Reer UK soo gala

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The humiliation wallahi. I remember how reverts and others would discuss how easy it was to get Somali girls on Islamic forums. It was dark days. I bet you most of those xalimos are divorced. Theirs one xalimo close to my house, she married some mixed cadaan and asian guy, he was good to her, few weeks after she gave birth, he told her he was with another girl for months and he told her to stay away from him and keep the baby, he even told her not to name the baby after him wallahi. Sad shit

We have truly fallen hard.
Fallen is an understatement bro, I picked up my mother from one aroos, Somali girl getting married to a Nigerian brother. My mother was looking displeased so I asked her what happened, then she told me that the lady who was doing the buranbur said we gave you this girl for free, bragging, ilaahay ba kugu dharshee is that something to brag about? Imagine if that was a farax, he would be severely in debt, as much as it pains me to say this, but that Eritrean guy is 100% correct, I have soo much to say but I'll save us the embarrassment.


I urge all somali women to open themselves to lighter skin dna. We have to fight the bantuzation of the Somalia race
think just cause they light skin they automatically good looking :chrisfreshhah: :cryinglaughsmiley:
Blessed is beesha madow :rejoice:


future pirate king
alot of somali women come from broken homes, no dad in their life/bad relationship with their father, so they latch on to whichever man pays them any attention, sad to see they need some standards.
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Meticulously calculated...........
The humiliation wallahi. I remember how reverts and others would discuss how easy it was to get Somali girls on Islamic forums. It was dark days. I bet you most of those xalimos are divorced. Theirs one xalimo close to my house, she married some mixed cadaan and asian guy, he was good to her, few weeks after she gave birth, he told her he was with another girl for months and he told her to stay away from him and keep the baby, he even told her not to name the baby after him wallahi. Sad shit

We have truly fallen hard.

well she wanted ''a cute baby'' and she got one:mjcry::kanyeshrug:siilaanyolaugh


Bored to death
Ahahahahah Walaahida diinta ka baxaa l recognized two of them :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley: which makes me to believe that majority of these accounts are genuine, way tolaaay halihii waala inaga dhacay :O27GWRK:

I swear I done told u lot that if we don't do some drastic changes and appreciate our women, that's it! Haddaa wasi wayso, waalaguu wasi :drakelaugh::drakekidding:

And there is one in Hargeisa :deadmanny: ain't nobody coming from the west to shag u in shacabka:chrisfreshhah:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
ehh this thread isnt good as the back page thread:banderas:
the somali hoes in that thread:banderas:
linkkkkkkkkkk me fammm.

Broo you should see the tazanian baddies on that site i matched with this one ting with ass dayssssss

i guess bantu women aint that bad obamadatazz

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
you missed it bruh the thread was deleted by the mafia mods and my laptop that had the info saved broke down:mjcry:
one of em was cute two:mjcry:
i almost wanted to save her she was from here:mjcry:
Damnnnn you shoulda saved the number on email thats where i store my r rated stuff just in case my phone broke or laptop broke and put that cape on :superman:


her account looks legit LMFAOOOOOOOOOO

It is. She originally lived in Nairobi but moved to Hargeisa. It is sad though so many single
Somali girls. That is why the 4 wives culture of Somalis should be returned so those that
can't find love can be second, third or fourth wife.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
alot of somali women come from broken homes, no dad in their life/bad relationship with their father, so they latch on to whichever man pays them any attention, sad to see they need some standards.
How does it feel, if you holla at those hotties none of them will give you the time of day but the sand dwellers are eating good :ftw9nwa:


We gotta save these honey's brodie:banderas: Most of them are around 24-27 gotta :eating: Meesha barwaaqo ba ka jirta.

It's over if Abu Tyrone sees this site.:damn:
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