Reer Edmonton come get yo girl

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Suicidal men adore me.

YAAWWNN!! :abuxyga::abuxyga::abuxyga::abuxyga::abuxyga: this dude is soo boring and repetitive. This confused troll is still posting everybody know you are that steady state troll from somnet that claimed to be every qabiil under the sun.

Why this supremacy troll still posting everybody know youdat steady state troll from somnet dats claimed every qabiil under da sun foh wit your tired shtick

coming from the dude who made a thread praising his Tigray slave master. this whole part is laughable,

Ok steady state we all believe you



You're choosing to help these broads to try and oust a cherished elder of this forum?

Shall I consult with the other team HOH on here @Duke of Harshaw @merka @iNutEasily and have you thrown out of the squad and placed firmly and squarely into team SIMP with @Mercury where you can bake cakes and get manicures with the other broads on this site?

Don't make me force my hand, abti. I don't want to do it, but if you leave me no choice...
@Jubba_Man is bantu man with fetish for xalimos:wow:
You're reference point is a guy who has claimed I am Hawdian, Maliprince, Fighter, HalyeeyQaran, Sufiyon, and other prominent members from the old forum and this forum? A man who spends his days in trap houses getting high while on his phone complaining online about how all the excons are stealing all of the xalimos? You sure you want to hedge all your bets on this guy? :hemad:


Suicidal men adore me.
You're reference point is a guy who has claimed I am Hawdian, Maliprince, Fighter, HalyeeyQaran, Sufiyon, and other prominent members from the old forum and this forum? A man who spends his days in trap houses getting high while on his phone complaining online about how all the excons are stealing all of the xalimos? You sure you want to hedge all your bets on this guy? :hemad:

@Freebandz told me to search steady state. Blame that nigga liar.
@Freebandz told me to search steady state. Blame that nigga liar.

The young man was obviously been mislead and confused by some of the former and current crazy members on this forum who have accused me of being many different people with different agendas. Many of them have been banned for exposing members of this forum. Are these people you will place your trust in? The same people who think exposing Somali girls is not a big deal at all?
Answer the question. :stopit:


Suicidal men adore me.
The young man was obviously been mislead and confused by some of the former and current crazy members on this forum who have accused me of being many different people with different agendas. Many of them have been banned for exposing members of this forum. Are these people you will place your trust in? The same people who think exposing Somali girls is not a big deal at all?
Answer the question. :stopit:

Listen baby girl

I have nothing against you. I'm just a very curious person. I would love it if you could just tell me what you are. I don't care about qabil. Just tell me I'm ethnic irir samale or I'm a non ethnic Somali. I won't bother you. I promise you abayoo I wont share our secret. That's all.

And I don't trust anyone subhanAllah.


The young man was obviously been mislead and confused by some of the former and current crazy members on this forum who have accused me of being many different people with different agendas. Many of them have been banned for exposing members of this forum. Are these people you will place your trust in? The same people who think exposing Somali girls is not a big deal at all?
Answer the question. :stopit:
Tbf my assumption of him being steady state doesn't have concrete proof behind it alot of people said it was him basically I went with it
Kkkkkkkk hijab is used to cover the nappy hair. Some girls with hijabs are hoes. Hoejabis.

There's one guy was having sex with a Somali girl and the guy said take the hijab off and she said no but it was the only thing she had on. Kkkkkkkk
Somali girls who wear hijabs are hoes? Do you know the amount of girls who wear hijab? Why don't you stop generalizing.
Why are you broads on my case so hard? I hardly pay any of you all any attention, and you all seem to love mentioning my name on here and in the DMs and dedicating thread after thread to me. Unfortunately, I am not so attention depraved in the real world to be flattered by it like most of you in this forum. :ivers:

You should give some of that attention to a man like @AbdiJohnson. He is just as secretive if not more about his life and what he is (allegedly), yet doesn't seem to get even a fraction of the unwanted attention you depraved broads are giving me. He would actually love and appreciate the attention. :hova:


Suicidal men adore me.
Why are you broads on my case so hard? I hardly pay any of you all any attention, and you all seem to love mentioning my name on here and in the DMs and dedicating thread after thread to me. Unfortunately, I am not so attention depraved in the real world to be flattered by it like most of you in this forum. :ivers:

You should give some of that attention to a man like @AbdiJohnson. He is just as secretive if not more about his life and what he is (allegedly), yet doesn't seem to get even a fraction of the unwanted attention you depraved broads are giving me. He would actually love and appreciate the attention. :hova:

Aaaaw boo. You need to get used to attention, you're my latest pet. Please tell me what you is.


Suicidal men adore me.
My parents are originally from the NFD region, so that wouldn't be hard to figure out. I won't state what particular ethnic group, but I believe it was my great grandfather who was Somalized. He was originally of an ethnic group that is actually a bantu/cushitic admixture. Many, perhaps a majority, of them actually carry the e1b1b cushitic marker and for all I know, I could be cushitic seeing as I never took the test and the whole "bantu" thing is just to take the piss out of the gaalow and mentally unstable individuals on here.:chrisfreshhah:

@Jubba_Man dirty oromo.
Aaaaw boo. You need to get used to attention, you're my latest pet. Please tell me what you is.

Naaya, I'm far too old for you and your games. Go and find one of the many thirsty young Faradheers on here to engage in the puppy love that you seem to be craving. I'm not going to be that guy. Let my boy Kobe give it you:



Suicidal men adore me.
Naaya, I'm far too old for you and your games. Go and find one of the many thirsty young Faradheers on here to engage in the puppy love that you seem to be craving. I'm not going to be that guy. Let my boy Kobe give it you:


You got it wrong. You're my pet not my lover boy oromos get none from moi. Tatat
You got it wrong. You're my pet not my lover boy oromos get none from moi. Tatat

That is what they all say when they get rejected. "You weren't good enough for me, anyway!". Don't worry, you will get over it in time. Rejection is a natural part of life and not a big deal at all.


Suicidal men adore me.
That is what they all say when they get rejected. "You weren't good enough for me, anyway!". Don't worry, you will get over it in time. Rejection is a natural part of life and not a big deal at all.

So a little over a year ago you claimed rendille what are you gonna claim next month. Please let it be Japanese :russ:.
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