Never been married Faraxs and Xalimos over 30, what made you stay single?

The problem is people who work lower income-labor roles won't be able to provide for their child or children to their absolute best because they would be ridden with bills .

It would lead to a more stressful relationship and most likely end up in divorce hence why money struggles are a top 3 leading cause for divorce.
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I know it's harsh but i'm being objective and realistic.
Money is never the issue. People's relationship with money and the decline of fundamental resiliency is the problem - something formed very recently from a historical perspective.

If you care about the economy, encourage people to get children at practically all costs. Nearly every country in the global north is facing a long-trending population decline. Such demographic change will choke the economy and make lives for people worse on all levels. At that point, are these strange arguments-making people going to bury their heads in the sand and make even fewer children, to inch for shrinking comfort until everything crashes? Think of that irony.

Step back and objectively observe what is being spread really says; poor people have fewer rights (cultural and social pressures) on making children than the rich. This is eugenics, no matter how idiots want to spin it, dressed in a different language. And the double irony is the richer you get, the fewer children you make. Every single statistical measure captures this irony.

People really need to start using reason and not be a parrot. Life will never be perfect, and it has never been. People brought up in complete comfort cannot handle crisis situations. You can never grow strong without resistance. Humanity would not survive if we lived with that mindset in the past, and I don't see it ever as a good prescription because the future will present new challenges. The last thing we need is to cultivate a weak mindset in the next generation.

High divorce rates are another extension of this kind of evolving problem. Rich countries divorce more than developing countries (that's a strictly social and cultural problem, and it comes from a lack of adherence to family-and-society-maintaining old traditions); this is caused by the issues with this Westernized "modernity" machine and how it is affecting the behavior of people for the worse within the last 100 years. Sociologists and demographers recognize issues in the social fabric of developed countries that cannot be solved unless you pull the threads, something that likely will not happen. You cannot form longevity for a sustainable society on hedonistic grounds from liberal principles that seek the pleasure of the moment to only address individualistic egoism.


Money is never the issue. People's relationship with money and the decline of fundamental resiliency is the problem - something formed very recently from a historical perspective.

If you care about the economy, encourage people to get children at practically all costs. Nearly every country in the global north is facing a long-trending population decline. Such demographic change will choke the economy and make lives for people worse on all levels. At that point, are these strange arguments-making people going to bury their heads in the sand and make even fewer children, to inch for shrinking comfort until everything crashes? Think of that irony.

Step back and objectively observe what is being spread really says; poor people have fewer rights (cultural and social pressures) on making children than the rich. This is eugenics, no matter how idiots want to spin it, dressed in a different language. And the double irony is the richer you get, the fewer children you make. Every single statistical measure captures this irony.

People really need to start using reason and not be a parrot. Life will never be perfect, and it has never been. People brought up in complete comfort cannot handle crisis situations. You can never grow strong without resistance. Humanity would not survive if we lived with that mindset in the past, and I don't see it ever as a good prescription because the future will present new challenges. The last thing we need is to cultivate a weak mindset in the next generation.

High divorce rates are another extension of this kind of evolving problem. Rich countries divorce more than developing countries (that's a strictly social and cultural problem, and it comes from a lack of adherence to family-and-society-maintaining old traditions); this is caused by the issues with this Westernized "modernity" machine and how it is affecting the behavior of people for the worse within the last 100 years. Sociologists and demographers recognize issues in the social fabric of developed countries that cannot be solved unless you pull the threads, something that likely will not happen. You cannot form longevity for a sustainable society on hedonistic grounds from liberal principles that seek the pleasure of the moment to only address individualistic egoism.
Sir, there are numerous of studies that prove that's false. I even posted some of them. Money is in the top 5 leading causes of divorce.

Unless you have publications that states otherwise, then you're objectively wrong.

Show me 10 relevant studies that state that "money isn't the issue" when it comes to divorces(2010+)
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Shimbiris is your closest bet
I don't know about that.
Also, I'm kind of addicted being a single lady.
dance party GIF
Who cares? Let people do their own thing. Plenty of people that want to get married etc. Also we need to stop this trope of labelling single men as gay or incels, or calling single women as spinsters. Live your life loool. It's better to have children back home in africa anyways.
Sir, there are numerous of studies that prove that's false. I even posted some of them. Money is in the top 5 leading causes of divorce.

Unless you have publications that states otherwise, then you're objectively wrong.

Show me 10 relevant studies that state that "money isn't the issue" when it comes to divorces(2010+)
Can you please re-read what you specifically highlighted there? There is a great difference in nuance about specific things I wrote on that highlighted text you're not capturing. It's literally there in the text. Money is the problem =//= people's relationship with money and expectations being the problem and lack of social resiliency and discipline, etc -- my point of the text. Do me the courtesy and yourself the favor of reading the stuff. It's undeniable. The valid studies (of which I am very aware of) and my text do not contradict.. I hope you understand the simple but crucial distinction and I hope you take in the rest although it conflicts with your flawed perspective.


Can you please re-read what you specifically highlighted there? There is a great difference in nuance about specific things I wrote on that highlighted text you're not capturing. It's literally there in the text. Money is the problem =//= people's relationship with money and expectations being the problem and lack of social resiliency and discipline, etc -- my point of the text. Do me the courtesy and yourself the favor of reading the stuff. It's undeniable. The valid studies (of which I am very aware of) and my text do not contradict.. I hope you understand the simple but crucial distinction and I hope you take in the rest although it conflicts with your flawed perspective.
So no studies to back up your claims? Nice...

What's with people on this forum making claims and not supporting them with studies LOL

You literally start your claim by stating that "Money is not the issue". My studies and initial statement goes against that claim and state that "Money is in fact one of the lead causes and issues that lead to divorces".

How is this hard for you to understand?

Again, post 10 relevant studies that state that "money isn't the issue" in lead causes for divorces to support your claim
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So no studies to back up your claims? Nice...

What's with people on this forum making claims and not supporting them with studies LOL

You literally start your claim by stating that "Money is not the issue". My studies and initial statement goes against that claim and state that "Money is in fact one of the lead causes and issues that lead to divorces".

How is this hard for you to understand?

Again, post 10 relevant studies that state that "money isn't the issue" in lead causes for divorces to support your claim
You're stubborn for no reason. I encourage you to re-read once more and that's it for me.


You're stubborn for no reason. I encourage you to re-read once more and that's it for me.
Are you trolling me right now?

Here I'm going to simplify it for you.

You argued against my statement by stating that "Money is never the issue. People's relationship with money and the decline of fundamental resiliency is the problem"

My studies and statement goes into detail and shows that people who are "wealthier" and grew up in better socioeconomic conditions ended up having more successful children in the long term than children who didn't.

Then this study examined how divorce rates initiated due to finance woes.

"One study from Kansas State University for the National Survey of Families and Households reported that “arguments about money (are) by far the top predictor of divorce.”"

Another study by Ramsay Solutions in 2017 backed up the findings, reporting that money was the second most common subject that couples fight about – after infidelity. Finances can be more damaging to a marriage than arguments about children, sex, the in-laws or anything else.

Don't make me have to explain it again for you.

I expect studies in your rebuttal. If not, then keep it moving and stop wasting my time.

You're overcomplicating such a basic concept.
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Are you over 30? I’m not sure many people on here who are would admit to it. There’s a lot of shame that goes with that in our community.

Some people may also lack initiative or are too afraid of putting themselves out there for fear of rejection. How about a fear of the marriage failing? Some also lack the strong desire for love, companionship or children. Ultimately, I believe it comes down to fear. That’s why we should do our due diligence and place our complete trust in Allah.
No I’m in my mid 20s but the idea of still being completely single doesn’t make sense to me once I’m in my 30s, I’m not at that point luckily but I’d feel as if something went wrong if that was the case, at least for me.
I don't know about that.
Also, I'm kind of addicted being a single lady.
dance party GIF

What is your family like? Xalimos get a lot more pressure than Faraxs when it comes to this

Marriage honestly sounds like a huge pain to me. I'm 31 and my parents are getting antsy. If I was a woman, this would be tenfold


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Good luck doing that in today's economy.

All my views are based off today's economy btw. If you said this in 1980-2005, I would 100% agree with you.

Things changed for the worse. I'm just being realistic.
Move out west, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta have so many jobs for men

that’s how Canada was founded the job market was too saturated in Europe so people moved west


Move out west, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta have so many jobs for men

that’s how Canada was founded the job market was too saturated in Europe so people moved west
Manitoba is def on my list and I have fam living there. It's peaceful and nice, but boring.

Where do you live if you don't mind me asking?
What is your family like? Xalimos get a lot more pressure than Faraxs when it comes to this

Marriage honestly sounds like a huge pain to me. I'm 31 and my parents are getting antsy. If I was a woman, this would be tenfold
You keep passing up opportunities to get married?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
A few are by choice for whatever reason. They should live their life how they want to live it.

The majority who want to get married but cant don't smile and are not kind people. Smiling, kind genuinely good people get snatched up ten years earlier.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Kinda. My mom wants to introduce me to girl but I say no

Always being around someone else sounds annoying. If she ends up being a nagging person it's even worse. I like being able to do what I want when I want
I get that. A desire for staunch independence sort of conflicts with the interdependent nature of a relationship. There is a push and pull between wanting freedom to do as you please and the need for some sort of connection/closeness.

If you can balance the two I'm sure you'll be fine. Though too much closeness can make some feel threatened/swarmed /suffocated and too much distance can make one feel uncared for/neglected/lonely.

I think people express a grievance/nag because of something much deeper than the minor issue they bring up. Especially in the case of women.​
Kinda. My mom wants to introduce me to girl but I say no

Always being around someone else sounds annoying. If she ends up being a nagging person it's even worse. I like being able to do what I want when I want
What do you do about sex though, I have no religion, so I have sex outside marriage. Do you do the same thing?