Suicidal men adore me.
The thing is what happened between 1969-91 as bad as it was was much better than what came after it. The one denying that fact is you and you seem fixed on Barre. Clannism and clan misstrust existed before Barre and I would say thats the root cause or problem of Somalia. Barre tried to unite the country on national lines rather than clan lines but the end his goverment was influnced by clannish people around him and things went bad too worse after bad decision on the part of the Gov including Barre. As for ethnic cleansing and human suffering what happened after Barre was worse even here you cant take this highground but you are trying by crediting and blaming everything on Barre. Its not Barre fault that you cant make peace for 25 years nor his fault that the fabric of the country was completely destroyed even street lights being looted. And you avoided my questions so I ask again. When will things stop being blamed on a person dead for 25 years?
Barre did not try to unite the country under national lines. Somalia was better off without the regime. Yes we were a clan divided nation but Barre only reinforced that. Romanticizing the regime won't take away from the misery and death he caused millions of people. Everything that happened after the regime fall, no matter how horrible it was, is still just a symptom of what Barre did. I am in no way justifying any of the crime that happened after 91 just stating that it's a natural response to the regimes way of operating inside of Somalia. And how will the people have peace when there's lack of trust for a central government. Can you really blame them when all they remember from the last regime is human rights violations and clan based nepotism?
I honestly don't understand why I'm arguing with you. Your username is Odeg because you're from Gedo that alone speaks volume as to why you've showcased pro Barre opinions before. And why should we stop blaming Barre or the regime or even stop discussing what he did? They were the ones that created a suicidal state, poisoned wells, raped, killed protesting students, bombed the second largest city I could go on.