are marrying the right person. If she can marry a man who will work and help raise those kids and he does it all while he is happy doing it, then that is an okay case.


God forbid I ever get married and leave the father of my children and make my kids have a step dad. That's too messy. :kanyecute:
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