Self Hating Black Women who have betrayed their Black people

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Why are you guys so obsessed with AA women? And why are you ragging on them? Just like any race on earth, there are beautiful AA women and not-so-pretty ones. Making these blanket statements about them and putting white men on a pedestal - like some of you have done on this thread - shows your self-hatred and coonery rising to the surface.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The hair hatted hooligan is loud, obnoxious, vain, materialistic, arrogant, in your face always with an attitude illahay ba kugu dharshee who would want to be with a woman like that? Unfortunately xalimos are becoming increasingly like their madow counterpart ain't no one got time for a that's beefing the wind wax kala Iska dhaaf.
either way African American women are probably the most loyal to their men no matter their status.

you make it sound as if they aren't quick to call the cops on their man or publicly bash them. As for the title "most loyal to their men no matter their status"... i wouldn't think so.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
What exactly is wrong with marrying outside of your race?

Nothing if it's not something you ultimately seek. Essentially the necessitation to marry outside comes from either a downplaying of the opposite sex within your community or a resentment for your community altogether.

As long as it isn't something you desperately crave you're good. But if two women of equal attractiveness approach you with the same work experience (we'll say same personality traits) and one is from your ethnic group and the other is not... And you absolutely go for the one that is not, essentially there is an unresolved conflict you possess. No arguing around it. It's a grievance.


future pirate king
Nothing if it's not something you ultimately seek. Essentially the necessitation to marry outside comes from either a downplaying of the opposite sex within your community or a resentment for your community altogether.

As long as it isn't something you desperately crave you're good. But if two women of equal attractiveness approach you with the same work experience (we'll say same personality traits) and one is from your ethnic group and the other is not... And you absolutely go for the one that is not, essentially there is an unresolved conflict you possess. No arguing around it. It's a grievance.

Bullshit I just don't get along with somali women , we do not operate on the same wavelength. Doesn't mean I hate myself .
Nothing if it's not something you ultimately seek. Essentially the necessitation to marry outside comes from either a downplaying of the opposite sex within your community or a resentment for your community altogether.

As long as it isn't something you desperately crave you're good. But if two women of equal attractiveness approach you with the same work experience (we'll say same personality traits) and one is from your ethnic group and the other is not... And you absolutely go for the one that is not, essentially there is an unresolved conflict you possess. No arguing around it. It's a grievance.
What? Some men find women of other races more attractive than their own. It has nothing to do with hating yourself.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
What? Some men find women of other races more attractive than their own. It has nothing to do with hating yourself.

But why? Is there a genetic predisposition to liking individuals outside your community? Likely not, as we are acutely aware there is nothing that separates humans from one another and even if there was you would more than likely find your direct ethnic group the most attractive simply because of tens of thousands of years of breeding within geographic regions where communities tend to resemble their immediate neighbors and a small set of features usually to choose from.

So if it's not a genetic necessity then what is left? Cultural and conditioning. And the question is what would condition me to find woman outside my community more attractive than the ones within? Now are there completely innocuous reasons for this? Yes actually. Sometimes you aren't disposed to your own in such a way you can immediately find them appealing physically. But I promise you 9 times out 10 it isn't this innocuous.

Either way never a good look.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Bullshit I just don't get along with somali women , we do not operate on the same wavelength. Doesn't mean I hate myself .

But that's not physical attraction. That's a personality trait you have an issue with. And it's a generalization.

The post was directed in a way where both women had everything you wanted. If you still must go away from Somali women than that isn't a wavelength problem. That's a habitual choice you are making based purely on the fact that the woman is Somali. Stop posturing fam.


future pirate king
But that's not physical attraction. That's a personality trait you have an issue with. And it's a generalization.

The post was directed in a way where both women had everything you wanted. If you still must go away from Somali women than that isn't a wavelength problem. That's a habitual choice you are making based purely on the fact that the woman is Somali. Stop posturing fam.

Well personality is very important , sure I'll f*ck her if she's a but won't be in a relationship with her , sadly somali have something wrong with them. Perhaps it's the way they were raised , in insolation from men so they don't know how to behave .


You guys are trying to stretch this "self-hate" mantra to far-fetched ends.

There's nothing self-hating or wrong with finding other ethnicities or races attractive, or even in finding them more attractive than your own. It's preference.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You guys are trying to stretch this "self-hate" mantra to far-fetched ends.

There's nothing self-hating or wrong with finding other ethnicities or races attractive, or even in finding them more attractive than your own. It's preference.
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