My date with the crackhead Mexican [unfiltered pls don’t judge me]

This gonna be long because I’m dishing out every detail from start to finish. SUMMARY IN THE COMMENTS!!

The story…

Soo my cousin had class today, right after she left I immediately just hit up the mall in her area cuz I knew this boy would be walking laps up and down around the mall tweaking tf out. First thing first I hit up the McDonald’s for a coffee but mostly cuz that’s where I’ve seen him most frequently 🤫 I get my coffee but it was kinda dead so i left after 20 mins tops and decided to walk some laps around the mall myself. I do a few laps and get out through this random exit and then I start to sit at this bench and wonder am I really gonna see this man again? I was like okay, im actually being weird asf for this. I decide to go back to my cousins place instead so I turn the corner to head back and BOOM guess who I bump into.

I immediately gasp wallahi I’m soo stunned cuz this man is SO CUTE I’m just staring in shock I’m starstruck asf. He keeps walking but as he’s walking he turns to look backwards at me and awkwardly enough I’m obv doing the same thing so we make eye contact pt 2. I defo weirded him out cuz at that point he stopped in his tracks and said “do I know you” I was frozen for a min bc when I tell y’all his voice was:banderas: HIS VOICE IS SOO SEXYYY. It’s so hard to explain, his voice is very masculine but at the same time, really soft and ridiculously gentle… I freeze up and tell him no sorry but you look familiar (obv tf). To my surprise he REMEMBERED ME FROM YESTERDAY WHEN WE MADE EYE CONTACT WHILE HE WAS SPEEDWALKING EATING CHICKEN:jaynerd:

Long story short he gets to asking if I’m from around here, I tell him I’m just visiting my cousin he’s like oh the girl you were with last night and I said yes (omfg he acc remembered) I tell him where I’m acc from and he’s like oh that makes sense. I’m like what makes sense…Tell me why tf I find this so endearing but he’s like “cuz you seem too friendly” but that “I have to be careful” ?! Then he starts telling me all these stories and he’s keeps going on and on and telling me how “it’s not safe here”. He asks me where I’m going and honestly, I don’t wanna go, so I just tell him you know what I’m probably just going to go back to McDonald’s cuz im kinda craving smthn sweet, he ask me what I usually get I say a caramel sundae….

We go inside and we ordering at the kiosk and all of a sudden when I’m about to hit “pay here” he hits the pay at counter button:wtf: i turn to look at him and he gives me the cutest cheeky smile, I ask him what he doing and he says not to worry ab it. Tell me why he goes to the counter and pays for the sundae with a bunch of quarters 💔 yall, im in love with this man atp. I get the sundae and tell him he can have it and he says it’s ok, but that “we can split it” and he grabs another spoon. We walk around the McDonald’s for a seat but its kinda gross so he tells me we can just sit at this little staircase outside next to the McDonald’s. This whole time I didn’t even catch his name so I get his name and ask where he’s from, turns out he’s from El Salvador and he’s only 24 so just slightly older than me. He tells me about his situation (he’s not homeless just an addict) and yup I guessed it, his drug of choice is meth :damn: I asked him why and he said because it “clears his mind” but he didn’t rlly elaborate and honestly, I didn’t wanna push it. He says he only snorts it tho not inject, I mean good for him?:jcoleno: Bisinka he said he started when he was only 17. His parents went back to the home country leaving him alone with his older brother who is more or less in the same situation albeit a lot more functional to say the least..

Anyway, u can imagine we hit it off anddd I spent atleast 3-4 hours with him… im finishing this off by saying he’s miskeen asf, I got his number soo I’ll be keeping you posted.

Y’all stop being so judgemental Wtf not everyone is lucky enough to be raised in the right circumstances, obviously I’m gonna be careful but this man is not a jinni or a shaitan he’s a human being too sooo stop with the he’s gonna kill me bs. honestly i rllyy wanna see him again but next time sundae is on me :mjhaps:he needs it more this boy is caato asfff
What a nutter, sharing ice cream with a junkie?
Oi, check yourself for hepatitis, mono, ebvs, herpes, and other spittle-borne infectious diseases.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Could you imagine the reaction if it had been a nin doing this?

There’d probably be a movie about it this shit kkkkkkkk, and the summary would go something like this: A young, entitled creep from a stable home, bored with his cushy, privileged life, decides to spice things up by becoming a predator. Like the spineless coward he is, he stalks his prey: vulnerable street-roaming addicts with shaky, prey-like walks, finding twisted satisfaction in exploiting the weak. Classic toxic masculinity: bored, pathetic, and punching down because that's all he's capable of.


Cabsi cabsi waye sheekadaan.

Happy Cracking Up GIF by Regal
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Could you imagine the reaction if it had been a nin doing this?

There’d probably be a movie about it this shit kkkkkkkk, and the summary would go something like this: A young, entitled creep from a stable home, bored with his cushy, privileged life, decides to spice things up by becoming a predator. Like the spineless coward he is, he stalks his prey: vulnerable street-roaming addicts with shaky, prey-like walks, finding twisted satisfaction in exploiting the weak. Classic toxic masculinity: bored, pathetic, and punching down because that's all he's capable of.

View attachment 343961

Cabsi cabsi waye sheekadaan.

Happy Cracking Up GIF by Regal
Y’all 1) he started the convo with me :kanyehmm:2) I found him cute before I found out he was a druggie 3) he joined MEE to the McDonald’s and paid for my sundae

If y’all don’t wanna read the whole thing just say that instead of making assumptions :camby:
Aren't you afraid of getting a incurable diseases for instance 9-10 America have herpes and 7-10 homeless people have hepatitis and 6-10 homeless people have HIV. This case worsen if they are using drug that involve drug us especially with needle because they will share needles. Life is about decision you should know this by now :farmajoyaab: Yaab this is a ceeb topic :gunsmiley: :superman:
He only snorts 🤫plus he is NOT homeless! Just an addict, homeless ≠ addict that’s two very different things y’all come on
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He must have felt extra down bad when the realization of a stalker fetishizing his bleak reality was chasing him.

The better and maybe more truthful alternative scenario was more like him looking back at her and realizing a strange woman was eyeing him, set on minding his business of getting the next fix, he walked away while shuddering at the thought, weirdly unsure if it was drug symptoms or the creepy woman. The vague undiscerned feeling bothered him, having him walk almost at running speed, now more than ever convinced he had to go to rehab to turn his life around.
How many times do I have to say I found him cute asf BEFOREEE I found out he was a crackhead? :jcoleno: :kanyehmm::mjlol:

Like where are y’all coming up with these assumptions that I’m “fetishizing” his state of being tf:wtf:
I dont subscribe to these pill talks but shit like this truly makes me think if there's one of those pills that are real it's the black pill :francis:
His main appeal is how miskeen he seems tho cuz if he was crazy crazy trust me I wouldn’t really be interested

Did I tell y’all I had a lowkey fine rich Italian take me out a few times but I couldn’t do it sorry he seemed to narcisstic and controlling imo. I like controlling men lowkey but this guy was too extreme, couldn’t take it, he was telling me I had to just “trust him” and do what he says on the second damn date? Like I don’t even know u… wtf was his problem
Why are you in a mcdonalds naaya? Have you forgot the boycott. I have noticed somalis have gone back to eating mcdonalds shameless people.
:what::noneck:How many fucking boycotts are there? I can’t keep track anymore. Why tf is McDonald’s boycotted now too??:snoop: Atp idk and idc a <$3 sundae paid for with quarters isn’t going to kill anyone

