New Minnesota Flag Has RightWing Cadaans in an Uproar

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
Coincidence? Maybe.

Or maybe not.


Reer minnesota must be incredibly retarded. They already know the cadaan population aren’t too fond of them why do they bring so much attention towards themselves?

A white person designed the flag and majority white council chose the flag. Yet somehow somalis are responsible :russ: I can't take these white nationalist seriously.
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Reer minnesota must be incredibly retarded. They already know the cadaan population aren’t too fond of them why do they bring so much attention towards themselves?
How is this reer Minnesota’s fault? It was drawn by this guy


Right wing propaganda always blames us for shit we didn’t even do :damn:
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A white person designed the flag and majority white council chose the flag. Yet somehow somalis are responsible :russ: I can't take these white nationalist seriously.
How is this reer Minnesota’s fault? It was drawn by this guy

View attachment 307703

Right wing propaganda always blames us for shit we didn’t even do smh
Conservatives are just fat and retarded, the issue was that they were given a digital megaphone so now everyone has to hear what stupid people are thinking. It’s part of a wider societal issue
Conservatives are just fat and retarded, the issue was that they were given a digital megaphone so now everyone has to hear what stupid people are thinking. It’s part of a wider societal issue
The level of hate we get compared to our size is insane. I guess this was bound to happen. We are black and Muslim, two things they hate
Our size isn’t even relevant these morons think there are millions of us in their country, theyre so naive.
Yea but how are we living rent free in their minds with such a small population? That’s the point I was trying to make

The way they mention us you’d think they see us all the time. I bet more than half of these fucks never even met a Somali person in their life

I’d understand if our diaspora was so large that they couldn’t avoid us. The large visibility would warrant an equally large response

But when our entire western diaspora is less than 1M, idk how we got this level of attention


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
they shouldn't have changed it this is just bringing heat onto the Somalis there and that's not good considering the anti-migrant sentiment nowadays

