President HSM names Asad Diyaano as Head of National Police


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
deni has been a spoiler hindering Somalia’s progress for far too long. honestly might want sharif to back down and for HSM to be re-elected if he deals with these folks for good. Deni is good for his own people, and the ideas he pushes are something that the leader needs to adopt, however he’s responsible for getting in the way of too many agreements, and there’s no better way to affect the power dynamic in PL than by getting the oil money to expand psf aswell as softly subduing them by force of arms. Madobe and deni are great people, so it’s a shame such measures may be taken by the president with the help of Egypt to the country’s benefit.
Puntland first my friend Hassan gurgurte can be hutu dictator enternal we don’t give f*ck what matter to us is mother puntland

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
deni has been a spoiler hindering Somalia’s progress for far too long. honestly might want sharif to back down and for HSM to be re-elected if he deals with these folks for good. Deni is good for his own people, and the ideas he pushes are something that the leader needs to adopt, however he’s responsible for getting in the way of too many agreements, and there’s no better way to affect the power dynamic in PL than by getting the oil money to expand psf aswell as softly subduing them by force of arms. Madobe and deni are great people, so it’s a shame such measures may be taken by the president with the help of Egypt to the country’s benefit.
One man changing the constitution of fractured Nation by himself is progress? I wish and hope he never goes to Xamar to meet Garguurte. This fragile nation will never recover from another conflict which will no doubt happen again. Clan conflicts are almost 90's level thanks to part of this donkey arming clans. If you think a few PSF will do anything, you don't know know us. One thing we hate the most is shisheeye bootlicker.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
One man changing the constitution of fractured Nation by himself is progress? I wish and hope he never goes to Xamar to meet Garguurte. This fragile nation will never recover from another conflict which will no doubt happen again. If you think a few PSF will do anything, you don't know know us. One thing we hate to most is shisheeye bootlicker.
Puntland first my friend Hassan gurgurte can be hutu dictator enternal we don’t give f*ck what matter to us is mother puntland
When faced with immense stress Somalis side with the flag they believe in, it’s just that a sad decrepit who is anti Somali is the one who represents the blue flag at the moment.

I’m man enough to admit right now that this is beyond me. There’s no feeling behind supporting the current FGS except for imitating something I’m not, not looking for pity so spare it. Can’t imagine how the last loyal people to Somalia felt during the civil war, @DR OSMAN seems like someone who used to believe in the nation so he probably knows. Supporting the FGS at this moment out of fear of what’ll happen to the people who can’t even vote when it’s the government to blame fault feels like a betrayal of my own beliefs, which stipulate that all stakeholders are to be heard out.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
The first man who led Ethiopian troops into Somali soil was an Mx man and he used them against another sub clan of Mx killing 1000s of innocent civilians in Luuq, Gedo. Ethiopian troops have since stayed in Gedo making it their biggest military base in Somalia.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) - (June 3 1995) The latest reports from Gedo Region, in southwestern Somalia, indicate that the people in Bulo Hawo Town are fleeing their hometown after the Ethiopian forces have started a major looting operation against the well- off people in the town.

The Somali National Front spokesman (SNF), Ibrahim Jama Howleh, has accused what he called the Ethiopian occupation forces for ransacking the major food stores of the town.

Speaking to reporters here in Mogadishu Thursday, Howleh said the Ethiopians have taken away four field radios and over 500 quintals of sugar and others food items from three food stores in the town Wednesday.

The SNF spokesman did not speak about killing or torturing of civilians by the Ethiopians, but he has called the international community to put pressure on the Ethiopian government to withdraw its forces from Somalia.

The spokesman asked the UN, OAU, other regional and international organizations to help stop what he called the Ethiopian aggression and intervention in Somalia.

Independent sources from the town of Bulo Hawo, however, confirmed that the Ethiopian forces stationed in the town have launched a looting operation against three major food stores.

There is no apparent reason why the Ethiopians have begun the looting, but sources close to the area said the Ethiopians have suspected those businessmen of supporting General Omar Hmar Hajji Masalleh, chairman of the SNF.

The Ethiopian forces had used to support General Masalleh during their pursuing of the Al-Itihad fundamentalist group in 1996 and 1997, but General Masalleh and Ethiopia have fallen apart after the General had signed the Cairo peace deal opposed by Ethiopia together with the Somali factions in late 1997. And since then, the Ethiopians have supported late Ali Nur, General Masalleh's political rival who was killed in a bloody ambush at the Somali-Kenyan border on April 8 this year.
Why u lying it was SSDF that brought itoobiyan to attack balanbale which was the first recorded time that itoobiya + somali agents destabilised a town within the ' recognized ' borders of Somalia,



SSDF was also a terrorist organisation which taught the precursor to AS bomb attacks.


SSDF also supplied itoobiyan weapons and bombs to hawiye millitas which would later use those weapons to kill civilians in all of konfuur



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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The first man who led Ethiopian troops into Somali soil was an Mx man and he used them against another sub clan of Mx killing 1000s of innocent civilians in Luuq, Gedo. Ethiopian troops have since stayed in Gedo making it their biggest military base in Somalia.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) - (June 3 1995) The latest reports from Gedo Region, in southwestern Somalia, indicate that the people in Bulo Hawo Town are fleeing their hometown after the Ethiopian forces have started a major looting operation against the well- off people in the town.

The Somali National Front spokesman (SNF), Ibrahim Jama Howleh, has accused what he called the Ethiopian occupation forces for ransacking the major food stores of the town.

Speaking to reporters here in Mogadishu Thursday, Howleh said the Ethiopians have taken away four field radios and over 500 quintals of sugar and others food items from three food stores in the town Wednesday.

The SNF spokesman did not speak about killing or torturing of civilians by the Ethiopians, but he has called the international community to put pressure on the Ethiopian government to withdraw its forces from Somalia.

The spokesman asked the UN, OAU, other regional and international organizations to help stop what he called the Ethiopian aggression and intervention in Somalia.

Independent sources from the town of Bulo Hawo, however, confirmed that the Ethiopian forces stationed in the town have launched a looting operation against three major food stores.

There is no apparent reason why the Ethiopians have begun the looting, but sources close to the area said the Ethiopians have suspected those businessmen of supporting General Omar Hmar Hajji Masalleh, chairman of the SNF.

The Ethiopian forces had used to support General Masalleh during their pursuing of the Al-Itihad fundamentalist group in 1996 and 1997, but General Masalleh and Ethiopia have fallen apart after the General had signed the Cairo peace deal opposed by Ethiopia together with the Somali factions in late 1997. And since then, the Ethiopians have supported late Ali Nur, General Masalleh's political rival who was killed in a bloody ambush at the Somali-Kenyan border on April 8 this year.
More fake news from our resident Majeerteen, Ethiopians invaded Gedo in 1996 due to Al-Itixaaad members helping their Ogaden brothers ONLF. We Marehan actually gave them a base to operate in unlike the Majeerteen who deporting Ogaden en masse to their Habeshi masters. Ethiopia had to invade to stop this, meanwhile Hassan Dahir Aweis pillaged your beloved PL and even captured Bosaso. You had go cry to Mama Itoobiya to save you.


True Puntlander
deni has been a spoiler hindering Somalia’s progress for far too long. honestly might want sharif to back down and for HSM to be re-elected if he deals with these folks for good. Deni is good for his own people, and the ideas he pushes are something that the leader needs to adopt, however he’s responsible for getting in the way of too many agreements, and there’s no better way to affect the power dynamic in PL than by getting the oil money to expand psf aswell as softly subduing them by force of arms. Madobe and deni are great people, so it’s a shame such measures may be taken by the president with the help of Egypt to the country’s benefit.
SSDF was fight the powerfull army in africa before anyone, we are ready to defend our state.