It's hard to imagine Wadani getting above 65% in Awdal. But let's say they get 70% like Riyaale did in 2010, is it enough to stop Kulmiye who are ahead significantly in Maroodi Jeex, Saaxil and Sool?@Gacanyare You're a novice. What makes you think all CM will vote for Kulmiye (after it humiliated its candidate Jamal Ali Hussien)?
majority of Cidagale will be voting for WADANI and that is enough damage for Kulmiye. As for Awdal communities do you realize
that 70% is Makahiil? here is the grand Suldaan of Awdal (Suldaan Salebaan Ismaacil) saying it like it is we are all WADANI. You
must be delusional to argue about Awdal with meeveryone knows high majority of the Awdal votes will go to WADANI. Majority of Gadabursi will vote for WADANI just like majority of HY voted for Dahir Riyaale.
There's no reason for CM to vote for Wadani. All of their politicians jumped ship to Kulmiye. The last one still in Wadani is that short tempered Welsh lady I forgot her name.