These guys are westernized, in Africa things are very violent and bleeding. Look at what is happening in Burundi now."Oromo are so peaceful" "Oromo aren't trying to take over" "Oromo are miskiin" "Oromo don't hate Somalis" "Leave them alone they're oppressed". It looks like they have blood feud with us, we should be very worried.
@AbdiJohnson if we agree on something it still doesn't change my mind that you should be dealt with if you don't change sxb. Leave your gaalnimo and qaniisnimo...
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees (in some cases that's fine)
Abdi Johnson, why not be on top? Isn't it xanuun?
No. It's pleasurable
Alright, you chose this route. Even if my own brother became a gaal and atheist, I'd want them dealt with. Making me laugh won't waver my beliefs and values. I never turn back on Islam. It's a part of me, it's engrained in me. No amount of material goods can change that.Never.
I rather die on my feet than live on my knees (in some cases that's fine)
Alright, you chose this route. Even if my own brother became a gaal and atheist, I'd want them dealt with. Making me laugh won't waver my beliefs and values. I never turn back on Islam. It's a part of me, it's engrained in me. No amount of material goods can change that.
I wouldn't do anything to my brothers since they are strong Muslims.You will be dealt with if you tried anything on your brother. Don't push your luck
So what? They still belong to Somalis
Yep. Believe it or not our oral traditions on Somalia go wayyy back, even before the oral traditions of ethnic Somalis by at least 600-700 years. We've also written on the history of Somalia ever since we arrived. The best history book on Somalia (although it has minor mistakes) is that of Sharif Aydruus (who was Asharaaf) called 'bughyat al amal'. We've written on everything lol. What did you expect? We were literate for over 1000 years. We were also literate in our ancestral homes.