Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations



You're right, he got the post deleted somehow. Alhamdulilah I took a screenshot.

It was on page 3 everyone, when he made that comment, and Kane also quoted and address his bullshit, in case you are trying to catch up.

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I reported his post that’s probably why it got taken down. Notice how the mods had to delete it while the Latino supremacist found nothing wrong with it and kept it up.
women being murdered in Mexico- one woman for nine men! yes I think it's bad that there is this push to focus only on female victims of murder when nine tenths of the victims are men. the issue is not one which is gender specific and I think it's wrong and divisive to try to make it a source of divide between men and women.
Lying is haram. A woman being killed the same way as a man via the Cartel like a shoot out ect or being in the wrong place or due to drug issues or whatever isn’t a victim of femicide. Thats female homicide and it is treated the same way as men being killed.

Femicide is specifically sexual violence against women via DV, honor killing, trafficking ect.

Wallahi Omar at this point, you’re either a liar or being willfully ignorant because you hate women.

It’s like Questioning why Allah talks about the deaths of baby girls in detail when in Arabia probably more men died during that time period? Thats because the deaths were different. Was the Quran showing some sort of preferences for female fetus or females?


I was already wanting to retire.

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I was actually posting very little and then that femicide thread came up and caught my attention.

@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’ @Mutombo

you both want me gone, yes? and I want to be retired.

so let's come to an arrangement that suits all of us. I go into retirement and you two leave me alone and quit attacking me. bcuz I genuinely wish to retire- and you two can have what you want, I just want that you agree that we go separate ways in peace. you can't be doing things like making threads about me and then wanting me to leave. if you make threads about me or things like that, then it will invite me to respond. let's go for an arrangement that makes all of us happy and brings an amicable resolution.
Yes we want you gone and to never return to SSpot ever again.
Yes we want you gone and to never return to SSpot ever again.

And shout out to eagle-eyed @Kane who was the first to spot this bullshit. I will say this, there are a few men on here, who routinely spar with the women in terms of women's issues, but they know when to circle the wagons, and have self-respect in front of foreigners. How sad do you have to be, to let cuqdad for women, make you twerk for a foreigner who has disrespected your country.

This entire incident has really exposed who the weaklings are.

Circle the wagons is an English language idiom which may refer to a group of people who unite for a common purpose.

And shout out to eagle-eyed @Kane who was the first to spot this bullshit. I will say this, there are a few men on here, who routinely spar with the women in terms of women's issues, but they know when to circle the wagons, and have self-respect in front of foreigners. How sad do you have to be, to let cuqdad for women, make you twerk for a foreigner who has disrespected your country.

This entire incident has really exposed who the weaklings are.
100% my respect for @Kane has increased πŸ˜‚

The man has at least love and dhig for his people and isn’t going to let a Mexican crying about femicide get in the way.


We like a man with a backbone.
100% my respect for @Kane has increased πŸ˜‚

The man has at least love and dhig for his people and isn’t going to let a Mexican crying about femicide get in the way.


We like a man with a backbone.

Say that again!

And @_Yusuf_ who we routinely disagree with, but has damiir and dhiig unlike duliga is ceebeeyay. Walahi, today has been very eye-opening.


Plotting world domination
He apologised in that same thread for what he said, and did so again in this thread with a voice recording. If he had any enmity for Somalis, it would have been known and I least of all, would have dragged him like I have done before with others. He has been here for some 6 years and has always made a point to keep out of Somali affairs, and for this reason pretty much gets along with everyone.

Two people disscussing their difference of ideologies (Omar del Sur and roses4me) is hardly him coming after "Somali women". If you are going to come for Omar, I suggest you also address this woman who constantly denigrates Somali men with her constant talk of "Down low" Somali men and her blatant hatred for them.

This legit had me shocked.

Coon ass niggas forgiving ajnabis that dissed us.

Also this nigga acts like women freaking out about "down low" men is brand new. Literally all women do this.
This legit had me shocked.

Coon ass niggas forgiving ajnabis that dissed us.

Also this nigga acts like women freaking out about "down low" men is brand new. Literally all women do this.
Mind you, this whole melt down started because we said femicide exists in Mexico like the rest of the world but the rates are slightly higher. Mind you, these are figures and statistics offered by his own nation. I’m just a mere reader of these figures.

Then we had hordes of Faraxs attacking us because we said to a Mexican that there is femicide in Mexico.

This is a level of woman hatred that some are triggered by saying hey, women are indeed dying in DV cases which is femicide and writing whole essays. Sad to see Abdis moving this way.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
It’s a mere 11% for men and a whopping 50% for women in America alone. The figure is probably higher world wide.

Also, when we look at the 11% for men it’s also all men and hardly any women killing them. To say this isn’t true when the data is that high is wallahi either the highest of dishonesty or lies.

Perfect example of silliness.

1. Im going to explain this to you in simple language and I’ve mentioned this countless of times.

2. A woman being dragged up and killed by the cartel is NOT femicide. It’s female homicide, the same as male homicide.

3. Femicide is when women are killed via DV, sexual abuse, trafficking and honor based murder.Please learn to differentiate the two. This is something I’ve explained time and time again.

4. No one splits up female homicide and male homicide. That’s illogical.No one would say a Somali woman called by Al Shaydan via being blown up isn’t the same as a man being blown up. That is basic female homicide.

5. being killed by a partner or killed via sexual abuse or being a woman is called femicide. Young man, the biggest frustration with regards to this forum is the inability of you boys to read and actually engage honestly.

If you can’t accept these basic differences, you either low IQ or being willfully ignorant.

Men are rarely burned alive, r-worded and violently murdered by their own wives and love interests or by women who were interested by them but felt rejected.
I think you are the one that must be educated, where have I defined anything you said? It's always the same group that take what I say and make an essay so off what I'm actually saying I do not even understand what I'm arguing about anymore and I just hop off the thread.

It's basic knowledge we even used to discuss is school lessons when we were 14, men and women die for different reasons. Men die from work accidents, gang activities and general street violence. It's rare for women to get packed in those ways because they aren't involved.

In reverse, women are overrepresented in domestic violence and rape. Men do not face these things for obvious reasons.

Both are murders. It's just one gender could be overrepresented in a specific type of murder than the other. But it's murder.

Why use these new terminology and push points like "So and so country is unsafe for women, cuh niggas bad" ect. If a country us unsafe for the average women, it's also unsafe for the average man. Do you think young men feel safe in Somalia? They're overrepresented in war casualties and qabil violence no? I wouldn't feel safe walking around some lawless town in koonfur as a big man and so wouldn't a woman. She might fear getting raped I fear getting shot and robbed. Both are valid fears why make everything a gender based competition?

You down voted me. But if you could be honest, what % of men are murdered by their male partners or women in their family?

Lets compare to the amount go women killed in DV cases?

At this point are you going to say men and women are the same when it comes to sexual abuse and intimate partner murder?


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―

You down voted me. But if you could be honest, what % of men are murdered by their male partners or women in their family?

Lets compare to the amount go women killed in DV cases?

At this point are you going to say men and women are the same when it comes to sexual abuse and intimate partner murder?
The highest domestic violence figures come from homosexual Female couples.
The lowest come from homosexual male couples.

Sxb, have you even read what I said? I literally agreed with you on those statistics

