Religious clerics reject reservation of 30% of seats in Somalia parliament for women

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Canuck we need people like Farmaajo. Not Fadumo Dayib, that is pushed by every outsiders as the solution to our problems.
@Canuck atleast you can sense remorse in her qoute.

remorse for what? She is very opportunist woman, BTW her running for position was publicity stunt and never planned to run expect on media. Never visit refugees expect the South Sudan one and came to Mogadishu only for short visit where she did not go to camps or cities or towns. Also she is preparing her PH now and reason for running is that will help her in her CV.
what other choice do you:manny:

I think its a good idea infact I would say no naag anywhere parliament or hold public office.
yes the men are doing such a fantastic job already. we have the shittiest country in the world and we could not have done it without you. well done guys. keep out the women and carry on.


What will that change? Women in Somalia are as corrupt and clannist as men. It is better
to choose MPs based on merit (at-least that way they can get the job done).


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
They make better politicians than men I'd argue. Most male politicians who have wives from a rival clan are some of the most spineless idiots I've seen. Any female who even makes it to the political scene has enough guts to command her own


At this point, I would be interested in the outcome of completely flipping the narrative to limiting the men to 30% of the seats.

They ran the place into the ground and then some. The country literally has nothing zip nada to lose.

Do the ppl in these seats even have a lick of merit attached to their name to account for the space they take up?

If 99.9% of them minus the diasporans aren't goat herders and kiosk keepers come early morning, and politicians with no qualifications deciding the fate of an entire country come afternoon, I would not be surprised :cosbyhmm:

What remains of what used to be the Somali Intelligentsia has, or are soon to meet their deathbeds. What's left now but a bunch 'o illiterates that have never known peace and prosperity, and hold no knowledge?

Who knows what else is in store for the place.

I'm not holding my breath.
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I find this absolutely hilarious. These men don't say anything about foreign gaalo troops in a our country raping Somali women. They don't speak about Hassan Sheikh selling 50,000 Somali girls to Saudis. They don't speak about dumb Somali leaders selling our ocean to Kenya. They don't speak about qabil discrimination of minority tribes or girls being harmed by FGM. However they deemed it important enough to gather together to stop Somali women from having any representation in parliament, as if Somali men have been doing such a great job running the country. Somalia is in absolute tatters, I don't like to bash Somali men, however lets be honest Somali men have failed in every way possible!
LOL, be realistic. Small steps at a time.

There's no way there will be public LGBT officials in the Somali government in your lifetime.

It must be forced on them.

Western aid has (should have) conditions. Aid is supposed to be an investment. Taxpayer money shouldn't go down the drain.
You sometimes have to appreciate what Siyaad barre used to do against this Wahabi wannabe boys - he used keep them Wahabi guys on lock/ and in a jail.

for the benefit of the country physically and mentally.

He knew they were nutters on a loose.

I'll say lets ship them to Abu fingering / Saudi Wahabi club/country.
The countries that have the most women in Parliament are African countries. Other than Scandinavian countries, the west is pretty low in the list.

What would women do differently?
we have to get the opportunity to find out. the only certainty is that the men have monumentally fucked up and continued to do so for the last 25 years.

its almost insane to think that we still expect the same people to somehow develop brain cells and finally get us on the right path.
our country can't get worse than it already is so what difference does it make to try something new?
we have to get the opportunity to find out. the only certainty is that the men have monumentally fucked up and continued to do so for the last 25 years.

its almost insane to think that we still expect the same people to somehow develop brain cells and finally get us on the right path.
our country can't get worse than it already is so what difference does it make to try something new?
I agree that women should have more say in running the country but the solution isn't as simple as what you're describing.

Somali women are just as susceptible to tribalism, corruption and nepotism as men.

We need people that are competent to run the country. Gender shouldn't really be an issue.


Why should it be only 30%, if their qualified they should get as many seats they can get, furthermore it should be on merit. I am against any thing that's force on us by foreign nations,
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