Popular twitch streamer ‘rage’ insults somalis infront of yusuf7n

Chunkz is a noble son of the Duriya. He ain’t a loser self hating Southerner/Buuqlander like the egghead Cuck Yusuf.

UK Somalis are backward, but they don’t take lip from Madows, Timmy Js or dhegcas.
That guy is not Darood I put my life on it.

Australia has a huge Lebanese population,do they live amongst the Somalis and interact with them
The Lebanese population in Australia is similar to the Pakistani population in the UK, in that they are both amongst the oldest Muslim populations in their respective nations (Afghanis have been here longer than Lebs, though, so maybe not the perfect analogy lol)

There's about 200 thousand of them in here from the last census (if I remember correctly) and they mostly concentrate themselves in Sydney, followed by the other capital cities.

And yeah, a lot of us Aussie Somalis grew up with Lebanese people since they're heavily involved in running the Australian Muslim community from the organizers of Islamic events in the local masjid to the construction workers who built it.

We get along well with them in general. Nothing out of the ordinary worth mentioning, like anti-Somali bullying or us bullying them.


Plotting world domination
Woah can’t defend this guy no mo. Same name camaraderie can only go so far. Nigga should have said you guy are none for being cannibals or something.
Bro will never say anything like that. He could easily get ed. He's too pussy to roast back that way
Bro will never say anything like that. He could easily get ed. He's too pussy to roast back that way
True. It just crazy that a Haitian is talking. There’s a warlord that goes by the name Barbecue that has control of his country. Do you know why they call him barbecue? It’s because roasts people over a fire and proceeds to consume their flesh. :wow1:
how is he letting that deformed teenage mutant ninja turtle talk like that......

" we sexy" kulaha i dont even have to talk about this

"good food" mud cakes and human flesh?


as for the human flesh, dont advice u to search it up but videos of a haitian literally roasting some dead guy's leg and taking a bite off it went viral

also "good history" like what? getting continually fucked by the french, revolting(titled slave revolt lmao) and after independence being ruled by different factions of gangs and mobsters?

nigga mentioned the most generic shit and funny thing is none of them even apply

Yusuf M

How the hell can a Haitian talk shit???
I know Somalia has problems. But these Haitian negroes have been independent since 1825 and have ever since been the poorest and most unstable country in the western hemisphere.
this is why I don't like yusuf7n, his whole fame is just self-deprecating and being laughed at, he's like a worse AJ Shabeel.

We need entertainers that are confident and secure, not entertainers that are successful through being the butt of jokes and self-deprecating humor.

Dude posted a picture of his terrible hairline/haircut knowing that he would be made fun of and knowing people would crack jokes at somalis about it, that isn't the shit we need.
Now that Ysuf got infinite ammo to flame his ass with the eating cats allegations… you guys think Yusuf will grow a backbone and awaken his inner somali and get the job done ?