Saudi Arabia celebrates first Halloween


East Africa UNUKA LEH
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Scholars from Saudi do nothing about it and are complicit. Saudi Arabia chose this route themselves, nobody told them to follow Lawrence of Arabia and help gaalo overthrow the Ottoman Empire.

I only trust the ones who have gotten in trouble with the government, the rest are cowards.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Lol what a nonsense gibberish you posted 😂 😂 😂 man you're jaahil in issues of deen and also in history in Arabian peninsula or the Saudi history. :drakekidding:
Khawarij aren’t khawarij for nothing. Turn back to allah swt! You who calls him a jaahil, needs ought to look in thy mirror! Thy reflection will be most unpleasant!
Scholars from Saudi do nothing about it and are complicit. Saudi Arabia chose this route themselves, nobody told them to follow Lawrence of Arabia and help gaalo overthrow the Ottoman Empire.

I only trust the ones who have gotten in trouble with the government, the rest are cowards.

Their reason for not publicly criticising the government isn't just fear of being locked up. They also don't want to plant seeds for a rebellion. People turning against their leaders leads to conflict, civil war and greater injustices being committed. Look at Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Libya etc..


Lol what a nonsense gibberish you posted 😂 😂 😂 man you're jaahil in issues of deen and also in history in Arabian peninsula or the Saudi history. :drakekidding:
In my opinion, MIAW is more extreme than Al Shabab. The former made takfir on an entire city (Najd) and made the blood of them all halal, because they didn’t want to be part of his movement anymore and we’re against killing Muslims. That would be equivalent to Al Shabab saying everyone in Jowhar is a mushrik. He wrote a book justifying it.

Source: Mufid al-Mustafid fi Kufri Tarik al-Tawhid by Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab.

It’s you who is misinformed.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Their reason for not publicly criticising the government isn't just fear of being locked up. They also don't want to plant seeds for a rebellion. People turning against their leaders leads to conflict, civil war and greater injustices being committed. Look at Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Libya etc..

KSA is an illegitimate state. They were created through haram means and will end by haram means. Syria is run by Shia, Somalia was by far not run Islamically and were a communist state, Yemen is shia/sunni divide and were originally split apart and Libya was mainly destroyed by westerners.

Nice try though. Khawarij will not get to have Hijaz for long. May they fall from disgrace.

KSA is an illegitimate state. They were created through haram means and will end by haram means. Syria is run by Shia, Somalia was by far not run Islamically and were a communist state, Yemen is shia/sunni divide and were originally split apart and Libya was mainly destroyed by westerners.

Nice try though. Khawarij will not get to have Hijaz for long. May they fall from disgrace.

Once someone is in a position of power, regardless of how they got there, the law is that you obey them. Rebelling leads to bloodshed and greater corruption. There's a wisdom behind its prohibition. What's ironic is that criticising and rebelling against leaders is khawaarij idealogy and those calling Saudi scholars khawaarij often call for this.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
No one exported anything the Salaf and the ahlu sunnah aqeeda always existed in the Muslim is just got widespread and popular when Abdul wahab came telling people to follow or return to the right manhaj which inspired many Muslims to study their religion and read what the great salaf scholars said.

Bro that’s cap, it’s well known that Saudi Arabia (with financial and logistical backing from the US) propagated austere Islam to Muslim countries in order to fight communism during the Cold War.

Wahhabism has always been a soft power tool for the Al-Saud family since Abdelwahaab was alive.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Haragwafi you are the one that clearly lacks Arabic history knowledge if you’re unaware of the Arab Cold War.

It is the reason why Somali became more Islamically conservative.

The Saudis paid for the scholarships of numerous sheikhs, built the Isbaheysiga Masjid and admitted Somalia into the Arab League in cahoots with the US.


In my opinion, MIAW is more extreme than Al Shabab. The former made takfir on an entire city (Najd) and made the blood of them all halal, because they didn’t want to be part of his movement anymore and we’re against killing Muslims.
Imam Mohammed takfeered only those who were persistent on Shirk after they learned the truth of what they were doing. Even the Ever-Glorious Qur'an declares anyone who contradicts truth and right guidance to be a Kafir (disbeliever). Imam Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab imitated Sayiduna Abubakar ra, by fighting the Arabs who Apostatized.
No one exported anything the Salaf and the ahlu sunnah aqeeda always existed in the Muslim is just got widespread and popular when Abdul wahab came telling people to follow or return to the right manhaj which inspired many Muslims to study their religion and read what the great salaf scholars said.
I used to think like you, I even had a debate with @World and @AdoonkaAlle and doing in depth research has really opened my eyes Wallahi. I was raised Salafi and now certain things simply do not make sense.
Can someone define Wahhabism please?

I find it very odd people would attack Sheikh Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab who during his time shirk was extremely prominent and wrote some of the best books using the Quran and Sunnah to call people to Islam. Kitab at taweed, qawaaid al arba.

Conflating sins committed by the royal family and Saudi government. Has nothing to do with Sheikh Abdul Wahhab. Can someone actually show things written by him that go against the Quran and Sunnah , where we could say this person isn’t a scholar of Islam.

Calling a Muslim a Wahhabi for warning against shirk, Biddah and sin who follows the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is just someone who is extremely ignorant in the deen.
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Salam sister.

To my knowledge the Ottomans never ruled the Najd region especially during his lifetime. So how he can rebel against someone that isn’t his Muslim Ruler.

His focus was on is own community issues and his stances regarding rebelling the ruler are documented.

What would you consider an example wayward beliefs just so I know what you mean?

I don’t know what hanbali scholars your talking about I’m not aware which ones were against him or the reasoning? If you could provide something I can InshaAllah look into to this as I’m not aware of that.


Repelling against the ruler is not permittted, even if he does immoral things, so long he did not enjoin disobedience towards Allaah. MIAW was a firm believer of this, in a letter he wrote to the people of Qaseem the Sheikh said:
I believe that it is obligatory to hear and obey the leaders of the Muslims, whether they are righteous or immoral, so long as they do not enjoin disobedience towards Allaah. Whoever has become Caliph and the people have given him their support and accepted him, even if he has gained the position of caliph by force, is to be obeyed and it is haraam to rebel against him.”

Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab did not repel the Caliphate because Najd where his call originated and first developed, was never under the hegemony of the Ottoman Caliph.
Salam sister.

To my knowledge the Ottomans never ruled the Najd region especially during his lifetime. So how he can rebel against someone that isn’t his Muslim Ruler.

His focus was on is own community issues and his stances regarding rebelling the ruler are documented.

What would you consider an example wayward beliefs just so I know what you mean?

I don’t know what hanbali scholars your talking about I’m not aware which ones were against him or the reasoning? If you could provide something I can InshaAllah look into to this as I’m not aware of that.
Too many people confuse Sheikh Muhammed AbdulWahab and Muhammed ibn Saud with the later Kings of the Saud family. It was Saud ibn Abdulaziz, the third emir of the Saudis, that fought with the ottomans and he didn't even attack them, the sharif of mecca and the pasha of baghdad, two vassals of the otttomans, attacked the Saudis first.
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Imam Mohammed takfeered only those who were persistent on Shirk after they learned the truth of what they were doing. Even the Ever-Glorious Qur'an declares anyone who contradicts truth and right guidance to be a Kafir (disbeliever). Imam Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab imitated Sayiduna Abubakar ra, by fighting the Arabs who Apostatized.
This isn’t true, The Wahhabis said clearly that the people of Makkah and Ottomans who ruled Makkah were kuffar. If you did not make takfir on them as well, you’re a kafir too. Equivalent to Al Shabab saying The Somali government is kuffar and the people of Xamar are kuffar, and if you do not make takfir on them then you’re a kafir as well.

"The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir (declare as disbelievers) upon the polytheists (Mushrikin) and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah.
So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the turkish state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and [upon] others from those who worship the righteous (Salihin) and left the Tawhid (monotheism) of Allah for Shirk (polytheism) and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger - sallalalhu 'alayhi wa sallam - with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion und hates them and loves Islam and its people.
This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Qur`an declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."

Source: al-Durar al-Saniyya 9/291

What does it mean for the people of Makkah to be kuffar? it means their blood is halal and they can be killed.

Ibn Bishr said while speaking about the incidents of the year 1220 AH:

وفي هذه السنة اشتد الغلاء والقحط على الناس ... وأما مكة فالأمر فيها أعظم مما ذكرنا بسبب الحرب والحصار وقطع الميرة والسابلة , وذلك حيث انتقض الصلح بين غالب وبين سعود , فسدّت الطرق كلّها عن مكة من جهة اليمن وتهامة والحجاز ونجد , لأنهم كلهم رعية سعود وتحت أمره , فثبت عندنا وتواتر أن كيلة الأرز والحب بلغت في مكة ستة أريل , وكيلتهم أنقص من صاع نجد , وبيع فيها لحوم الحمير والجيف بيعت فيها بأغلى الأثمان ، وأكلت الكلاب ، وبلغ رطل الدهن ريالين , ومات خلق كثير منهم جوعاً

Source: 'Unwan al-Majd 1/284-258

It's mentioned that there was a drought in that year. What did the Wahhabiyyah do in this situation against the people of Makkah?
They made an embargo against them so that nothing could enter the city from the direction of Yemen, Tihamah, Hijaz and Najd (because all of these regions were already under Wahhabi occupation), which made the situation in Makkah even more serious. The people had even started eating the meat of dogs and Ibn Bishr says that many people [in Makkah] died from hunger.

This is why Al Shabab use bombings on the people of Xamar like the one from yesterday, because they get justification from MIAW and the original Wahhabi movement. How do we defeat Al Shabab when the father of terrorism is being taught by Saudi sponsored Sheikhs in Somalia?
This isn’t true, The Wahhabis said clearly that the people of Makkah and Ottomans who ruled Makkah were kuffar. If you did not make takfir on them as well, you’re a kafir too. Equivalent to Al Shabab saying The Somali government is kuffar and the people of Xamar are kuffar, and if you do not make takfir on them then you’re a kuffar as well. How do we defeat Al Shabab when the father of terrorism is being taught by Saudi sponsored Sheikhs in Somalia?

"The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir (declare as disbelievers) upon the polytheists (Mushrikin) and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah.
So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the turkish state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and [upon] others from those who worship the righteous (Salihin) and left the Tawhid (monotheism) of Allah for Shirk (polytheism) and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger - sallalalhu 'alayhi wa sallam - with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion und hates them and loves Islam and its people.
This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Qur`an declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."

Source: al-Durar al-Saniyya 9/291

What does it mean for the people of Makkah to be kuffar? it means their blood is halal and they can be killed.

Ibn Bishr said while speaking about the incidents of the year 1220 AH:

وفي هذه السنة اشتد الغلاء والقحط على الناس ... وأما مكة فالأمر فيها أعظم مما ذكرنا بسبب الحرب والحصار وقطع الميرة والسابلة , وذلك حيث انتقض الصلح بين غالب وبين سعود , فسدّت الطرق كلّها عن مكة من جهة اليمن وتهامة والحجاز ونجد , لأنهم كلهم رعية سعود وتحت أمره , فثبت عندنا وتواتر أن كيلة الأرز والحب بلغت في مكة ستة أريل , وكيلتهم أنقص من صاع نجد , وبيع فيها لحوم الحمير والجيف بيعت فيها بأغلى الأثمان ، وأكلت الكلاب ، وبلغ رطل الدهن ريالين , ومات خلق كثير منهم جوعاً

Source: 'Unwan al-Majd 1/284-258

It's mentioned that there was a drought in that year. What did the Wahhabiyyah do in this situation against the people of Makkah?
They made an embargo against them so that nothing could enter the city from the direction of Yemen, Tihamah, Hijaz and Najd (because all of these regions were already under Wahhabi occupation), which made the situation in Makkah even more serious. The people had even started eating the meat of dogs and Ibn Bishr says that many people [in Makkah] died from hunger.

This is why Al Shabab use bombings on the people of Xamar like the one from yesterday, because they get justification from MIAW and the original Wahhabi movement.
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