Old fathers Pose Significant Health Problems For Children AND the women they impregnate!

In our community, it is normalised to see old men marry over and over again, producing children until they are literally in the grave. I would love to see a study into the age of fathers, when assessing people with health issues.

For example, the link between old sperm, autism and schizophrenia:



Higher risk of brain cancer and breast cancer:
The risk of brain cancer and breast cancer are also elevated in people born to older fathers. There are also neurological effects. Children with fathers who are more than 40 at their birth are almost six times more likely to have autism than those whose fathers are less than 30, according to one study


Birth risks, such as low weight, seizures:

A decade of data documenting live births in the United States links babies of older fathers with a variety of increased risks at birth, including low birth weight and seizures, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.


Plus, pregnant women, who have babies with older men, are at higher risk for getting gestational diabetes.

For women, the risk of gestational diabetes was greater when they had children with older men.



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Everything is Qadr, but I do find it awfully convenient that the average man can tell you how later pregnancies for women can cause xyz, without any thought to how men having children later can also cause a myriad of issues as well. If anything when you explore the issues that aren’t just limited to biology but also social issues I’d say it’s worse for men since the oldest women have kids tends to be around 47 which isn’t even that old.

To add, I don’t really care about couples having children a bit later tbh since Somalis despite marrying relatively early tend to have a lot of kids hence their last few kids are usually born when parents are older. The youngest in the family was born when my mother was in her early 40s and my dad was pushing 50. I know serveral aunts and uncles who had their youngest kids in their 40s as well. That’s understandable when it’s usually a couple that have been together for 30 yrs or a man that didn’t have the opportunity to have kids previously.

However, my biggest issue is when older men in their 50s and 60s have kids with much younger women and don’t have the energy to raise those kids and literally leave everything to their younger wife who ends up being a single mother and later on her and her kids end up being supported by her husband’s older kids from the first wife.

The amount of cases I know of friends having to lowkey support their half siblings despite struggling with London rent and have other more important priorities such as also helping their own mother along with other things and are at a point in life in which they should be saving money with their spouses is incredibly high.

Most men that have kids in their 60s, don’t have the time or energy and 9/10 times in less than a decade they have to fob of their responsibilities on to their adult children who have their own lives and young children to support.

That for me is what needs to be spoken about.
This is such bullshit. My dad is 75 healthy lean and he runs. And I'm 20 lol 6'3 full sixpack athletic can sprint 10km 99% of people my age are all slobs.
Poverty, poverty, poverty. Fifty-year-old Algerian taxi drivers in the west don't have access to 18-21-year-old Algerian women. If I remember correctly, this isn’t common. Additionally, the average age of first marriage for Algerian women is around 30-31. These issues will diminish with a stable economy.
Everything is Qadr, but I do find it awfully convenient that the average man can tell you how later pregnancies for women can cause xyz, without any thought to how men having children later can also cause a myriad of issues as well. If anything when you explore the issues that aren’t just limited to biology but also social issues I’d say it’s worse for men since the oldest women have kids tends to be around 47 which isn’t even that old.

To add, I don’t really care about couples having children a bit later tbh since Somalis despite marrying relatively early tend to have a lot of kids hence their last few kids are usually born when parents are older. The youngest in the family was born when my mother was in her early 40s and my dad was pushing 50. I know serveral aunts and uncles who had their youngest kids in their 40s as well. That’s understandable when it’s usually a couple that have been together for 30 yrs or a man that didn’t have the opportunity to have kids previously.

However, my biggest issue is when older men in their 50s and 60s have kids with much younger women and don’t have the energy to raise those kids and literally leave everything to their younger wife who ends up being a single mother and later on her and her kids end up being supported by her husband’s older kids from the first wife.

The amount of cases I know of friends having to lowkey support their half siblings despite struggling with London rent and have other more important priorities such as also helping their own mother along with other things and are at a point in life in which they should be saving money with their spouses is incredibly high.

Most men that have kids in their 60s, don’t have the time or energy and 9/10 times in less than a decade they have to fob of their responsibilities on to their adult children who have their own lives and young children to support.

That for me is what needs to be spoken about.
The truth is that us men don't have a ticking clock on our reproductive system. We can produce kids at any age as long as we are healthy. Many men back home have kids at 70+. Not a single women in history can do this. Women's fertility ends during 30- later 30's if they're lucky. That's it. OP knows this fact.
I was in two minds about creating this topic, because I have met some amazing people with certain health conditions, even on this forum. People who I find invaluable. This topic is not a swipe at them. My issue is, and always has been, with irresponsible old men, who think they can have babies without a single thought about 'tomorrow'. It's reprehensible.
The truth is that us men don't have a ticking clock on our reproductive system. We can produce kids at any age as long as we are healthy. Many men back home have kids at 70+. Not a single women in history can do this. Women's fertility ends during 30- later 30's if they're lucky. That's it. OP knows this fact.

I've been writing and deleting a comment at you for a few minutes. Because I am not sure if you are a troll, or if you have some kind of issue that you are not even aware of.
The truth is that us men don't have a ticking clock on our reproductive system. We can produce kids at any age as long as we are healthy. Many men back home have kids at 70+. Not a single women in history can do this. Women's fertility ends during 30- later 30's if they're lucky. That's it. OP knows this fact.
Farah you’re clearly a child and dumb one at that. Women start their menopause in their late 40s and early 50s.

A woman that can’t have kids in her 30s has health issues and any medical professional will tell you that such a woman is going though premature menopause caused by severe health issues.

I want to know where these young and weird redpillers ever got the idea that healthy women become infertile in their 30s.

That is incredibly insane.
Poverty, poverty, poverty. Fifty-year-old Algerian taxi drivers in the west don't have access to 18-21-year-old Algerian women. If I remember correctly, this isn’t common. Additionally, the average age of first marriage for Algerian women is around 30-31. These issues will diminish with a stable economy.

The biggest threat to exploitative men, is a woman with education and money. I pray that Somali girls are freed, because I hate seeing videos of these little girls, who are heartbroken, next to some oday.
I've been writing and deleting a comment at you for a few minutes. Because I am not sure if you are a troll, or if you have some kind of issue that you are not even aware of.
I can’t believe he thinks women can’t have kids in their 30s? Women get their menopause on average TWO decades after.

I’m beginning to think due to immense cuts and the recession that’s happening in the West, a lot of schools aren’t operating as well as they used to which is why we have an incredible amount of stupid students.
I can’t believe he thinks women can’t have kids in their 30s? Women get their menopause on average TWO decades after.

I’m beginning to think due to immense cuts and the recession that’s happening in the West, a lot of schools aren’t operating as well as they used to which is why we have an incredible amount of stupid students.

In real life, they can't stop staring at women in their 30s, 40s and beyond. The real reason men hate and lie about women in their 30s is one of the following;

1. They are pedophiles.
2. They are resentful at being turned down by a woman/women, and wait until she turns 30, as some sort of 'trump' card.

Meanwhile, women in their 30s, and 40s have babies everyday, with normal men who love them. These people live in some alternate dimension where women shrivel up and die at age 30.

I'm going to stop helping some of the doqons on this website, they are beyond repair.
Poverty, poverty, poverty. Fifty-year-old Algerian taxi drivers in the west don't have access to 18-21-year-old Algerian women. If I remember correctly, this isn’t common. Additionally, the average age of first marriage for Algerian women is around 30-31. These issues will diminish with a stable economy.
Look at who wrote the articles.


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