Saudi Arabia celebrates first Halloween

Bro that’s cap, it’s well known that Saudi Arabia (with financial and logistical backing from the US) propagated austere Islam to Muslim countries in order to fight communism during the Cold War.

Wahhabism has always been a soft power tool for the Al-Saud family since Abdelwahaab was alive.
Man the manhaj of salaf or Ahlu Sunnah always existed in the muslim world there's no need for an outside help to spread that aqeeda since the saying of the salaf always existed in islamic libraries and it's free for anyone who get's into Islamic studies to read it.
I used to think like you, I even had a debate with @World and @AdoonkaAlle and doing in depth research has really opened my eyes Wallahi. I was raised Salafi and now certain things simply do not make sense.
I suggest you read the Quran the hadiths and the saying of the salaf scholars including the 4 Imams and the followers of Ahlu Sunnah scholars like sheikhul Islam ibn Taymiyyah Imam Ibn al Qayim Imam Al Dhabi and Shawkani.
This isn’t true, The Wahhabis said clearly that the people of Makkah and Ottomans who ruled Makkah were kuffar. If you did not make takfir on them as well, you’re a kafir too. Equivalent to Al Shabab saying The Somali government is kuffar and the people of Xamar are kuffar, and if you do not make takfir on them then you’re a kafir as well.

"The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir (declare as disbelievers) upon the polytheists (Mushrikin) and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah.
So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the turkish state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and [upon] others from those who worship the righteous (Salihin) and left the Tawhid (monotheism) of Allah for Shirk (polytheism) and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger - sallalalhu 'alayhi wa sallam - with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion und hates them and loves Islam and its people.
This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Qur`an declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."

Source: al-Durar al-Saniyya 9/291

What does it mean for the people of Makkah to be kuffar? it means their blood is halal and they can be killed.

Ibn Bishr said while speaking about the incidents of the year 1220 AH:

وفي هذه السنة اشتد الغلاء والقحط على الناس ... وأما مكة فالأمر فيها أعظم مما ذكرنا بسبب الحرب والحصار وقطع الميرة والسابلة , وذلك حيث انتقض الصلح بين غالب وبين سعود , فسدّت الطرق كلّها عن مكة من جهة اليمن وتهامة والحجاز ونجد , لأنهم كلهم رعية سعود وتحت أمره , فثبت عندنا وتواتر أن كيلة الأرز والحب بلغت في مكة ستة أريل , وكيلتهم أنقص من صاع نجد , وبيع فيها لحوم الحمير والجيف بيعت فيها بأغلى الأثمان ، وأكلت الكلاب ، وبلغ رطل الدهن ريالين , ومات خلق كثير منهم جوعاً

Source: 'Unwan al-Majd 1/284-258

It's mentioned that there was a drought in that year. What did the Wahhabiyyah do in this situation against the people of Makkah?
They made an embargo against them so that nothing could enter the city from the direction of Yemen, Tihamah, Hijaz and Najd (because all of these regions were already under Wahhabi occupation), which made the situation in Makkah even more serious. The people had even started eating the meat of dogs and Ibn Bishr says that many people [in Makkah] died from hunger.

This is why Al Shabab use bombings on the people of Xamar like the one from yesterday, because they get justification from MIAW and the original Wahhabi movement. How do we defeat Al Shabab when the father of terrorism is being taught by Saudi sponsored Sheikhs in Somalia?
The taakfir was first done by the rulers of Hijaz where Sharif Massoud denied hajj or entry to the holy sites from anyone coming from the lands ruled by Al Saud after his clerics failed in the debate with clerics from Nejd and yet Abdul wahab didn't taakfir the Hijaz rulers or its people.

فالشريف «مسعود بن سعيد» الذي عاصر الإمام «محمد بن سعود» عندما قدم إليه 30 عالماً من علماء الدعوة لمناظرة علماء أهل مكة، قام بحبسهم في السجن، بعد مناظرتهم التي لم يكن فيها وفاق بين الطرفين. وأمر قاضي مكة أن يصدر فتوى بتكفيرهم، كما رفض السماح لأهل نجد بأداء فريضة الحج، بحجة أن السلفية مذهب جديد مخالف للسنة وما عليه سائر المسلمين.

- تاريخ البلاد العربية السعودية ص133-137

After the death of Sharif Massoud his brother Sharif Ahmed the throne went to their brother Sharif Saroor the relations between Nejd and Hejaz improved and the Sharif allowed the Nejd people to perform the hajj in mecca but they have to pay a tax a lot more than what Iranians pay.


The relations went down hill when Sharif Ghalib took the rule in Hejaz in year 1202 hijra where he restored the ban on people from Nejd from ever taking part of the Hajj and takfring them by going war against Al Saud.


When the Sharif Ghalib failed in his conquest in Nejd to overthrow the 'Wahabi" Al Saud dynasty and returned to Mecca the tribes in Hejaz Tahama and Asir joined the Saudi Nejdi forces which put the cities of Mecca Medina and Taif in a siege


- إمارة الشريف غالب بن مساعد في مكة

Sharif Ghalib called for an aid from the ottomans but no use as the Sultan told him to make a peace with Al Saud as the Turks where busy in their conflict with European powers and more tribes in Mecca started to pledge their allegiance to the Saudi ruler in order the siege to be lifted and when the situation got bad the Sharif Ghalib paid his allegiance to al Sauds and siege in mecca was lifted and the Saudi forces entered the holy city without any bloodshed.

وصل الإمام سعود مكة (1221هـ/1806م) على رأس وفود كثيرة، فاستقبله الشريف وبايعه على السمع والطاعة، فأجلى سعود كل من كان من الترك في مكة ووزع الصدقات، ومنع الدعاء للسلطان العثماني على منابر مكة، وكسى الكعبة بأجود أقمشة الحرير الحمراء، فكان أول من كساها من آل سعود. ثم قصد المدينة فاستقبلته أحسن استقبال، وأخذ أموال الحجرة الشريف واشترى قسماً منها لنفسه، وباع وقسم الباقي على عدد من الأعيان، ورتب أمور المدينة ووضع فيها حامية وأجلى الموظفين الأتراك منها.

- ضم الحجاز في عهد الدولة السعودية الأولى ( 1217-1221هـ/1802-1806م )

Don't get your sources from anti Islam sites


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You're seriously a jaahil since you don't know what khwaraj is. the khwaraj still exist to this day and they're mostly in Oman where it's the state religion but your uneducated mindset think khwaraj must be anyone who has extremist ideology, learn the deen first before commenting on it.
The Office Reaction GIF by NETFLIX


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Subxanallah why isnt Sheikh Fawzan condeming this ? When will the Madkhali say NO this is haram!!


The shirkist Devil holiday has successfully penetrated the holy lands :kendrickcry:
Witches are human beings that want to challenge Allah/God. They believe God has a secret particle or atom as we know, that they try to discover aka immorality/living forever eternity.
That's why we created technology, because its a tool that will ease their struggle to find the atom or particle or what ever they are looking for. I mean God is all knowing right?

I don't know how but they want to challenge God, that's why we have the occults today doing their mysticism in the day of Halloween to celebrate their achievements so far in their research of God creation.

Just my perspective, don't take it seriously


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Witches are human beings that want to challenge Allah/God. They believe God has a secret particle or atom as we know, that they try to discover aka immorality/living forever eternity.
That's why we created technology, because its a tool that will ease their struggle to find the atom or particle or what ever they are looking for. I mean God is all knowing right?

I don't know how but they want to challenge God, that's why we have the occults today doing their mysticism in the day of Halloween to celebrate their achievements so far in their research of God creation.

Just my perspective, don't take it seriously

Nigga, hand over the percs.



The most eggcelent member
Somalia will not recover in our lifetime from the extremism created by the salafists
the terrorists were funded by outside nations, they only showed up due to ethiopia's invasion.

its not a salafi thing, non-muslim groups like the israelis want to see somalia in this state.

