Saudi Arabia celebrates first Halloween


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Wahabbi Saudis have exported their violent idealogy too Somalia as today’s explosions in our nation is a perfect example of why Arab influence is detrimental too our nation.

Today they are enjoying Halloween parades while third world countries like Yemen, Somalia and Libya suffer immensely from terrorism:mjkkk:
Saudis "get to". Why is he saying it like it's a positive thing? As though they're "progressing" while other Muslim communities are stuck in the stone ages. Is this progress?
Good point, don't you see how he dresses and talks? He is a Western muslim so bit bias is to be expected.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Saudis "get to". Why is he saying it like it's a positive thing? As though they're "progressing" while other Muslim communities are stuck in the stone ages. Is this progress?
As in they have the option, but people under shaydan saudi terrorists don’t. They can’t even live halal normal lives, yet the saudis get to do whatever thing they want, haram and halal.
Wahabbi Saudis have exported their violent idealogy too Somalia as today’s explosions in our nation is a perfect example of why Arab influence is detrimental too our nation.

Today they are enjoying Halloween parades while third world countries like Yemen, Somalia and Libya suffer immensely from terrorism:mjkkk:
No one exported anything the Salaf and the ahlu sunnah aqeeda always existed in the Muslim is just got widespread and popular when Abdul wahab came telling people to follow or return to the right manhaj which inspired many Muslims to study their religion and read what the great salaf scholars said.


No one exported anything the Salaf and the ahlu sunnah aqeeda always existed in the Muslim is just got widespread and popular when Abdul wahab came telling people to follow or return to the right manhaj which inspired many Muslims to study their religion and read what the great salaf scholars said.
inspired kulaha, he was just like Al Shabab and slaughtered muslims from yemen to iraq and declared them to be kuffar. Nobody followed his ideology and he was destroyed by the caliphate and went into irrelevance until the British turned against the hashemites that ruled hijaz leading to al saud to take power and for them to bring back and spread his irrelevant khawarij ideology. Until his beliefs are destroyed, the Muslim world won’t be free from terrorism.
inspired kulaha, he was just like Al Shabab and slaughtered muslims from yemen to iraq and declared them to be kuffar. Nobody followed his ideology and he was destroyed by the caliphate and went into irrelevance until the British turned against the hashemites that ruled hijaz leading to al saud to take power and for them to bring back and spread his irrelevant khawarij ideology. Until his beliefs are destroyed, the Muslim world won’t be free from terrorism.
Lol what a nonsense gibberish you posted 😂 😂 😂 man you're jaahil in issues of deen and also in history in Arabian peninsula or the Saudi history. :drakekidding:

