Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

I think you are the one that must be educated, where have I defined anything you said? It's always the same group that take what I say and make an essay so off what I'm actually saying I do not even understand what I'm arguing about anymore and I just hop off the thread.

It's basic knowledge we even used to discuss is school lessons when we were 14, men and women die for different reasons. Men die from work accidents, gang activities and general street violence. It's rare for women to get packed in those ways because they aren't involved.
We know this. In fact I was the one that initially mentioned this in the thread earlier.

But you seem to not understand basic things. Women die via DV and sexual violence more. Men tend to not be killed by wives, or girlfriends or stalked by love interests or men who want to r-word them and traffic them.

Femicide rates simply compare the amount of women being killed this way in each country.

Why does it bother you for people to find out the % of women dying in DV cases? How can society educate men on DV if we don’t even know the full scope?

I know you’re only young but you’re coming across as a real woman’s hater if you don’t want society to look into this?

Its akin to you being against people finding out in the past how many black men died via lunching and racism compared to regular murders that white men also faced.

so do you not see how only a white and hateful supremacist would be against people classifying murder in this way?

In reverse, women are overrepresented in domestic violence and rape. Men do not face these things for obvious reasons.
Because women are under represented in ALL murders. Men murder men and they also murder women and to make it worse in DV cases they murder women they’re in relationships with.
Both are murders. It's just one gender could be overrepresented in a specific type of murder than the other. But it's murder.
There is a huge issue when women aren’t even safe in their own houses?
Why use these new terminology and push points like "So and so country is unsafe for women, cuh niggas bad" ect. If a country is unsafe for the average women, it's also unsafe for the average man. Do you think young men feel safe in Somalia? They're overrepresented in war casualties and qabil violence no? I wouldn't feel safe walking around some lawless town in koonfur as a big man and so wouldn't a woman. She might fear getting raped I fear getting shot and robbed. Both are valid fears why make everything a gender based competition?
The difference is a woman in a society with high rates of femicide isn’t safe anywhere if she can’t even trust the men who are meant to protect her.

Shes being killed for no reason by men in her home. Men are over represented in homicide cases because they’re much more likely to join armed conflict, or gangs or simply be outside of the home and end up offending or crossing path with psychos.

Yet a woman in the safety of her home who literally has hardly done nothing being offed? how is that the same?


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We know this. In fact I was the one that initially mentioned this in the thread earlier.

But you seem to not understand basic things. Women die via DV and sexual violence more. Men tend to not be killed by wives, or girlfriends or stalked by love interests or men who want to r-word them and traffic them.

Because women are under represented in ALL murders. Men murder men and they also murder women and to make it worse in DV cases they murder women they’re in relationships with.

There is a huge issue when women aren’t even safe in their own houses?

The difference is a woman in a society with high rates of femicide isn’t safe anywhere if she can’t even trust the men who are meant to protect her.

Shes being killed for no reason by men in her home. Men are over represented in homicide cases because they’re much more likely to join armed conflict, or gangs or simply be outside of the home and end up offending or crossing path with psychos.

Yet a woman in the safety of her home who literally has hardly done nothing being offed? how is that the same?
You literally disregarded everything I said and went back to making it a back and forth Men vs Women.
You literally disregarded everything I said and went back to making it a back and forth Men vs Women.
When it comes to the death of most women, it is.

It is a men and women thing. It’s women being killed by men and not the other way around? Is everything ok?

Do I have to lie to you? Authobillah?

Why do you want women to lie to you?

Are women killing men? Are women killing their partners? Are women sexually abusing their partners at the same rate or even near?

Why the hell do you have issues with this basic fact?

Femicide rates simply compare the amount of women being killed this way in each country.

Why does it bother you for people to find out the % of women dying in DV cases? How can society educate men on DV if we don’t even know the full scope?

I know you’re only young but you’re coming across as a real woman’s hater if you don’t want society to look into this?

Its akin to you being against people finding out in the past how many black men died via lunching and racism compared to regular murders that white men also faced.

so do you not see how only a white and hateful supremacist would be against people classifying murder in this way? Hence why behave this way against women.

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You’re nor going to beat the misogyny allegations since without data about femicide or DV issues governments aren’t going to be able to tackle society issues of DV. We need to know what the rates are and some societies are simply worse than others.

The same way governments know the rate of people dying via drugs and society engages in preventative programs.

Or if there was a race issue in society and many black people were killed by supremacists, the gov can give extra protection and anti racism legislations.

The thing is, you can understand the need for it for every other group but women. Why?

If that isn’t misogyny, I really don’t know what is.

I find it funny how every man can understand class issues, racism issues, tribalism issues but they draw the line at women’s issues despite the fact that in many countries 3 women alone die due to DV. More women die from that than any other issue btw. A woman is less likely to be murdered because of drugs or for being black or being from the wrong tribe. She’s more likely to die via DV.

What do you want? We can explore men dying via gangs, we can explore men dying via drugs, we can explore men dying via racism, but we can’t explore women dying via sexual abuse and DV.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯

You’re nor going to beat the misogyny allegations since without data about femicide or DV issues governments aren’t going to be able to tackle society issues of DV. We need to know what the rates are and some societies are simply worse than others.

The same way governments know the rate of people dying via drugs and society engages in preventative programs.

Or if there was a race issue in society and many black people were killed by supremacists, the gov can extra protection and anti racism legislations.

The thing is, you can understand the need for it for every other group but women. Why?

If that isn’t misogyny, I really don’t know what is.

I find it funny how every man can understand class issues, racism issues, tribalism issues but they draw the line at women’s issues despite the fact that in many countries 3 women alone die due to DV.

What do you want? We can explore men dying via gangs, we can explore men dying via drugs, we can explore men dying via racism, but we can’t explore women dying via sexual abuse and DV.
Now I'm a misogynist
Now I'm a misogynist
If you’re okay with a midgaan talking about tribalism induced murders and
You wouldn’t say ‘hey! All Somalis die! Why are you differentiating us, the biggest issue is poverty why are you bringing up tribalism! why on earth would you say it to women?

All you have to do Khaemwaset is use the exact same thing you said to other minority groups and the bias will be glaring


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯

You’re nor going to beat the misogyny allegations since without data about femicide or DV issues governments aren’t going to be able to tackle society issues of DV. We need to know what the rates are and some societies are simply worse than others.

The same way governments know the rate of people dying via drugs and society engages in preventative programs.

Or if there was a race issue in society and many black people were killed by supremacists, the gov can extra protection and anti racism legislations.

The thing is, you can understand the need for it for every other group but women. Why?

If that isn’t misogyny, I really don’t know what is.

I find it funny how every man can understand class issues, racism issues, tribalism issues but they draw the line at women’s issues despite the fact that in many countries 3 women alone die due to DV.

What do you want? We can explore men dying via gangs, we can explore men dying via drugs, we can explore men dying via racism, but we can’t explore women dying via sexual abuse and DV.
Please read my posts, have I denied women are victims of things men don't have to worry about? I made it very clear for you but you still didn't pick it up.

Also what do you have to say about Lesbian relationships having the highest DV rates?
Were 44% of Lesbians raped and abused by men?
Please read my posts, have I denied women are victims of things men don't have to worry about? I made it very clear for you but you still didn't pick it up.
You made it clear you acknowledged this but don’t want gov to look into femicide murders and actually use statistics about which country has more.

You wouldn’t question why the gov would look at which countries have higher drug deaths or gang deaths?

Or if we were to delve into deaths of minority races or tribes?

At least 3 women a week in Europe and America two everyday murdered by a partner. It would be mad for a gov to not look into it.
Also what do you have to say about Lesbian relationships having the highest DV rates?
Were 44% of Lesbians raped and abused by men?
View attachment 343962

Regardless, so now let’s compare the murder rates and the amount of lesbians in society.

Even within the high rates of Les violence, you’ll find the murder rate is minuscule.

So what now?

Women are overwhelmingly murdered by men and men they know very well.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
If you’re okay with a midgaan talking about tribalism induced murders and
You wouldn’t say ‘hey! All Somalis die! Why are you differentiating us, the biggest issue is poverty why are you bringing up tribalism! why on earth would you say it to women?

All you have to do Khaemwaset is use the exact same thing you said to other minority groups and the bias will be glaring
Tribalism induced murders is literally what defined Somalia? RX lost 400k to the war, Isaaq similar. It's literally affecting the whole country and traumatised a generation. Why would I put Minority tribes over others? I wouldn't dismiss them.

Have I dismissed women facing rape and dv instead of men? I literally said women in Somalia would fear rape and I wouldn't. But this is the internet we cannot be logical, "you're either 100% with me or you're with the other side!"


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Regardless, so now let’s compare the murder rates and the amount of lesbians in society.

Even within the high rates of Les violence, you’ll find the murder rate is minuscule.

So what now?
Why are you saying this is insignificant? 44% of lesbians having violence from their partner is an important statistic.
Women are overwhelmingly murdered by men and men they know very well.
Did I deny that? You a parroting the same thing again and again even though I told you I agree
Tribalism induced murders is literally what defined Somalia? RX lost 400k to the war, Isaaq similar. It's literally affecting the whole country and traumatised a generation. Why would I put Minority tribes over others? I wouldn't dismiss them.

Have I dismissed women facing rape and dv instead of men? I literally said women in Somalia would fear rape and I wouldn't. But this is the internet we cannot be logical, "you're either 100% with me or you're with the other side!"
That’s my point, the vast majority of deaths are indeed people who are ‘Landheere’ not men who are minorities like Midgaan.

I wager more Hawiye or Daroods or Isaaqs have died than a Tuumal who would often avoid armed militia conflict.

You’re not being logical at all. If we can accept that more ‘Landheere men’ die but the issues of minority tribalism is still a problem in the same logic why can’t you accept more men might die via homicide but femicide is still an issue?

It’s a simple logic you can’t deny and I’ve used your thought process against you. Khaemwaset you’re not being logical here and I can unpack your argument incredibly fast.
Why are you saying this is insignificant? 44% of lesbians having violence from their partner is an important statistic.

Did I deny that? You a parroting the same thing again and again even though I told you I agree
We are talking about deaths here.

There is a difference between DV assault and DV deaths.

Let’s stick to the program. Changing the goal lsnt logic.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
That’s my point, the vast majority of deaths are indeed people who are ‘Landheere’ not men who are minorities like Midgaan.

I wager more Hawiye or Daroods or Isaaqs have died than a Tuumal who would often avoid armed militia conflict.

You’re not being logical at all. If we can accept that more ‘Landheere men’ die but the issues of minority tribalism is still a problem in the same logic why can’t you accept more men might die via homicide but femicide is still an issue?
I never denied women are the ones thay face domestic violence and rape, walahi I've been repeating myself for so long I don't even know what you're trying to make me say

It’s a simple logic you can’t deny and I’ve used your thought process against you. Khaemwaset you’re not being logical here and I can unpack your argument incredibly fast.
Walahi am I bugging


Plotting world domination
Mexican cartel owned regions are pretty lawless. The women in those regions aren't safe at all and get raped and murdered all the time.

Police can't do shit about it since cartels would just kill their families.

Arguing against the femicide issue in Mexico is dumb since cartel members will always be xaasid towards Mexican women.
They literally control parts of Mexico. The women in those regions are vulnerable to rape, kidnapping, and murder.

In fact it's gotten so bad in some parts of Mexico that serial killers have traveled across the border just to kill with ease. Police never investigate any further since they assume all these horrific murders are cartel related.

