Saudi Arabia celebrates first Halloween

The Omani royals are ibadi but most of their citizens are Sunni
I would say half and Omani authorities don't encourage Sunni activities nor does it include them in their Dar ul ifta council or the council responsible of religious matters which is full of Ibadi clerics while Shias are allowed to do their practices.
Im not even going to expand, but this is a completely satantic holiday, I have no words, only have thoughts of making dua for these lost people
things like this is exactly why other countries always ask to have someone be incharge of Makkah and Medina, go be Gaal if your other useless cities, give the blessed cities to actual *Muslims who act on Quran* to care for the 2, but they wont because without it they would be nothing

Hadith on Imitation: Whoever imitates people is one of them​

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.

عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ
4031سنن أبي داود كتاب اللباس باب في لبس الشهرة
2831 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث صحيح في صحيح الجامع​
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4031
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

1. Multiple members of the MS team have a formal education in Islam and some even teach at formal Islamic programs. Got no bootlickers tho.

2. Look how deranged these bootlickers are. A video criticizing the outright celebration of a pagan holiday makes you a kharijite!

3. What do you mean "going to be secular"? The laws of the country are already partially secular and they are openly planning to make it more so. But even if they decided to announce a full secular monarchy, your deranged aqidah is that anyone with the slightest objection is a dog of hellfire.

4. Did you miss the literally thousands of articles and videos we have criticizing kafir countries and the kufr of modern societies?

5. As always, look how the bootlickers are normalizing pagan rituals, calling it "laypeople wearing costumes." All of these things, they used to passionately criticize as haram, but since the gov promotes it, now it's halal. Same for yoga and literally temples of shirk being built. All good now.

You want to absolutely blow the mind of a bootlicker?

Ask him: If the "Muslim" ruler forces every Muslim in the country to renounce Islam and become an atheist, can you criticize the ruler for that, assuming the ruler doesn't openly renounce Islam himself? You can't know what is in the ruler's heart, so don't you dare make takfir of him.

I have asked some of them this question. The scary part? They gave the answer "no" or "I dont know."

This is not a hypothetical question, by the way. This is what the secularization agenda is all about in these countries: turning Muslims into atheists.

There are a lot of good brothers who unfortunately have been taken in by this bizarre bootlicking cult. Those brothers feel the inherent contradiction of bootlicking.

For example, you condemn Muslims in the West for celebrating a pagan-based holiday, Halloween, but if Muslims are celebrating the exact same thing in the Gulf, that's just "laypeople wearing costumes." This contradiction creates a tension and cognitive dissonance that is not stable. The good brothers eventually grow up and realize how silly this modernist, state-funded ideology really is. Then there are those who dig in the heels. Those are the real bootlickers, in truth.

They are no less deviant than the Compassionate Imams and the Dawah Mafia. Both the madkhalis and Compassionate Imams are bootlickers who -- lick different boots? No! They lick the same boots: the boots of the liberal secular world powers, which control the West and the governments ruling over Muslims in many of these countries.

Again, the defense of Halloween celebration from Compassionate Imams and madkhalis alike is just the latest example of this overlap.


